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Start Is Back - 2.1 release

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Is it possible to add this feature:

Allow unlimited number of MFU applications in the start menu with vertical scroll bar and add an option to to choose from 3 different fixed sizes of the start menu ..

just to make life easier :thumbup

See suggested feature


Thank you

Yes, I second that feature request. :D


There is another update so soon this time!

Usually I install the new version onto the old one without uninstalling it first. And no problems related to the install so far.


Not completely sure if this is due to SiB 2.1RC2 but after uninstalling rc1 and installing rc2 I cant create groups on Start screen... if I drag a tile to the left side and a bar appears indicating new group tile will move there for about a second then return back to the place it was... can someone confirm if it is or isn't SiB related ....

Posted (edited)
I mean the Aero of the TaskBar
So do I. Turn on the disable taskbar translucency checkbox.

In this new version of StartIsBack 2.1 RC1 does not work in safe mode the start menu, the button does not appear. :no:

It's off by default since 2.0. You need to add following value to registry \SOFTWARE\StartIsBack key EnableInSafeMode = 1 (DWORD value)

in this way is correct?



for me not work.

thank you.

Edited by megaupload
Posted (edited)

I have found a small bug:

(left) Startcorner is disabled > open Networks (Systray) and let it open > then Startcorner is enabled

Edited by geneticplasma


I'm a licensed user of Start is back and having trouble causing my system to crash frequently. When I first started using the program as soon as I installed my win8 x64 I kept getting error messages crashing the system. It's always one of two errors:

1- Application prevented the use of my video card

2- ATI driver crashed and recovered

At first it wasn't clear that this was a result of having Start Is Back installed so I tried all sort of things to figure out what was causing the problem. I even came very close to buying a new graphic card thinking my current one is faulty. Needless to say that I've updated the program to the latest version and tried different variation of my ATI video card drivers but all resulted in the same errors.

After disabling Start Is Back, everything went smooth and never got any of the error messages above. Is there something I need to do to get this to work on my system?




Not sure if this is caused by StartIsBack, but I too noticed my system crashes when I had startisback. I currently don't have startisback and my system hasn't crash. Every time my system crash (after boot screen it shows a flickering black screen), I had startisback each time. Could be a coincidence, but maybe it's worth looking into since it has happened to me many many times.



Was there anything "personalised" about your installation of StartIsBack - such as a third-party skin or image for the start button orb - or were you perhaps using a non-Windows standard image for your Windows user-account picture - or were you using any sort of non-standard theme for Windows in general? Also, were you using any other patches or hacks - such as aeroglass or similar?



Was there anything "personalised" about your installation of StartIsBack - such as a third-party skin or image for the start button orb - or were you perhaps using a non-Windows standard image for your Windows user-account picture - or were you using any sort of non-standard theme for Windows in general? Also, were you using any other patches or hacks - such as aeroglass or similar?

Thanks for the reply. To answer your questions: I currently have everything on default value and I have uninstalled and reinstalled StartIsBack and I'm using an offical copy unhacked win8 pro. I just need to be 100% sure I'm using the default value for startisback so is there a file to delete that stores my previous settings? Because it seems even after uninstalling and reinstalling it seems my old settings are there (even after deleting all entries of the registry).

Much appreciate the help on this.


if I drag a tile to the left side and a bar appears indicating new group tile will move there for about a second then return back to the place it was... can someone confirm if it is or isn't SiB related ....

You mean dragging a tile to the right side? I've just tried doing it, and it is exactly as what you said. Perhaps Tihiy will fix this in the next update version.

Not sure if this is caused by StartIsBack, but I too noticed my system crashes when I had startisback.

What version of SIB did you install?



There is a button "Set default values" on Properties > Start Menu, have you tried it yet? But I don't think changing the settings of SIB can cause such problems. Isn't it that an application should allow users to change the options to whatever he likes without causing any problems?

My graphics card is ATI Radeon HD 5570, and I've changed some settings to please my eyes. No issues so far.



It's a bit difficult to diagnose a problem you used to have when you say things like "I currently have everything on default value..." That implies that you had non-default "things" when you had SiB installed and were having the crashes.

Did you have patches, hacks, themes, betas or non-default settings or applications in use at the time you had the crashes - not just relating to SiB but anywhere on your computer?

It is entirely possible for a perfectly good, stable application to be "involved in" crashing a pc - if another, unsafe application reacts with it. In that case, removing the safe application can stop the crashes occuring but the real cause would still remain.

Without at least that basic information, it will be completely impossible for anyone to even start to help you or decide what caused your reported crashes. All anyone can say for now is that this app is very popular and there is no widespread reporting of faults such as you are reporting - which suggests that there is something specific to your pc that is involved - if not actually the real cause.

The one thing I would say - and it also relates to your "I currently have everything on default value" comment...

If you have now re-installed SiB and everything else on your pc is completely standard - no hacks, betas - but that wasn't previously the case, you need to just leave it running a while and see if the problem has disappeared. If it has, you can retry any other patches etc that you were previously using until you find the one that actually caused the crashes.

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