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MSFN board theme


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This theme is horrible, what was wrong with the default blue one? New Topic button on mouse over image is broken. Overall this theme makes it look cluttered and strains the eyes reading content.

Have you tried IP Board Mobile skin? You can select it at the bottom of each page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I opened the forums today I noticed completely different theme. It's horrible. How do I get back the the previous one?

edit: The link to mark the forums read is gone. There is no theme I could select anywhere. The options are chaotic. Seriously, if it works, don't fix it.

Edited by TheWalrus
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When I opened the forums today I noticed completely different theme. It's horrible. How do I get back the the previous one?

edit: The link to mark the forums read is gone. There is no theme I could select anywhere. The options are chaotic. Seriously, if it works, don't fix it.

While I won't comment on the quality of the skin at any point in this forum's history back to 2001, I will say that there are links at the bottom left for marking a forum read, etc.

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Well, I should have added "in my opinion/eyes". Sorry about ranting.

For some reason I cannot see the button to mark the forums read at all. No idea why (there is slight chance I am blind today, but I don't think so).


jeez. ok. I AM blind (Insert facepalm emote here)

On the other hand, it doesn't even look like a button and is almost hidden at the bottom of the screen. Guess it could use some cisual tweaking.

Edited by TheWalrus
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But of course. To each his own. But you know what - having only one theme is not very good. And when people get used to it, replacing it with other really sucks. Why can't we keep the old one(s)?

Edited by TheWalrus
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The old skin was IPB2 specific, and for various reasons it wasn't feasible to get it working with IPB3. The Orange and Blue theme we had for awhile was a bit jarring, but some people liked it. This current theme is a bit blockier, but it does return us back to the "old" MSFN color scheme which (in my opinion) is far easier on the eyes.

You'll get used to this one, just like the original MSFN theme (there were detractors to that theme too, for what it's worth, who said that theme "sucked" too). Change with a board upgrade as large as ours is unfortunate, but inevitable. Please don't take this as coming across as callous - I understand that there are issues with this skin compared to previous ones, but this one does actually work quite well once you get used to it. Give it a chance.

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I do like this theme!

I do like it a whole lot more than the previous light blue / orange one, that's for sure!

I was surprised, nevertheless, by the sudden change... but I do welcome it!

Thanks xper, I loved the change! :thumbup

(In any case, I've set this post to hidden because I wanted just to express my approval without fuelling up the thread).

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