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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Posted (edited)

Introducing the file-checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

To make it more simple to be up-to-date with the updates for Windows XP SP3 I wrote a tool that you can run before running hfslip. It will report problems regarding the selected main-components (IE, WMP, RDC).

It checks the contents of the subfolders of HFSLIP (HF, HFCABS, ...) and compares them with the actual update-list which is inside of HFSLIPFC. The results are:

- missing updates for selected components

- wrong updates (updates found for a non-selected component)

- obsolete updates

- unknown updates

- ...

An example of the output of the file-checker is here.

It will be updated as soon as the update-list will be updated.


You can grab this tool from my Windows XP SP3 Update-List.

(change-log, change-log update-list)

I've splitted the file-checker. Now it's a main-batch and (in my case) an extension for Windows XP.

In case that you use the file-checker still only for XP you will notice only an additional file.

In case that you want to use it also for Windows 2000, you can download a 2K-extension from Parseus here.

In case that you want to write a new extension, use this template here. Plz contact me because the OS-detection is in the main-script.



Edited by Mim0


hi Mim0! what will HFSLIPFC have (i.e., list of hotfixes to base on)? will this deal with all current & outdated files (like which update(s) replaces which update(s)? what if there were updates (from say sp2 that was left in hf folder), would this be disregarded? looking forward to this! cheers!

Posted (edited)
what will HFSLIPFC have (i.e., list of hotfixes to base on)?
Actually it's the content of my Windows XP SP3 update-list
will this deal with all current & outdated files (like which update(s) replaces which update(s)?
Yes. Outdated files will be remarked as "obsolete" (if known as outdated) or as "unknown".
what if there were updates (from say sp2 that was left in hf folder), would this be disregarded? looking forward to this!
It will be remarked as "unknown".
Salute! :D

Unknown-State and specialization of the update-list

For me (if I get the "unknown" state for a file) it's was a hint to remove this file.

But if someone use special updates which are not listet in my update-list, the unknown remark is not optimal (you have to check "unknown" files again manually which shall be avoided).

Plz read the remarks of the ini-file, especially FILESET. Here you can extend the existing fileset. You can write your special updates as extension (to the integrated updatelist) in a separate file (e.g. the hfslipfc.ini) to add more information (about missing and/or obsolete files).

But for this I will extend the (actually minimal) hfslip.txt to describe this.

Regards, Mimo


The list of actually needed files is (of course) up to date. But the information about obsolete updates could contain more outdated files. This is a think what I will also extend but if someone has information about outdated updates (together with the information which updated replaced the outdated update), plz gimme the info!

Edited by Mim0

mimo - This is an excellent tool! Thanks for helping the cause.

Can you do me a favor? I've been running with some hotfixes that I intentionally prefix (e.x., optional updates are named opt_, ie6 hotfixes are ie6-, etc). Prefixing the hotfixes readily identifies ie6 hotfixes, which aren't typically named like ie8 ones. Can you change your script a bit to put a wildcard before the actual filename when doing the commands? Using a wildcard will not be a prob for those who do not rename them. This isn't a critical change request, it's one of those if you feel like it type of changes.

Posted (edited)

hey Mim0! i tried this handy tool ... thanks!

a few thoughts:

1. could there be a short report after running the script (specifically, right after Press any key to continue ...)? or do we just scroll up (perhaps not as results could just either be short or very short)? ;)

2. will it be possible for hotfixes to be tagged as either: high priority or optional, just like how ms labels updates? or (S) as security update & (O) as optional be sufficient just like how the script shows it now?

3. how about this tool fitting as HFSLIP_PRE*.CMD & there'll just be a prompt to continue when one is done re-arranging contents of HF, HFGUIRUNONCE & HFCABS?

