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Windows 98 Live Cd Project (Update)


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Or you can experiment with these:


the newish thingies by Alex Frounze seem "like it", but haven't tested 'em yet.

can you point me, where can I find this collection ?

there is an alternative to EXTRACT.EXE with name IMGCPY which may help BeatZero not writing scripts again.


I agree with the approach not using vdk, imdisk etc. for your project. bfi is very nice and easy to use floppy image creator with files, and further things seem to be on the route to solution.

I hardly find my olllllld win98se source cd (well, since I do not have any cd/dvd reader, it was a journey to a friend with an ufd and a dvd :)). I get unsuccessfull (I get startup screen of win98 with vmware v7 ....), so far I read there will be a next release coming soon and I decide better to wait. :thumbup

And a tiny request, can we have none-mandatory scripts that need download default unselected. :whistle:

Thanks again, it is a very nice project, one of a kind. :wub:

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Upadate 11/02/2010

*Completely removed VDK, now with the BFI - thanks jaclaz!

*For Windows98/ME users

With some changes in scripts and the removal of the VDK, the WinBuilder + Win98Livecd Project can be generated from a computer running Windows 98/ME + KernelEX

*Download here

Size: 26MB

*New topic http://www.boot-land.net/forums/index.php?...=10373&st=0


Edited by BeatZero
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Or you can experiment with these:


the newish thingies by Alex Frounze seem "like it", but haven't tested 'em yet.

can you point me, where can I find this collection ?

there is an alternative to EXTRACT.EXE with name IMGCPY which may help BeatZero not writing scripts again.

I don't get it. :unsure:

The page is here:


First few lines:


So, here are some tools I made. I figured that if I benefitted from them, why shouldn't others that use Bochs and Win32 be able to use them also. :)

The contents of MTOOLS.ZIP (461k) are:

Link to:


Inside the zip, a direcftory named IMGCPY, containing:

1) imgcpy.exe

2) imgcpy.c

3) readme.txt

Imgcpy.exe is a tool by Alexia Frounze (http://alexfru.narod.ru/) that will copy

files to/from images.

The first parameter is the source parameter, while the second is the target.

C:\>imgcpy readme.txt testfat.img=a:\readme.txt

Will copy the local file readme.txt to the test image as readme.txt in the

root directory of the image. The 'a:' tells imgcpy that the image file (testfat.img)

is a 1.44meg floppy.

C:\>imgcpy readme.txt testfat.img=d:\readme.txt

Will copy the local file readme.txt to the test image as readme.txt in the

root directory of the image. The 'd:' tells imgcpy that the image file (testfat.img)

is a hard drive and to copy the file to the second partition of the image.

C:\>imgcpy testfat.img=c:\a_dir

Will create a director called 'a_dir' in the root of the first partition of the

hard drive image named 'testfat.img'.

C:\>imgcpy testfat.img=d:\readme.txt readme.txt

Will copy readme.txt from the second partition of the hard drive image (d:) to

the local (host) directory and name it readme.txt.


imgcpy.c C Source code

imgcpy.exe DOS executable compiled with DJGPP (needs DPMI)

readme.txt This file.

Spoon feeding brought to an entire new dimension :whistle:


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  • 1 month later...

yeah im already onto it, i just installed internet explorer 6 sp1 on windows 98 original, then i copied msoe50.inf and msoe.pnf from the windows\inf directory, then i uninstalled internet explorer 6.0 , rebooted, then i right clicked on msoe50.inf and clicked "install", the installer couldnt find 9xmig.dll so i went to the ie6 install directory but it still couldnt find 9xmig.dll so i used 7zip to extract ALL of the cab files into one directory, then i tried to find 9xmig.dll file , it found the file but it gave a error message " cannot copy 9xmig.dll" ??? thats as far as i got.

I have got the same results you got. Hope this can be fix.

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yeah im already onto it, i just installed internet explorer 6 sp1 on windows 98 original, then i copied msoe50.inf and msoe.pnf from the windows\inf directory, then i uninstalled internet explorer 6.0 , rebooted, then i right clicked on msoe50.inf and clicked "install", the installer couldnt find 9xmig.dll so i went to the ie6 install directory but it still couldnt find 9xmig.dll so i used 7zip to extract ALL of the cab files into one directory, then i tried to find 9xmig.dll file , it found the file but it gave a error message " cannot copy 9xmig.dll" ??? thats as far as i got.

