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No Offense Intended


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Bookie is exactly right. My level of computer knowledge challenges engineers. I do things that 99.9% of users wouldn't dare. I open my power supplies, slim down Windows to barebones (every junk file, not just the easy ones), manually clean the registry.... And all without even an error message or broken component. I only come here in hopes that maybe one member has undertaken an insanely difficult project I'm working on, to get answers or confirm my theories are correct. But I ALWAYS ANSWER A QUESTION, NO MATTER HOW EASY, AFTER I RECEIVE AN ANSWER TO MY QUESTION. It's only fair. However, I try to answer the tough ones, and when I do play tech support, my answers are always professional and step-by-step, but I never receive the same treatment and am often left confused. Google only has answers to common questions. I'm the guy that innovates the question that very few people would even think of asking. Tech support always has to escalate my cases to the engineers, and even sometimes they don't know the answers.

The problem is the masses are lazy and don't want to learn. They want everything done for them. They think the computer will fix itself when there's a problem, and there will be problems. They think they can buy an OEM computer and just have fun. They think they're gonna share the same experience that a user who has sacrificed 10-20 years of their life to learn software and hardware does, not because they wanted to, but because they had to, to protect the investment. WRONG! A computer is a full-time job. And if you want to be lazy and just play, then don't buy one. Live a mostly non-digital life. A person isn't stupid for asking questions. Those are called smart people. Then you have those people who play smart by never asking questions to try and look like a know-it-all. Nobody knows it all and we all need help. We are human beings, not machines with god knowledge. A computer is a very stressful and time consuming thing. You need to ask yourself one question: is a computer right for me?

Edited by vipejc
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i believe you used to play bf2 alot with fthrjack? were you the guy whos a** i used to destroy in the jets :D

wow dude I think I am the guy back then in bf2. Do you still talk to fthrjack? I've tried to get in touch with him years ago but never could.

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i believe you used to play bf2 alot with fthrjack? were you the guy whos a** i used to destroy in the jets :D

wow dude I think I am the guy back then in bf2. Do you still talk to fthrjack? I've tried to get in touch with him years ago but never could.

no lost touch years ago google his name and you can probably find him somewhere, he was on facebook at one time but i think he deleted his account

edit i found his twitter acount ill pm you he doesnt seem active on it though :P

did sedative disapear of the internet aswell? the guy who had the "ileet" website

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Among those questions that never get answered, some are:

1) Truly unanswerable questions (= those that have no answer),


2) Still unanswered answerable questions (= those that have an answer, but no one knows it yet).

Sometimes it's really difficult to decide which of the above types some given unanswerable question belongs to.

This is personal opinion, you have made a valid point, but what about people who does things out of spite

because you haven't upgraded to the same operating system their using. I see it a lot when asking a question

sometimes the 1st thing you read is why are you still using Win98/ME/2000 etc..... You should upgrade...... Blah Blah..... The OS is outdated, Blah Blah..........

People should be helped regardless of what OS they use.

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This is personal opinion, you have made a valid point, but what about people who does things out of spite

because you haven't upgraded to the same operating system their using. I see it a lot when asking a question

sometimes the 1st thing you read is why are you still using Win98/ME/2000 etc..... You should upgrade...... Blah Blah..... The OS is outdated, Blah Blah..........

People should be helped regardless of what OS they use.

Its worse on non-technical forums. I have given up trying to help people there. The commonly accepted answers are

- you have a virus

- reinstall windows

- some other nonsense

- none of my answers


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Tripredacus :hello:

OK! Bit late in responding to this thread...pressure of work and all that.

I wanted to say that I am a grumpy old git at times, but do appreciate all the help I get on the forum .....

I am always recommending the forum to my friends that are serious computer freeks......LOL

If you think I am ungrateful at any time - then feel free and kick me up the backside :w00t:


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I am always recommending the forum to my friends that are serious computer freeks......LOL

Oh, oh :ph34r:

Logical impossibility detected ! :w00t:

*Any* "serious computer freak" will ALREADY know about MSFN.... :whistle:

You are either harassing real "serious computer freaks" with redundant info or recommending MSFN to "frivolous computer freaks" :rolleyes:



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*Any* "serious computer freak" will ALREADY know about MSFN.... :whistle:

Its surprising just how large this internet is. I've found many that either don't know or seem to be frightened by a tech forum. I say I can't help you (anymore), you should go to *insert forum name here* for help on that subject... but they never show up. :rolleyes:

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