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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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WinNTSetup 5.3.3

- fixed wim capture regressions
- fixed trusted installer could not access temporary drive letters
- automatically switch to wimlib, for non solid ESD (fix wimgapi crash)
- wincopy commandline volume mode can use filemode as fallback
- vhd drives can be saved and loaded from ini file

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JFX, thank you for new version!

But what means  "wim capture regressions" ?

And one more question: Is it safe to check "merge ide" checkbox to stay allways checked, or recomended not to be checked?

Edited by dimo70
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Last version could fallback to xpress compression and also ignoring the compression level.

I don't think "merge ide" will cause any problems, but i would not recommend to use it without reason.
I is really only thought to apply or copy a not generalized image to different hardware.

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winntsetup 5.3.3 crashed with windows 2022 datacenter desktop installation to new vhd

vhd was created, but winntsetup window closed when ran setup.

version 5.3.1 working well for same task with same environment (ran under up to date windows 10 x64)

Error window says "Applying System image failed!"

Edited by sharicov@gmail.com
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21 hours ago, sharicov@gmail.com said:


winntsetup 5.3.3 crashed with windows 2022 datacenter desktop installation to new vhd

vhd was created, but winntsetup window closed when ran setup.

Is a crashdump created or can you post the error information from event log?


21 hours ago, sharicov@gmail.com said:

version 5.3.1 working well for same task with same environment (ran under up to date windows 10 x64)

Error window says "Applying System image failed!"

Newer version will execute "Tools\x64\WIMHost.exe" to apply the WIM file.
If no error code is displayed, it could only mean that the program did not even start.

Maybe an antivirus program intercept here or WinNTSetup is located on a network share.

WinNTSetup tries to run WIMHost.exe with "trusted installer" rights maybe that is the problem.

Add a WinNTSetup.ini next to WinNTSetup_x64.exe with following contain, and try again.



Edited by JFX
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17 hours ago, JFX said:

Is a crashdump created or can you post the error information from event log?


Newer version will execute "Tools\x64\WIMHost.exe" to apply the WIM file.
If no error code is displayed, it could only mean that the program did not even start.

Maybe an antivirus program intercept here or WinNTSetup is located on a network share.

WinNTSetup tries to run WIMHost.exe with "trusted installer" rights maybe that is the problem.

Add a WinNTSetup.ini next to WinNTSetup_x64.exe with following contain, and try again.



Changing .ini file helped, working well now.

Thanks a lot!

Only remaining problem is WinNTSetup crashes after completion with no error message, but everything works then (new system appears in BCD menu and operational).

Edited by sharicov@gmail.com
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I am deploying Win11 23H2 22635.2486 EN into dynamic VHD,
I have the same error as sharicov@gmail.com
Helped with advice
But at the end there is also an error, the boot files were not created (you can see it on the screenshot in TotalCmd)
in WinNTSetup v531a everything is fine

BCD settings on screen 2




Edited by sakatgg
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The RunAsTI problem will be fixed.

Are you sure the second problem isn't caused by this NTLite source?
Please post the log file H:\Windows\Logs\WinNTSetup\*\WinNTSetup.log

And what happens if you manually run bcdboot.exe?

bcdboot H:\Windows /s H: /f BIOS

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The problem is solved; in the lightweight Win11 from which WinNTSetup v5.3.3 was launched there was no c:\Windows\System32\bcdboot.exe. Added everything worked.

I also checked that indexing was turned off - it turned off normally. Thank you.

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thank u ever so much jfx. Everything works here, but I am not so significant a tester, as I have always run ur winntsetup from powerrunx64.exe. so no issues so far. the only think that did not work at the outset was wimmization with winlib, which I righted immediately by switching to w**api or something like that (the alternative provided, I mean).

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