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IE8 integration on XPSP3 breaks with "manual" install


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Tommyp, the way I understand it is that when installing from a network share or an USB stick the complete sourcetree is copied to the destination disk in the directory $WINNT$.~LS. The installer then moves the files to the final destination dir, usually C:\WINDOWS.

Because files are moved and not copied you can only do this once :(

Now look up the file aaclient.dll.mui in TXTSETUP.SIF from SOURCESS: you will see that is only exist once, as:

aaclient.mui = 100,,,,,,,,3,3,aaclient.dll.mui

This file will copy without error. Now do the same for advpack.mui.dll:

advpack.mui = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0,advpack.dll.mui

advpack.mui = 1,,,,,,,1005,0,0,advpack.dll.mui

*THAT* one has two entries. the first one gets copied, the second one gets you the error. I checked: destination 100 is system32\1025, destination 1005 is system32\en-US. All xxxx.dll.mui files are found in "100", but those copied to "100" aren't in "1005".

I had the idea to duplicate the offending files with slightly differen names, i.e. change the first character to an "y" or something, add them to dosnet.inf, and copy those to system32\en-US. That works. The "setup cannot copy the file: xxxx.mui" error goes away. The only problem I am still having is to rename the modified names back to the originals.

I know that it is possible to rename files (say from DOS style 8.3 names to LFN) using txtsetup.sif, but I haven't (re)found it yet.

Still trying :-)


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Tommyp, I've tried to slipstream IE6 (all directories empty except for SOURCE), install it from CD and you have an Internet explorer 6, install from a network share and Internet explorer will disappear. The icon is there, but if you click on it you get the internet options window. Just IE7 in HF will trigger the error mentioned by the topic starter when installing from a network share. Same for IE8.

Whenever the medium has read/write capabilities you're toast. Readonly media wil work fine. But hey, it's a fun error to solve. Keeps me busy :D


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IE7 did the same thing with reporting files, but only advpack.mui and ieframe.mui. Kind of surprised considering that some of the files I had problems with in IE8 are named exactly the same in IE7 so apparently they were only needed in one location in IE7. Going to look into editing the TXTSETUP.SIF file so that this should all work. I will have to make duplicates of the files in question and update the TXTSETUP.SIF so that it will have a separate file per entry.

Edit: Not going to be able to do that as it's the end of my work week right now, and with bad weather, I am going to get the hell out of here. :)

Edited by DeTard
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xyzzy - You nailed the prob. Now, I gotta ask - are those MUI files supposed to be to 2 places? Or just the 1005 directors? Or just the sys32 folder? Maybe install ie8 regularly and see what's where?

Tommyp, my home machines are all build using HFSLIP in CD/DVD mode. I logged into my company machine (which is installed using Microsoft SMS) which runs IE7. I installed IE8 + updates using Microsoft Update and a number of xxxxx.dll.mui files are found in c:\windows\ie8, c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\system32\en-us. So yes, files are located in at least two places. the windows\ie8 directory looks as if it is created at ie8 install time (all timestamps roughly equal).

My personal machine has an US-English version of XP installed, my wife & daughters' machines have a Dutch version. That TXTSETUP file has the same duplicate entries. I never noticed the problem until I bought a HP Netbook which needed a reinstall. So I tried installing from an USB stick and bingo...

As a side note: I'm using HFSLIP since last october. Before that I used NLite. Because NLite isn't maintained anymore I switched to HFSLIP. NLite does not have the problem. If I have a moment left of my "precious free time" :D I try to build a NLite tree and see what is different between SOURCESS and NLite.

Still having fun :-)


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Good. Thanks. The IE8 installer was getting parsed twice, when it should have only been run once. I believe its fixed now, but I haven't tested an install such as yours. Making a full blown xp source has way too much bloat. I spoiled myself with my hfcleanup and small ISOs. Please give the latest beta a whirl. It should fix the double entries. Report back.

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Detard - Are you using hfslip for work?

Actually no, I had in the past, but not with the change in license. At work I've gone back to simply using a bare XP SP3 install and installing HFs through a script after install. This is a personal project I was doing in my downtime. I guess I should have clarified, sorry. I normally bring in my home computer where I have more work room.

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Good. Thanks. The IE8 installer was getting parsed twice, when it should have only been run once. I believe its fixed now, but I haven't tested an install such as yours. Making a full blown xp source has way too much bloat. I spoiled myself with my hfcleanup and small ISOs. Please give the latest beta a whirl. It should fix the double entries. Report back.

Report back... Yes boss :D

Tommyp, alas, it looks like the problem is still here. Did a complete rerun from a "clean" set of hotfixes and checked txtsetup.sif. The entries are still there. Copied SOURCESS to an USB stick, booted from it, and it stopped again at advpack.mui.

Cannot check any further at the moment, real life interferes: it is quarter past eight in the evening here, and my wife celebrates her birthday today. I have to be downstairs and meet the guests OR ELSE :D. Will try again tomorrow.


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xyzzy - don't get in trouble. Not worth it. Feel like running a science experiment? See if windows with IE8 really needs the same MUI file in both the sys32 and the 1005 folder.

Tommyp, I'm not getting in trouble :). I'm 62 years old, and married to the girl for almost 40 years. No problem there...

OK, I took your idea and did the following:

Started the install from the build created saturday using hfslip beta-h. Wrote down the names of the offending files. There were eight of them. Same as listed by the topicstarter.

Stopped the install, and edited txtsetup.sif so the files would end up in system32\en-us and removed the system32 and system32\1025 entries. Started a re-install, and it now passes the txtsetup phase (no missing files anymore), but dies in the GUI phase at T-13. Bad.

Stopped the install again, took the original txtsetup.sif and edited it so the files would install in system32 only (took out the 1005 entries for those 8 files). Same error.

So yes, the installer needs the files in both places, at least iedkcs32.dll and ie4uinit.exe. Those were the files it could not install at T-13. If you continue the installation after that point it completes, but after the required reboot it will not start. The moment is switches from the setup screen to GUI mode it reboots. And reboots. And ...

Those two files are the configuration files for Internet Explorer, you need those, I presume.

Took me about three hours to get this far, it's eleven pm here, I'm calling it a day. Tomorrow is another day (and yes, I know where that line comes from :P ). I'm going to test is I can install them using the $OEM$ directory. We *will* find a solution :)


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If you got that far (t-13), then you can most likely do it at the svcpack. Look at the svcpack folder, there's a cmd file there. Alter it so that it copies the offending files. Here's a hint - pressing ctl+f10 brings up a dos window during the gui part of setup. :) You can manually copy it using commands at the dos prompt.

I suppose I could redo the slipstream part of ie8, but it will result in more files in the sourcess folder. At one point in time early in hfslip development, there were people complaining about a few extra duplicate files. I'm sure that the extra 5 or so files will again cause people to start complaining. You can never win at this game.

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I think this may work. Try placing this attachment into HFTOOLS, rerun hfslip and see what happens. Please advise what you find out. I don't install with usb so I can't test.

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