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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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Hello JFX! Thank you for your excellent program, I have been using it for many years, forgetting about the regular installer. I am Russian and made a translation of the missing lines in Russian in version v5.0 Beta 4. The lines below are from my 1049.dll starting from resource 88: 1049.

  1392, 	"Исходный код Windows не обнаружен!"
  1393, 	"Не удалось сохранить автономный реестр!"
  1394, 	"Ошибка создания загрузочных файлов!"
  1395, 	"Shift+F10"
  1396, 	"Запустить"
  1397, 	"Формат"
  1398, 	"Образ (*.iso;*.wim;*.swm;*.esd)|*.iso;*.wim;*.swm;*.esd"
  1399, 	"Образ (*.iso)|*.iso"
  1400, 	"Образы Windows (*.wim;*.esd)|*.wim;*.esd"
  1401, 	"Все файлы (*.*)|*.*"
  1402, 	"Исполняемые файлы (*.exe)|*.exe"
  1403, 	"uEFI SecureBoot"
  1404, 	"uEFI Non SecureBoot"
  1405, 	"%s %u %s free %s Space Align %s"
  1406, 	"Автоматический"
  1407, 	"Локальная учетная запись:"
  1408, 	"Полное имя:"
  1409, 	"Организация:"
  1410, 	"Имя компьютера:"
  1411, 	"Рабочая группа:"
  1412, 	"Объединить IDE"
  1413, 	"Avoids 0x7B - INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - Stop-ошибка для образов, которые не являются обобщенными,\n\nщелкните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы открыть ini-файл в блокноте."
  1414, 	"Выберите режим интеграции драйвера"
  1415, 	"(D)ISM Mode - поддерживает загрузочные драйверы (режим по умолчанию)"
  1416, 	"(C)opy Mode - просто копирует драйверы и позволяет Windows использовать их при установке устройства"
  1417, 	"Стиль разделов"
  1418, 	"USB3:"
  1419, 	"Добавить стек драйверов USB 3.0 / XHCI"
  1420, 	"Исправить Win7 USB 3.0"
  1421, 	"Принудительная переустановка USB-устройств"
  1422, 	"Сжатая Windows"
  1423, 	"Дополнительные исключения:"
  1424, 	"Игнорировать исключения, обрабатывать все файлы"
  1425, 	"повторно сжимать файлы с разным сжатием"
  1426, 	"Удалите автоматическую проверку (Boot Chkdsk)"
  1427, 	"Удалить AutoCheck из\n\nSYSTEM\\ControlSet???\\Control\\Session Manager, BootExecute?"
  1428, 	"Добавьте драйверы в WinRE."
  1429, 	"Системный раздел EFI\n\nОЧЕНЬ важно, чтобы значок был зеленым!"
  1430, 	"Этот раздел уже содержит установку Windows"
  1431, 	"Отключить Защитник Windows"
  1432, 	"Отключите Защитник Windows, антивирус и антишпионское ПО"
  1433, 	"Отключить службу поиска Windowse"
  1434, 	"Отключите службу индексации поиска Windows, которая вызывает высокую загрузку ЦП при первом использовании."
  1435, 	"Инициализация диска"
  1436, 	"Вы хотите повторно инициализировать этот жесткий диск и безвозвратно удалить следующие диски?"
  1437, 	"Да"
  1438, 	"Нет"



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Thanks for the translation. While you're at it, Final version will have 2 more:

1439, "Restore Classic Menus"
1440, "Always show the full context menus"


Edited by JFX
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Thank you added.

  1439, 	"Восстановить классическое меню"
  1440, 	"Всегда показывать полное контекстное меню"

There are several questions ...

