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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Excuse my ignorance, but what is github?

Yet another filesharing service? OR is it sumthin' else?

It's not just for file sharing, it's for code sharing.

Some of the open-source software host their source code there. And people can make code commits or file bugs easily in GitHub.

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new file-checker for XP:

- Added: KB2727528 (MS12-072: Windows Shell)
- Added: KB2761226 (MS12-075: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers)
- Added: Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.110
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.14.6800.0
- Removed: KB2731847 (MS12-055: Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, v2, replaced by KB2761226)
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player 11.4.402.287
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 4.13.6701.0

Download: HFSLIPFC v.2012/05/04 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2012/11/22

Regarding roots upd V37: could we trust this very-silent update? Should I add it to the list?

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Regarding roots upd V37: could we trust this very-silent update? Should I add it to the list?

I think I should wait for a few days. MS didn't make an announcement about this update (yet). But, I can try installing it on a virtual machine and compare the difference.

EDIT: Here is my brief compare result.

(rootsupd.exe November 2012)

In "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\Certificates", 5 keys have been added by this update:


There are also 349 registry keys modified by this update in total:

342 keys in "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\Certificates",

1 key in "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\CA\Certificates",

6 keys in "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\ROOT\Certificates".


I found another strange thing. Perhaps this is a bug in Microsoft, but the file modified date inside rootsupd.exe seems to be misleading or incorrect.

For example, between the April and the November update, only these files are changed: rootsupd.inf, updroots.exe, updroots.sst.

But two of the modified dates stay the same.

Files inside the new rootsupd.exe (November 2012):

05/31/2012  04:54 PM            91,136 ADVPACK.DLL
11/02/2012 02:24 PM 75,116 authroots.sst
08/29/2011 05:08 PM 16,562 delroots.sst
07/24/2012 03:44 PM 7,273 roots.sst
05/16/2011 03:16 PM 1,610 rootsupd.inf
06/01/2012 11:48 AM 6,656 updroots.exe
08/29/2011 05:08 PM 375,712 updroots.sst
05/31/2012 04:55 PM 2,272 W95INF16.DLL
05/31/2012 04:55 PM 4,608 W95INF32.DLL
9 File(s) 580,945 bytes

Files inside the old rootsupd.exe (April 2012):

05/16/2011  02:52 PM            91,136 ADVPACK.DLL
04/06/2012 12:07 PM 75,116 authroots.sst
08/29/2011 05:08 PM 16,562 delroots.sst
03/14/2012 12:29 PM 7,273 roots.sst
05/16/2011 03:16 PM 1,610 rootsupd.inf
05/18/2011 02:01 PM 5,632 updroots.exe
08/29/2011 05:08 PM 368,180 updroots.sst
05/16/2011 02:53 PM 2,272 W95INF16.DLL
05/16/2011 02:53 PM 4,608 W95INF32.DLL
9 File(s) 572,389 bytes

Edited by Explorer09
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@Explorer0. also two updroots.exe in packages have some diferences. bolded.

old one (April 2012):


5.632 bytes



Windows NT, Windows 32 bit


İngilizce (A.B.D.), Unicode

5.1.2484.0 (main.010529-2005)


Microsoft® Windows® Operating System


Microsoft Corporation

© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



new one (November 2012):

6.656 bytes



Debug, Private build

Windows NT, Windows 32 bit


İngilizce (A.B.D.), Unicode

5.2.3790.4456 built by: dnsrv(ansaboor)


Microsoft® Windows® Operating System


Microsoft Corporation

© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



new one has a flag that Debug, Private build

Edited by ZEUS__
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@Explorer0. also two updroots.exe in packages have some diferences. (sic) bolded.


new one has a flag that Debug, Private build

I knew the difference already, but you didn't notice that the new updroots.exe is bit-for-bit identical to the one inside the rvkroots.exe.

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@Explorer0. also two updroots.exe in packages have some diferences. (sic) bolded.


new one has a flag that Debug, Private build

I knew the difference already, but you didn't notice that the new updroots.exe is bit-for-bit identical to the one inside the rvkroots.exe.

you totally right, I just realized it sorry.

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I found an error on the page:


Bad location of the destination directory for the file WindowsXP-KB2761226-x86.reg.

It should be HFSVCPACK instead of HF


Running HFSLIPFC v.2012/05/04 at 2012-11-24 14:47:52,56


unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB2761226-x86.reg

missing (S): HFSVCPACK\WindowsXP-KB2761226-x86.reg (Registry-File for MS12-075 (Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers))

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