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No. CD's do not play, but this is old news. The last version to play cd's is 0.86i.
I tried running the stand-alone version of 0.86i along side 2.2.0 but it threw up
errors about msvcrt.dll. This is no doubt because msvcrt.dll has been replaced in
the system folder. You might be able to figure out a way around this with
registry hacks (known dlls).

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Just curious if anyone has tried to play DVDs with VLC v2.2.0?  It will not play DVDs on my system, neither the .ZIP or the .EXE package.  When i click Media -> Open Disc... the DVD drive spins / lights up, but when i click the Play button, i get this error message:

  Playback failure:
  DVDRead could not open the disc "h:".
  Your input can't be opened:
  VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///h:/'. Check the log for

(My DVD is the H: drive.)  

Too bad, VLC was my default DVD player.  

- Doug B.

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Just curious if anyone has tried to play DVDs with VLC v2.2.0?  It will not play DVDs on my system, neither the .ZIP or the .EXE package.  When i click Media -> Open Disc... the DVD drive spins / lights up, but when i click the Play button, i get this error message: .....


I noticed that too otherwise I would have never even tried to test a regular audio CD with VLC.

DVD playback seem to be a little bit broken but what worked here on my system was when in the 'Media -> Open Disc'-dialogue to click browse and actually select the video_ts folder on the DVD.


@Schwups. I have no problems with FLAC files.

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Just curious if anyone has tried to play DVDs with VLC v2.2.0?  It will not play DVDs on my system, neither the .ZIP or the .EXE package.  When i click Media -> Open Disc... the DVD drive spins / lights up, but when i click the Play button, i get this error message: .....


I noticed that too otherwise I would have never even tried to test a regular audio CD with VLC.

DVD playback seem to be a little bit broken but what worked here on my system was when in the 'Media -> Open Disc'-dialogue to click browse and actually select the video_ts folder on the DVD.




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Ok, partial success.  VLC 2.2.0 does open the DVD using MiKl's method.  However, DVD playback is choppy -- every few seconds, video pauses then skips ahead (dropping frames?).  Not really watchable.  

VLC 2.1.5 works flawlessly, and DVD playback is smooth as a baby's butt (as with my other players).  System: Pentium 4, 2.4 ghz, 1g RAM.  DVD: 16x, 2048 KB buffer, ATAPI.  

Any hints for VLC settings that might help improve playback before i go back to v2.1.5?  ("Increase priority" is already checked.) 

- Doug B.

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Ok, partial success.  VLC 2.2.0 does open the DVD using MiKl's method.  However, DVD playback is choppy -- every few seconds, video pauses then skips ahead (dropping frames?).  Not really watchable.  

VLC 2.1.5 works flawlessly, and DVD playback is smooth as a baby's butt (as with my other players).  System: Pentium 4, 2.4 ghz, 1g RAM.  DVD: 16x, 2048 KB buffer, ATAPI.  

Any hints for VLC settings that might help improve playback before i go back to v2.1.5?  ("Increase priority" is already checked.) 

- Doug B.

DVD playback is Ok here, not choppy, but the equalizer fails.  However it  works with 0.8.6i. The equalizer also works if I play e.g. mp3 with 2.2.0. 

System: ME; Celeron 440 Conroe-L on Intel G41; 2 GB RAM; DVD: Read 16x, SATA, Buffer 2 MB, Nvidia 7800GT (256 MB)

Edited by schwups
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@ DougB. In case you have not tested it yet - increase the cache and see if it improves playback.

-> Open Media dialogue -> DVD -> on the buttom click on 'more options'. I have 4000 msec. there and smooth playback.


@ Schwups. Equalizer indeed does not work while playing DVDs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to always be the bringer of bad news, but.... 


Audacity audio editor, new release v2.1:


  The MSVCR120.DLL file is
  linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber.


Ok, good news....  

As an alternative, current OcenAudio v2.0.15 still works with W9x and KEx:  http://www.ocenaudio.com.br/

So does current Wavosaur v1.1.0.0:  http://www.wavosaur.com/

- Doug B.

P.S.  Thanks everyone for the suggestions for VLC 2.2.0, but i wasn't able to get it to play satisfactorily.  Seems like many folks had issues with DVD playing, guess i'll wait 'til next release.

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 Audacity audio editor, new release v2.1: 


The MSVCR120.DLL file is

  linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber.



It runs if you have Kstub822 installed and have a definition for that function in the ini file such as GetNumaHighestNodeNumber=f1. This lets you use latest LAVFilters too.

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It seems that more have been changed in Audacity 2.1.

I receive the following error message.


AUDACITY führte eine ungültige Anweisung in
Modul WXMSW28U_CORE_VC_CUSTOM.DLL bei 018f:00f61a4b aus.
EAX=011f7618 CS=018f EIP=00f61a4b EFLGS=00010202
EBX=0000002e SS=0197 ESP=01aefb68 EBP=01aefb78
ECX=011f7618 DS=0197 ESI=010d03ac FS=5bdf
EDX=00d31000 ES=0197 EDI=0000028d GS=0000
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
f2 0f 10 05 78 e6 0d 01 68 20 d1 0c 01 c7 05 18
00ddcc79 00000002 00000000 0121dac4 01aefb9c 010b5ac6 010d02f4 010d0d28 00000001 00000001 00000000 cfea0071 cfea0071 01aefbe0 010b5b99 00f60000


Edit: Audacity 2.1 works on my main machine (P4/ICH5) but crashes on AMD/VIA

Edited by MiKl
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