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IE8 integration on XPSP3 breaks with "manual" install


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I've been trying to run a manual install using WINNT32.EXE. I have been using the "switches /makelocalsource /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /noreboot /unattend:winnt.sif". The installer appears to be running properly, copying everything from I386 over, and I have to manually copy over some additional folders myself (such as WPI, and $OEM$). After rebooting, it immediately goes into textmode setup, checks C:, and then begins copying files from the local source. It appears many of the files from IE8 are having issues with copying though, specifically the MUI files including advpack.mui.

When I look in the EXE contents for the IE8 installer, there is advpack.dll and advpack.dll.mui. Is it possible that the ".dll" part of the name is erroneously being stripped out upon integration? I'm not sure how textmode setup is different depending on booting from a CD and running the manual setup from WINNT32.EXE, but if this is definitely not a supported function, just let me know and I'll try to figure something else out.

The normal install via booting from a CD doesn't have this same symptom, but what I've put on the CD (DriverPacks) won't fit on a standard 700MB CD and really that's the only option I have for this old computer I'm trying to work with.

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Why should the script be modded? All the documentation says that the purpose of hfslip is for a cd install? If you want to do something that the program isn't designed for, then you are on your own. Good luck.

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Why should the script be modded? All the documentation says that the purpose of hfslip is for a cd install? If you want to do something that the program isn't designed for, then you are on your own. Good luck.

TommyP, some of us have netbooks. No CD/DVD drive :( I know, I know, if you're so smart why don't you solve it yourself? Well, I tried. So far I found that it has something to do with the "~LS" directory. Whenever a file is moved to the destination dir (C:\WINDOWS mostly) it is deleted from the ~LS source. Your slipstreaming package creates a 1005 destination directory (system32\EN-US) where the MUI files are copied too. So first we copy say advpack.mui or jscript.mui, it gets deleted, and then the installer tries to copy it again to the 1005 destination. files is gone, -> error...

But yes, you are right. it *works* from DVD. Flawlessy. Because this is a read-only medium, and therefore no files will be deleted. Problem is that I had to buy an external drive to overcome this "feature". If I find a solution I will publish it on the forum. Because more and more of us need (or like) to install from USB media.

Pieter a.k.a. xyzzy

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Is it possible to boot from a USB card reader? I know with my SD cards for my camera you can lock them so nothing is accidentally deleted. That would prevent those files from being deleted. Just a thought.

Edited by krose
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Is it possible to boot from a USB card reader? I know with my SD cards for my camera you can lock them so nothing is accidentally deleted. That would prevent those files from being deleted. Just a thought.

Krose, I've tried it with a Kensington USB stick. Those can be write-protected. Close, but no cigar: the OS sees it as an R/W medium and tries to delete the files, result is that your installer crashes. At the moment I'm trying the following:

1. find which files are missing.

2. copy them to the I386 dir with a slightly different name

3. add those names to DOSNET.INF

4. Modify txtsetup.sif so all duplicates are resolved, i.e. everything which should go into system32\en-us gets a new name.

Takes a little while, and I have a dayjob where they expect me to do something different :) Will try it this weekend, if it works I will post is.


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xyzzy, please do let us know if you figure out a workaround. I do agree with tommyp that the script itself doesn't need modified, I was unaware of the scope of the project being only from a bootable CD (I've read the documentation, but honestly it's been a very very long since then), so if you can find a way to do this regardless, that'd be great!

Edit: Oh hey, post #50 and I'm finally a "Junior". Only took me 6.5 years! :)

Edited by DeTard
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I reviewed the script and the entries for the new IE8 files are put into dosnet.inf. But maybe something is overriding it? I dunno. I can't test all possibilities. The script renames the abcd.dll.mui files, because it txtmode isn't smart enough when filenames aren't 8.3 format.

Are you using hfcleanup at all? Can you ZIP and post your txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf files? Do you have a list of what files aren't being copied?

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I reviewed the script and the entries for the new IE8 files are put into dosnet.inf. But maybe something is overriding it? I dunno. I can't test all possibilities. The script renames the abcd.dll.mui files, because it txtmode isn't smart enough when filenames aren't 8.3 format.

Are you using hfcleanup at all? Can you ZIP and post your txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf files? Do you have a list of what files aren't being copied?

I had ran a few other tasks on the SOURCESS originally and ran into the problem I described, but to remove that from the realm of possibilities, I went ahead and tried to run again with a "clean" SOURCESS. No, I do not use HFCLEANUP.

Here are the files being identified:

  • advpack.mui
  • iedkcs32.mui
  • ieframe.mui
  • msrating.mui
  • ie4uinit.mui
  • mshta.mui
  • jscript.mui
  • vbscript.mui

Thanks for your time, tommyp.

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I just tried something slightly different to narrow it down to being IE8. I made a fresh HFSlip setup using a "clean" XP SP3 SOURCE and the only things slipstreamed was IE8's installer and wbemoc.cab. The same files were reported.

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I'm at a loss. I thought *those* files get copied over to the folder "1005" and then nothing else happens. I'm not too sure of an installer that causes the error. At what point does the error happen? During txtmode? During the gui part? t-13? Maybe you can try this... open hfslipwu.inf and delete the stuff in ROROE. Can you try that out and report back? Also, post up your hfslip.log file too.

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I'm at a loss. I thought *those* files get copied over to the folder "1005" and then nothing else happens. I'm not too sure of an installer that causes the error. At what point does the error happen? During txtmode? During the gui part? t-13? Maybe you can try this... open hfslipwu.inf and delete the stuff in ROROE. Can you try that out and report back? Also, post up your hfslip.log file too.

Those files are reported during txtmode. Unfortunately I've also found more files that happen in GUI as a result of wbemoc.cab I believe (almost all the files that are reported in GUI are listed in those files).

And yeah, absolutely. Give me a few and I'll let ya know.

I am attaching my log from when I used only IE8 which gave the exact same problems as when I did all the available updates as it is still relevant.


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