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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Hooo-BOY!!! Had a heck of a time isolating where to download the LATEST of both HFSLIPFC and HFSLIP. For some strange reason, most links on the website fail for me.

Ennyhoo, got them from GOOOOGLE'ing...


DOH!!! should have looked in UpdateList Table#6. :blushing:

{OT}Playing with both nLite and HFSLIP, in addition to manual CMD-style using -X- Updates{/OT}

FYI - This is where I go for "bad" pages. HTACCESS? :blink:.

Errr... This is where I got into trouble. :huh:

Edited by submix8c
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Thx, -X-, for the info!

New file-checker for XP:

- Added: KB2779562 (Cumulative Time Zone Update)
- Removed: KB2756822 (Cumulative Time Zone Update, replaced by KB2779562)

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2012/05/04 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/11/29

Also thx to dziubek for reporting the bug (wrong destination-folder for reg-file) in the update-list.

And also thx to hfuria for the Brazilian Windows Messenger.

Edited by Mim0
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Hey, mimo, your site is having problems.

Hi jvidal!

Unfortunately I cannot do something if the web-server is down or has other problems. :(

Now, it works. Hopefully there are not often problems...

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Flash updated to 11.5.502.135. The about page and distribution download page have not been updated as of this writing but the download links will give you 11.5.502.135.


I think they should update tomorrow (or in a few hours). Adobe now follows Microsoft's Patch Tuesday for their Flash updates IIRC.

Edited by Explorer09
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Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP (KB2761465)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB2753842)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB2779030)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB2758857)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB2770660)


Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830)

KB2744842 in MS12-063 replaced by KB2761465

KB2507618 in MS11-032 replaced by KB2753842

KB2761226 in MS12-075 replaced by KB2779030

Edited by rulman
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beat me to it, rulman...

Wait, I forgot the root certificates update (dec 2012), rootsupd.exe

and, obviously, MRT 4.15 replaces 4.14.

c ya|

So, the November root certificates update is just a test release, isn't it?

Anyway. I've prepared the list: (sorry for repeating what other people say)

December 2012 Patch Tuesday

Windows XP

KB2761465 | MS12-077 | IE | IE6:35934 IE8:35962 | replaces KB2744842 in MS12-063

KB2753842 | MS12-078 | Atmfd.dll | 35845 | replaces KB2507618 in MS11-032

KB2779030 | MS12-078 | Win32k.sys | 35863 | replaces KB2761226 in MS12-075

KB2758857 | MS12-081 | Kernel32.dll | 35926 | (KB2758857 + KB968389 together replace KB959426)

KB2770660 | MS12-082 | DirectPlay (Dpnet.dll) | 35872 | None

KB931125 | Root Certificate update 37.0.2195.0 | 35945

KB890830 | MSRT 4.15.6902.0 | 16

APSB12-27 | Flash Player 11.5.502.135 | (also known as KB2785605 or advisory 2755801 in IE10)

Office 2003

KB2760497 | MS12-079 | Word | 35997 | replaces KB2687483 in MS12-064

KB2726929 | MS12-060 | Mscomctl.ocx | 36010 | replaces KB2687323 in the same bulletin (*)

KB2687627 | MS12-043 | Msxml5 | 35988 | replaces KB2687324 in the same bulletin (*)

KB2760582 | non-security | outlfltr | 36008

EDIT: And don't forget these:

KB2687481 | MS12-076 | Excel | 35715 | replaces KB2597086

KB2687626 | MS12-046 | Vbe6.dll | 35717 | replaces KB2598361 in the same bulletin (*)

Mimo didn't update the Office 2003 update list in November.

* : KB2726929 should be identical to KB2687323 but MS renewed the certificate inside the update. See Advisory 2749655.

KB2687627 should be identical to KB2687324 but MS renewed the certificate inside the update.

KB2687626 should be identical to KB2598361 but MS renewed the certificate inside the update.

I don't know why MS don't call them KB2687323v2, KB2687324v2, or KB2598361v2 respectively.

EDIT2: Yes, -X- is right. KB2758857 + KB968389 together replace KB959426. (I just forgot the secur32.dll in KB968389)

EDIT3: Add KB2687627, KB2687626. I missed these two updates before I check Windows Update.

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KB2758857 | MS12-081 | Kernel32.dll | 35926 | None (This does not replace KB959426)

I believe that KB959426 is replaced by KB2758857 AND KB968389.

secur32.dll is 5.1.2600.5753 in KB959426

secur32.dll is 5.1.2600.5834 in KB968389

Edited by -X-
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