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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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Meigyoku, it's not clear to me what you mean with "the software say: Do not see EFI partition" :huh:

WinNTSetup mounts all EFI system partitions to the highest available drive letter, usually Z:

If the disk setup is obvious, it will also set the right EFI partition by default, if not you have to select it.

If the 3rd icon is red your selection will not be bootable.

Edited by JFX
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Meigyoku, it's not clear to me what you mean with "the software say: Do not see EFI partition" :huh:

WinNTSetup mounts all EFI system partitions to the highest available drive letter, usually Z:

If the disk setup is obvious, it will also set the right EFI partition by default, if not you have to select it.

If the 3rd icon is red your selection will not be bootable.

I will try later, thank you. I wrote that "the software say: Do not see EFI partition" because I did not remember but I will try later.

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Thanks a lot alacran :thumbup

Coming to think of the small complication with help file translation, the reason I chose Unicode was compatibility.

But is this actually necessary, as the language is loaded depending on your current OS.

Would not any encoding work here?

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Just for fun (and testing) I built a new Windows 8.1 wim a few minutes ago. I usually add NetFX3 and remove most Appx packages with DISM. Today I got the (official) update rollup ("Rollup A") which contains all updates that should have been in the RTM version in the first place (KB2894179, KB2883200, KB2894029) and added them to the wim as well.

...well, just wanted to let you know that this new .wim also installs fine with WinNTSetup v3. It shows the updated .wim as "6.3.9600.16408" (instead of the previous 16384 [edit, sorry]). Nice!

Edited by Atari800XL
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Thanks for the info, it's good to hear these huge updates install nicely with DISM.

Let's hope a properly coming "Rollup B" will also work with off-line install.

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So one last beta :)

WinNTSetup v3 Beta3 (10/15/2013)

- Windows 8.x no longer requires to download tools
- fixed bootsect.exe not found error when running in Windows 8.x
- fixed some problems running x86 version under x64 OS
- fixed tweak to disable shortcut icon wasn't working
- Help text is now ASCII, so you can edit the language.dll easy with ResHacker
Unicode and UTF-8 are still supported of course

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Is it me, or has something changed in the last few versions? Before (until some time last week?), hitting ctrl-sh-0 (from Win8PESE) found all (3) Product Keys in all primary partitions (also hidden ones), but now it only shows the Product Key of the active partition of the HD. Any ideas?

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Nothing changed as far as I know. All fixed partitions with a drive letter are searched for.

It would be possible to also scan hidden partitions, but don't think that would be so useful.

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I do remember I saw 3 product keys mentioned in the list at one time (remember I asked about saving all lines in that list), but I guess that must have been on an occasion when all primary partition were visible (I'm still not 100% sure though...). Thanks for checking, I was just asking because the beta stage seems to be coming to an end.

EDIT: Wait, I did this test:

(1) On testlaptop: Boot from USB (Win8PESE), start WinNTSetup 3beta (latest), press ctrl-sh-o: Only product key from active partition is shown. No "Y:" or "Z:" drives are mounted

(2) On "live" Windows XP on different (work) PC: p1 is hidden (w7), p2 is hidden (w8), p3 is unhidden and active: Start WinNTSetup, press ctrl-sh-o: 3 product keys are found, p1 is mounted as Y:, p2 is mounted as Z:

EDIT2: OK, now this is interesting:

- From XP, ctrl-sh-O shows productkeys from all primary partitions, even when they were hidden before (it mounts them as Y: and Z: in my case)

- From w7 or w8, starting WinNTSetup, then pressing the key, shows only the productkey from the active partition, the one that was not hidden.

This also explains why Win8PESE shows only 1 productkey.

Edited by Atari800XL
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Good observation, there seems to be indeed a difference in how hidden partitions are treated between NT5 and NT6.


Thanks, I've updated both.

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Just now, I was installing w8.1 32bit on an older PC, and noticed the "This processor does not support w8.1 64bit" warning (in the WinNTSetup v3 "Ready?" screen)..

At first, my reaction was that this warning should be removed (as it doesn't concern the 32bit install), but after a bit of thinking I guess it's actually a good warning, something like "You're about to install the 32bit version, and that's just as well, because this old piece of crap PC doesn't support 64bit anyways".

So please leave the warning in :whistle:

(looking forward to 3.0.20131101!)

Edited by Atari800XL
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