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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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sorry, I really do not know what the problem might be, now I am typing from a fresh 15gb which has rambooted ok, so I believe it must be something to do with the vhd reducing process. have I deleted the wrong file? if so, what is the wrong file. could it be some math against the geometry of the vhd that I am not aware of?

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On 12/7/2023 at 2:11 AM, click-click said:


I finally have a single Win2Go flash that will boot on either Legacy BIOS or UEFI hardware. My problems started because I was on Win8 when I tried this. Win8 would not recognize the 2nd partition. On Win10 things went better, but I ended up with a blinking cursor in legacy mode. When I selected the boot drive with Winntsetup, I noticed that the MBR was yellow so I re-did the flash partitions with Bootice which made MBR PBr and Boot partition show up green. I then updated the bootfiles and BCD with Winntsetup. This fixed everything except for the bootmgr menu not showing in UEFI mode. I have 2 VHDs on the 2nd partiton so I can choose either W10 or W11 for booting. BIOS mode shows the bootmgr menu whereas UEFI mode didn't. I fixed this by selecting the checkbox 'display boot menu' in the UEFI BCD. I did not have to do this with the Legacy BCD, so I have no clue why UEFI does not automatically show the boot menu when the UEFI BCD has 2 boot entries listed.

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Do I understand correctly that the filter algorithm described above also works on *.manifest files?
Now the records look like this (only a part, in reality there are many of them), 2 pieces *.manifest


Is it possible to make the filter output not one, but both files? Like this

This would be convenient in the future after the update. And so after the update you will have to rewrite the files to the new version.

Or add some kind of switch to the line to allow 2 files to be displayed, not just one

Thank you

Edited by sakatgg
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The filter


matches for both:


Every wildcard filter will only keep the newest component (17763.1490), all older we be removed.

Whats are you trying to accomplish with all these files?

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Server 2019, these files are needed for the Role Active Directory and DNS server to work, and 2 versions of manifest are needed.
Active Directory and DNS server are not installed with one manifest version

I have 62 manifests that must be 2 each, the rest - 1 last manifest is enough, which the filter leaves

It may be possible to make a key (for example, at the beginning of a line) with which to set the filter - leave one last manifest or both versions

You can check it yourself, just delete even one manifest from the list above and Role Active Directory will not be installed, there will be an error




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Yeah, installing optional components isn't supported with default minwin profile.

Replace Tools\x64\WIMHost.exe

If you add a ! at line begin it should keep all version.


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1 hour ago, wuliyen said:

How to keep all files in \Windows\WinSxS\FileMaps?

Not, possible with the WinSxS.ini.

These folder are always deleted:


They should be only needed by Windows Update.
I'll rethink the last 4, maybe add an option for this.

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