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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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The grub4dos (normal and for UEFI) is available already compiled on its github page:


There are usually no issues in having a "base VHD" with the OS and another attached VHD with all the programs (though not all "portable" programs are really-really fully portable)

As a side note there is a relatively new feature of grub4dos (for UEFI) that allows using differential VHD's, that probably would be what you want to achieve, a "base", immutable, OS (in a VHD) and everything else on a "child" VHD.

But I believe you are wanting too much all together, IMHO you should start with a simple - surely working - approach first, to get the hang of tools and methods, try this thingy by Wimb:



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You don't need to read all the 9 pages of that topic mentioned by our friend Jaclaz.

Read this 3 posts, all info you require is there:

Building your MinWin:



Testing Differential VHDs made from MinWin installations:



Edited by alacran
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For the record your friend jaclaz meant to point to the whole thread (as he actually did), not to your specific posts that are "latest" but that imply already some experience with the tools involved.


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What I need to do? The error means "Installation disk not valid" but searching this in the thread returns nothing useful. I also want to ask the dev to add a option in the program to the user choose the program language instead of forcing current system language and also a button to update avaliable disks without assuming the user knows that they need to press F5 to do so. Thanks

Captura de tela 2022-09-09 121830.png

Edited by KaMyKaSii
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  • 3 weeks later...


After making several failled intents to Ramboot Differential VHDs by means of grub4dos for UEFI, this is the answer got from yaya to the issue report made in GitHub page of grub4dos:

Issue: https://github.com/chenall/grub4dos/issues/379

Answer: https://github.com/chenall/grub4dos/issues/379#issuecomment-1258001726


G4E once realized the first level difference, but it has no practical use, just an experiment. This function has been removed in the new version. No longer supported!

Differential VHDs are not directly supported anymore in G4E.  So no way to Ramboot them.

Only option remaining in grub4dos to filedisk boot differential VHDs (in MBR and UEFI), is by means of using the external command ntloader.


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After applying MinWin for Windows 11, the modern control panel does not open. Also, Personalization and Display Options in the desktop context menu do not open. Managed to figure out how to fix it. You need to copy the following dlls from the original image to C:\Windows\System32\
- SwitcherDataModel.dll
(is responsible for the initial call to the control panel)
- ServicingUAPI.dll
(responsible for displaying the content of the control panel)
- SettingsHandlers_Gpu.dll
(display options)
- SettingsHandlers_OneCore_BatterySaver.dll
(power options)

So far, these errors remain:
volume in tray not working (need to find appropriate dll for it)
calendar in tray not working (same)
explorer crashing when trying to change wallpapers (same)

MSI Afterburner not working (if anyone has managed to get it up and running, please let me know how).

Edited by enuser2k
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Thanks for these files enuser2k :thumbup

I have not done much with Windows 11, but the volume and calendar tray is working with classic taskbar using StartAllBack.

MSI Afterburner needs the 2008 VCRuntimes (both x86 and x64).
Seems I broke these installers, will be fixed.

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Yeah, with StartAllBack classic taskbar, volume and calendar tray is working.

As for C++ Runtimes, all versions are installed except 2008, as you said.

Also, in order to set wallpapers, you need to copy Windows.Management.Workplace.dll (not sure about Windows.Management.Workplace.WorkplaceSettings.dll).

And I forgot to say, if dlls are copied on a live system, you need to reboot the OS.

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Found the VCRuntime dependencys.


Not so easy to track, if it's a folder which is required.

MSI Afterburner shows an error messages when closing.
But I'll will not add fix for this in default profile.


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JFX, Awesome!

And I don't have any errors when Afterburner closes. Btw, I just created an empty folder TxR, without copying its contents.

2 hours ago, JFX said:

Not so easy to track, if it's a folder which is required.

It's true, it's like the "C:\Windows\Installer" folder. It should be there, even empty. If you remove it, any msi installers will not work.

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excuse me, I would like to know how to signal my intention to get rid of a certain filetype wherever it is found on the os disk/vhd, of course by a script string of this kind:




are they correct?

oh before I forget, is there any such thing as custom_command.txt, like in win_reduce_trusted, where one can place any string he/she sees fit?

if there isn't one, can I append strings to any list I find, or do I have to use a specific script for them to be effective?

tx in advance.



Edited by Antonino
just happened to close the hatch unintentionally before finishing the post
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Hi Antonino,

a line like "\*.kyk" will remove all files that match *.kyk and are not part of any whitelist.

As for custom_command, no currently there are none. Give me some examples, so I know what these commands need.
I mean I can add needed environment variables like %tempdrive%, %minwinprofile% or %OSBuild% before execute them commands.

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so will those files be removed from across the whole volume, regardless of where they are found?

my second question was related to a group of system32 and syswow64 root files that I have to keep in order to let my favorite software still work after the miniwin deletions. so I was thinking of as many instances of !\windows\system32\filename.dll and !\windows\syswow64\filename.dll as my files to keep to be appended to system32-dll.txt and syswow.dll respectively. but just in case I place these strings elsewhere, in some other scripts, will they be effective, viz, will the files be kept where they are even if the instructions are not in the proper textfile? 

do u mean environment variables make the operation handier and more viable? 

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11 hours ago, Antonino said:

so will those files be removed from across the whole volume, regardless of where they are found?

Yes, it will scan the entire drive.

11 hours ago, Antonino said:

my second question was related to a group of system32 and syswow64 root files that I have to keep in order to let my favorite software still work after the miniwin deletions. so I was thinking of as many instances of !\windows\system32\filename.dll and !\windows\syswow64\filename.dll as my files to keep to be appended to system32-dll.txt and syswow.dll respectively. but just in case I place these strings elsewhere, in some other scripts, will they be effective, viz, will the files be kept where they are even if the instructions are not in the proper textfile? 

Name of the *.txt file does not matter. Best to create a new "MySoftware.txt" that contains the whitelist or this specific software.


About custom_command.cmd in win_reduce_trusted you only get the driveletter as %WorkDrive%.
There could be added much more information... 

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