4. how about going through HFSVCPACK_SW1 & HFSVCPACK_SW2? do we just add it in this portion:

REM ------------------------------------------------
REM hfslip-folders to check. When using more than
REM one folder, separate them by semocolon.
REM ------------------------------------------------

thanks again for the tool. :thumbup


Edited by Kiki Burgh
1. could there be a short report after running the script (specifically, right after Press any key to continue ...)?
I'm afraid I didn't understood. :) The task for HFSLIPFC is to report uncorrect updates. What kind of report do you have in mind?
2. will it be possible for hotfixes to be tagged as either: high priority or optional, just like how ms labels updates?
These are already tagges with (S) = Security Updates and (O) as optional updates.
3. how about this tool fitting as HFSLIP_PRE*.CMD & there'll just be a prompt to continue when one is done re-arranging contents of HF, HFGUIRUNONCE & HFCABS?
I don't know HFSLIP_PRE*.CMD.
4. how about going through HFSVCPACK_SW1 & HFSVCPACK_SW2? do we just add it in this portion:
REM ------------------------------------------------
REM hfslip-folders to check. When using more than
REM one folder, separate them by semocolon.
REM ------------------------------------------------

thanks again for the tool. :thumbup


As far HFSLIPFC covers the updates of my update-list. For the case that you are using your own list (e.g. in a separate file - that's already possible) you can change the folders to check. This can be done in the HFSLIPFC.INI which is individual. But as default only these three folders are necessary.

Thx, Mimo


The idea is that this ini will be keeped even for a new version of HFSLIPFC. You can select your main components here but also additional updates or ignoring updates (with a personal remark). Than the folderset may also be modified.

1. could there be a short report after running the script (specifically, right after Press any key to continue ...)?
I'm afraid I didn't understood. :) The task for HFSLIPFC is to report uncorrect updates. What kind of report do you have in mind?
like hfslip.log ;)
2. will it be possible for hotfixes to be tagged as either: high priority or optional, just like how ms labels updates?
These are already tagges with (S) = Security Updates and (O) as optional updates.
hehehe ... you beat me to the buzzer here ... just went through the results & noticed the S & the O ... so i modified my post maybe less than a min before you submitted your reply :rolleyes:
3. how about this tool fitting as HFSLIP_PRE*.CMD & there'll just be a prompt to continue when one is done re-arranging contents of HF, HFGUIRUNONCE & HFCABS?
I don't know HFSLIP_PRE*.CMD.
like this from hfslip.org - advanced features:

You can write your own plugins/extensions to the HFSLIP code. CMD files of which the name starts with "HFSLIP_PRE" are called right before new binaries are slipstreamed into the new source while CMD files of which the name starts with "HFSLIP_POST" are called when SOURCESS is just ready (before ISO creation). These CMD files are to be placed in the HFTOOLS folder. Paths are relative to the location of the main HFSLIP CMD file. This feature is unsupported.

4. how about going through HFSVCPACK_SW1 & HFSVCPACK_SW2? do we just add it in this portion:
REM ------------------------------------------------
REM hfslip-folders to check. When using more than
REM one folder, separate them by semocolon.
REM ------------------------------------------------

thanks again for the tool. :thumbup


As far HFSLIPFC covers the updates of my update-list. For the case that you are using your own list (e.g. in a separate file - that's already possible) you can change the folders to check. This can be done in the HFSLIPFC.INI which is individual. But as default only these three folders are necessary.
tried adding HFSVCPACK, HFSVCPACK_SW1 & HFSVCPACK_SW2 apart from the defaults but didn't work (as reported here
Thx, Mimo


The idea is that this ini will be keeped even for a new version of HFSLIPFC. You can select your main components here but also additional updates or ignoring updates (with a personal remark). Than the folderset may also be modified.

thanks Mim0! :D
Posted (edited)

Hi Kiki

like hfslip.log
hfslipfc nopause >hfslipfc.log :D
Folderset will be used for searching for wrong/unknown/obsolete updates. Missing updates are independend from the folderset. See here :) Edited by Mim0

Very useful script :thumbup

But some update and cab is classified as "unknown", why ? Is this a bug or feature ?

Check for wrong, obsolete and unknown updates:


Unknown: HF\windows-kb890830-v3.2.exe

Unknown: HF\Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-FRA.exe

Unknown: HF\WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB917275-Client-FRA-x86.exe

Unknown: HF\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe

Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-FRA.exe

Unknown: HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab

Unknown: HFCABS\OGAControl.cab

Unknown: HFCABS\wuweb_site.cab

Everything else is fine ;)

ps: full log in attachments...