I have got the same results you got. Hope this can be fix.

I can't see any point researching it further as Opera has an email client and Outlook Express seems to be dying out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have encountered a problem with building the image after changing the Basic - Windows 98 Live CD Base settings. When Set Default Language or Set Default resolution settings were changed the script ends with a message:

ExtractFile - Failed to expand file: [shell95.bat] to: [%BaseDir%\Temp\Win98LiveCD\APP_TMP\Win95Shell\]

It happens also, after returning the settings to the previous values. The only solution is download the script, again. (The problem happens on Windows 98 PL with KernelEX.)

Also, I'm quite interested in adding a VNC server application to the build.


Looks like the 01-WIN98_BASE.script file gets decreased to just 64Kb, after altering the script settings. Since it should be about 8MB in size, the difference is quite significant.

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I was able to compile a version with UltraVNC server. It looks like quite an useful tool for remote rapairs, but the english language version does not handle polish national characters in file names. So, for the moment, it's next to useless to me.

Have anyone been able to compile a version with different than english language setting?

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  • 4 weeks later...

It’s a really cool project. Almost incredible!

I was looking for it for a long time!!

Now about my question.

OS started without any problems.

But can author or anybody tell me how can I make it to play audio and video?? And is it possible at all?

During OS is running, sound driver setup is normal. A new device (AC97) is appeared. But when wav file, for example, opening – error: no audio devices / no MCI devices, no audio mixers, ets.

So there is no “Multimedia”, “Sound” in Control Panel. Adding mmsys.cpl to Win\System don’t help

My next “plan” is to add required system files: mmsystem.dll, sysaudio… (I’ll be happy to know whole list) and to add special keys to system reestr (the same)

Video, I suppose, needs DirectX. So, serious problems expected too.

I’m keeping silent about codecs.

Despite, for me it seems really (but very hard).

So I’m asking all members, especially BeatZero, for some useful information.

What are you think about all this?

Can you prompt me better / easily way to add audio/video to this project?

Maybe non standard kernel makes it impossible at all?

Can anybody explain?

Thanks for answers.

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It’s a really cool project. Almost incredible!

I was looking for it for a long time!!

Now about my question.

OS started without any problems.

But can author or anybody tell me how can I make it to play audio and video?? And is it possible at all?

During OS is running, sound driver setup is normal. A new device (AC97) is appeared. But when wav file, for example, opening – error: no audio devices / no MCI devices, no audio mixers, ets.

So there is no “Multimedia”, “Sound” in Control Panel. Adding mmsys.cpl to Win\System don’t help

My next “plan” is to add required system files: mmsystem.dll, sysaudio… (I’ll be happy to know whole list) and to add special keys to system reestr (the same)

Video, I suppose, needs DirectX. So, serious problems expected too.

I’m keeping silent about codecs.

Despite, for me it seems really (but very hard).

So I’m asking all members, especially BeatZero, for some useful information.

What are you think about all this?

Can you prompt me better / easily way to add audio/video to this project?

Maybe non standard kernel makes it impossible at all?

Can anybody explain?

Thanks for answers.

The video driver used in this project does not support DirectX. So, video playback abilities of this compilation are very limited.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest EstevanTH

Hello, I am the French creator of the French Live-CDs of Windows 95.

<link removed>

For BeatZero:

When Windows ask me for restarting the system, it does not restart Windows, it reboots!

If I have understood your RunOnce.exe patch for your Windows 98 Live-CD, you replaced the reboot command by the restart Windows command with an hexadecimal editor or a resource editor. Do not I make any mistake? Can I do the same with all versions of Windows 95?

Thank you!

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Hello, I am the French creator of the French Live-CDs of Windows 95.

<link removed>

Nice project :yes: but if I understand it correctly you are (through your Forum) re-distributing a pre-made .iso, which is a no-no :ph34r:.

This "Windows 98 Live Cd Project", like a few others, which include the


and Winimize:


aim on the contrary to let people build their own Win9x starting from the files they already have.

Why don't you make available INSTEAD of the prebuilt .iso the methods, manual or automated, that you used to build the .iso?


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