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IE8 integration on XPSP3 breaks with "manual" install


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I think this may work. Try placing this attachment into HFTOOLS, rerun hfslip and see what happens. Please advise what you find out. I don't install with usb so I can't test.

Tommyp, thanks. I've been send to Taipei unexpectedly to solve a computer error, so today is the first day I could try to solve the problem, and whaddayanow: you already had a solution :D

OK. Downloaded it, tried, some small errors:

1. You have to add the new filenames to dosnet.inf too, as in:

IF EXIST SOURCESS\I386\advpack.mu_ (
COPY SOURCESS\I386\advpack.mu_ SOURCESS\I386\advpac1.mu_
ECHO>>WORK\TXTSETUP.SIF advpack.mui = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0,advpack.dll.mui
ECHO>>WORK\TXTSETUP.SIF advpac1.mui = 1,,,,,,,1005,0,0,advpack.dll.mui&ECHO>>SOURCESS\I386\DOSNET.INF d1,advpac1.mui

2. the last line contains an extra sourcess, modify it to

copy /y work\txtsetup.sif sourcess\i386\txtsetup.sif

With those modifications in place installing now works, both textmode and GUI mode, but my installation crashes after the final reboot. I see the Windows XP splash screen, it switches to graphical mode, i.e. screen turns blue and the mouse cursor appears, and then it reboots.

This can be an error I made, so do not look for errors until I've tried an installation using only IE8 and no drivers & patches. I will report back. At least we're getting somewhere...


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Sigh. Still not working. I've integrated IE8 only, see:

===============================================================================Files in your HF folder:IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe
Files in your HFCABS folder:wbemoc.cab
Files in your HFGUIRUNONCE folder:
Files in your HFSVCPACK folder:
Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder:
Files in your HFSVCPACK_SW2 folder:
Files in your HFTOOLS folder:7za.exeboot.bincdimage.EXEcmdow.exeEXTRACT.EXEHFANSWER.INIHFSLIP_POST_IE8_USB_V1.cmdmodifyPE.exe
Files in your REPLACE folder:

At T-13 it cannot find the file iertutil.dll. Looking up that one in TXTSETUP.SIF it has the do-not-copy property: 1,,,,,,,3,3 When I changed that to 1,,,,,,2,0,0 (ie copy it to system32) the installation completed, but still crasehd after the final reboot. You can vaguely see a window popping up with either the error "cannot open lsass.exe" or "virtual memory not configured". Whereupon the machine reboots. You cannot start it in safe mode either :(

Tomorrow I will borrow the ERD commander from a friend and see if I can change the registry so it stops with a BSOD instead of restarting.


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xy - thanks for the critque. I thought about what I wrote and figured there could be some errors with the way I just renamed things. This may work better? I rolled those changes in and redid some naming methods. The reason I have all those if statements is so I can keep it hfcleanup friendly. :)

Try this and report back. Hopefully it will help, but it probably won't. Regarding the prob you mentioned just above, is the setup finding hfslip.cmd (part of svcpack). If that doesn't get parsed, then probs will happen.



Edited by tommyp
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Tommyp, it didn't work. As you already thought :(. Oh, BTW: there is still a small typo in the script: line 57 is missing an "i" at the end: mu instead of mui.

The other suggestion for booting from an USB disk did not work either: I created my own USB bootblock by modifying one taken of a harddisk :P

It *is* a problem caused by hfslip: I build an ISO file using nlite and the modified IE8 installer somebody created for nlite, and that one installs without a hitch from an USB stick.

At the moment I'm fairly busy in my dayjob, to the point I have to work evenings too, if I find sometime in the near future I will compare the installs created by both programs and see if I can come up with a solution. But as you said: HFSLIP for XP is over five years old, people are moving to Win7, and you want to stop supporting it somewhere in the near future. And an hfslip built ISO still works if booted from an DVD, so no problem there too. It would have been nice to have an USB based solution, but hey, if wishes were pennies...

Thanks for the support so far.


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Yeah, I have been meaning to respond back myself about this, but haven't had much free time. Going to take this computer home and do it there as I have been rather busy here. I had done exactly what tommyp had attempted in the script, but did so manually. Everything copied just fine in text mode, but when I get to GUI, I get problems with MOF files that are part of the WBEM install as a result of the wbemoc.cab file. And even if I manually point them to files and get them to install, IE doesn't work when I get to the desktop.

For my own purposes this might be more trouble that it's worth, and just going to side with tommyp's original statement that this is meant simply for a CD install. It works great there, and if you try a different method, you really are on your own unfortunately. I don't like giving up on it, but I think fixing this will open up a LOT more problems elsewhere, and this could be precedent setting.

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  • 3 months later...

Any news on this issue yet? Now that HFSLIP is unsupported maybe we can as a community now work together on fixing this problem?

Personally, I sort of gave up on this as it was only going to cause more work for tommyp. I have my own personal 32GB flash drive though, so to get my computer up and running the way I wanted it, I used the USB installation method in the other subforum by ilko_t (the only change I had to do was modify the HFSLIP.CMD file under SVCPACK to look for the new USB pathing). This seems to have worked flawlessly to give me the needed space I no longer had available on CD, as well as gave me a way to modify the installation without burning another new CD everytime I changed some minor detail.

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  • 4 years later...

Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread .. but it might be useful for some..


Another possibility is making use of u3_tool which is able to partition ufd into a readonly and an ordinary write enabled partition and then load an iso into it. No additional changes (e.g. to hfslip.cmd) are needed. Just use the iso created by hfslip as is. The iso loading into the ufd is not very fast but it is an easy way to make an cd install to netbooks etc..


I tested u3_tool on a couple of my ufd (u3 and non u3) without any problems.

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Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread .. but it might be useful for some..


Another possibility is making use of u3_tool which is able to partition ufd into a readonly and an ordinary write enabled partition and then load an iso into it. No additional changes (e.g. to hfslip.cmd) are needed. Just use the iso created by hfslip as is. The iso loading into the ufd is not very fast but it is an easy way to make an cd install to netbooks etc..


I tested u3_tool on a couple of my ufd (u3 and non u3) without any problems.

I am not sure it is a good idea :unsure:. (with all due respect and with no offence intended :)) from a "safety" point of view.


That tool has been abandoned in an ALPHA state several years ago and it seems like supporting a very small subset of USB sticks:




It is not clear at all if the tool is something that in the worst case won't work on the specific stick/controller or if there is the possibility that by sending the commands to an unsuitable stick this latter can be "bricked".


Though not the easiest alternative (and sometimes even "as dangerous as" :ph34r:), if the scope is that of having a CD+"normal" HD like device on a USB stick, the specific Manufacturer Tool for the stick controller chip may be "safer".


Or at least one should be aware of the risks involved in both above approaches and be ready to consider a failed stick as a possibility.


It would be nice if you could share on the tool forum:


the exact make/model and Vid & Pid  (like the output of Chipgenius) of the sticks that worked with it for you.



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