Posted (edited)
Very useful script :thumbup

But some update and cab is classified as "unknown", why ? Is this a bug or feature ?

hi cyberyeye! those that aren't in accordance with Mim0's list, in particular entries in tables 2, 3, 4 & 5, (as this list is the basis for cross-checking files, including those additional hotfixes that we have) will be identified in general as either "unknown" or "missing". Mim0 has still to figure out how to effectively identify if we have the latest files in HFCABS. i agree, indeed a very useful script :thumbup

i too have the following:

[font="Courier New"]Check for wrong, obsolete and unknown updates:
Unknown: HF\KB961742-v3.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 3)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\windows-kb890830-v3.2.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 9)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB917275-Client-ENU-x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 7)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 1)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HFCABS (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\MUAuth.cab[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HFCABS (table 11)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\MuCatalogWebControl.cab[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HFCABS (table 11)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\muweb_site.cab[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HFCABS (table 11)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\wsusscn2.cab[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 8)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\wuweb_site.cab[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- in HFCABS (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFSVCPACK\WindowsXP_KB968389_x86.reg[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 2, description column)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFSVCPACK_SW1\SmartCard_XP_x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000FF"]--- (table 9)[/color]

Edited by Kiki Burgh
Very useful script :thumbup

But some update and cab is classified as "unknown", why ? Is this a bug or feature ?

As Kiki already explained the Windows/Microsoft Update-things are not included yet. This comes in the next release. :)
i too have the following:...
I check it!

Regards, Mimo


Hi Mim0

Useful script. :)

Just to let you know I had my WMP11 put in HF\WPM11 folder (they are extracted files). Your script says:

Check missing updates for WMP11:
missing (S): HF\wmp11-windowsxp-x86-ENU.exe (Windows Media Player 11)

I know I dun have wmp11-windowsxp-x86-ENU.exe b'cause they are in extracted form. Maybe you can look into it. Thanks

i too have the following:
[font="Courier New"]Check for wrong, obsolete and unknown updates:
Unknown: HF\KB961742-v3.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 3)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\windows-kb890830-v3.2.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 9)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB917275-Client-ENU-x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HF (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB915865-v11-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 7)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 1)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HFCABS (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\MUAuth.cab[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HFCABS (table 11)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\MuCatalogWebControl.cab[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HFCABS (table 11)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\muweb_site.cab[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HFCABS (table 11)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\wsusscn2.cab[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 8)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFCABS\wuweb_site.cab[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- in HFCABS (table 10)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFSVCPACK\WindowsXP_KB968389_x86.reg[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 2, description column)[/color]
[font="Courier New"]Unknown: HFSVCPACK_SW1\SmartCard_XP_x86.exe[/font] [color="#0000ff"]--- (table 9)[/color]

  • For KB961742-v3.exe (also for WindowsXP-KB968930-x86-ENG.exe in table 3) I don't know the folder and so it's not included in hfslipfc.
  • kb890830 is now included.
  • KB909520 - I don't know the folder.
  • KB917275 is now included
  • WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe is now included
  • KB898461 is now included
  • KB905474 is now included
  • KB915865 - I don't know the folder.
  • KB936929 fixed
  • LegitCheckControl.cab included now
  • MUAuth.cab included now
  • muweb_site.cab included now
  • wsusscn2.cab - for what do you want to include this??? :)
  • wuweb_site.cab included now
  • WindowsXP_KB968389_x86 solution has to come
  • SmartCard_XP_x86.exe - I don't know the folder.

Hi Mim0

Useful script. :)

Just to let you know I had my WMP11 put in HF\WPM11 folder (they are extracted files). Your script says:

Check missing updates for WMP11:
missing (S): HF\wmp11-windowsxp-x86-ENU.exe (Windows Media Player 11)

I know I dun have wmp11-windowsxp-x86-ENU.exe b'cause they are in extracted form. Maybe you can look into it. Thanks

A solution will come.

Just a question: Why do you have it in extracted form?

Regards, Mimo

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