There are several questions ...
1) I pack your program into one file "SFX" of the program "7zSFX_Constructor" and after I close the "WinNTSetup v5.0 Beta" outside 2 files are created "WinNTSetup.ini" and "WinNTSetup_mru.txt".  This is not convenient for me, because the settings file is not read from the inside of the SFX, but from a new, external file. Also, I have created a file with my file ISO/WIM/ESD, it is also created a new one outside and it is of course empty. How can you do as before reading from the unpacked SFX?
2) I created a file CMD and it starts up to "7zSFX_Constructor" and scans all disks creating a file "WinNTSetup_mru.txt" with my file ISO/WIM/ESD and your program picks up the list by displaying it, but can you embed something like that into your program?

CMD Code

echo [Source_NT6]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
  setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /l %%i in (65, 1, 90) do (
      cmd /c exit /b %%i
      2>nul dir /b /s !=exitcodeascii!:\*.iso >>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
      2>nul dir /b /s !=exitcodeascii!:\*.wim >>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
      2>nul dir /b /s !=exitcodeascii!:\*.esd >>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [Drivers_NT6]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [UnattendedFile_NT6]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [RegTweaks_NT6]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [OEM_NT6]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [RunAfter_NT6]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [Source_NT5]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [Drivers_NT5]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [UnattendedFile_NT5]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [RegTweaks_NT5]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [OEM_NT5]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [RunAfter_NT5]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
echo [VHD]>>WinNTSetup_mru.txt
exit /b



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1) It saved the window position and MRU outside the SFX, so it won't be lost.
You could make it unaware of the SFX, by removing the environment variable with CMD:

set 7zSfxFolder36=

Or change "SfxFolder" Unicode string in the SFX.exe

2) That would make the start very slow, but I will think about it

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  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v5.0

WinNTSetup 5.0 Final is out.

- mounting boot partition is disabled by default
- combobox list to select boot and installation drive
- MRU feature for most inputs
- mounted ISO in VHD menu will stay alive
- mounted ISO sources will be save with ISO names to ini
- regimport supports HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes (UsrClass.dat)
- regimport will effect all existing user profiles
- separate disable Windows Defender tweak (-nodefender command line)
- fixed WinRE could not display PNG compressed icons
- new gui font on Windows 11
- uses Mica on Windows 11
- ini option nodownload added
- command line source accepts wildcard
- new dikspart GUI with selectable disk and warn dialog

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Getting BSD with final Win 11 V21H2 x64 on first boot with WinNTSetup 5.0 b4

With WinNTSetup 5.0 Final getting "windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware." error message. (on computer that supports and runs native installed Win 11 V21H2 x64

Edited by sharicov@gmail.com
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try normal windows setup instead.


Yes, Ctrl+S works for this option, too.

Edited by JFX
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Glad you make it.
Indeed, the update of the boot configuration often causes that error message.
I have never found out what's exactly the problem is.:dubbio:

Even with the same BCD file, it does not always happen.

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I did a quick compare between v4.6.5 and 5.0 installing Win11 Pro and noticed v5 has

Using user defined unattend.xml: U:\SwApps\Tools4Maint\WinNTSetup\WinNTSetup_v5\\unattend\

whereas on v4.6.5 there is no such msg. Is the Win7-11-Select.xml applied in any way on v5, but not on V4 and
will this conflict with my unattend.xml which I normally copy to  \Windows\Panther\ and what does this WinNTSetup unattend actually do?

Other than that, Win11 installed fine, but I only booted into sysprep and did not go further. I tried Mode: wimboot on V5 and Win11 would not install and died.

All my drives are BIOS-MBR and was surprised Win11 did not complain and let me install on  my test partition.:thumbup

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Win7-11-Select.xml (a simple option for fully unattend installs) is only applied if you choose it.

With WinNTSetup there are not complaints about hardware restrictions, but it does not mean it will work. 

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  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v5.0.1

WinNTSetup 5.0.1

- Win11: disabled buggy Mica effect
- Win11: use new font only, if system font is Segoe UI
- fixed scaling with higer system fonts
- fixed combobox flyout high for high dpi systems
- fixed wrong log line
- ini load/save dialogs remember last selection

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