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xpize 5 Release 6

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Posted (edited)

Hi, W3bbo. As a user, I do appreciate for your contribution of this software. I tried from xpize5 r1 to r6 and I see the revolution of xpize. But the point is, xpize5 is not so user-friendly compared with the previous one during the installation. In xpize4, all items are clearly listed to make user to choose from.

In fact, users expect improvements version by version. Till this moment, xpize5 got version 6, there are also bugs existed in the language option. Some of windows still have a lot of old icons... How many version will still be released in the near future? They expect the final version, not under-debugging versions indeed. There is no meaning to make a lot of release, install, uninstall then install...

We realize that programming on this project needs time and energy, we will still always support you to make it fully satisfactory. All my wordings are sincere and I never mean to be negative. Anyway, keep trying your best in the coming days. :w00t:

Again, thanks a lot and have a nice vacation. :thumbup

Edited by tkrojam

Posted (edited)
  tkrojam said:
But the point is, xpize5 is not so user-friendly compared with the previous one during the installation. In xpize4, all items are clearly listed to make user to choose from.

Did you see the advanced options button with the R5+R6 versions? The list/ tree view is still there... W3bbo made a simple-selection option for non-experienced users. He kinda figured they would get intimidated by so much resources/ information being presented to them at once ("user-friendly" has many directions-- some more simple, some more detailed; we're trying to find a balance).

EDIT:: Ah, sorry. I realized that you were talking about xpize version FOUR, and not 5. I can't immediately recall xpize 4's installer. Tree view in v5 can be improved... But I don't think that's an immediate priority (see below?)

In fact, users expect improvements version by version. Till this moment, xpize5 got version 6, there are also bugs existed in the language option. Some of windows still have a lot of old icons... How many version will still be released in the near future? They expect the final version, not under-debugging versions indeed. There is no meaning to make a lot of release, install, uninstall then install...

There are improvements version by version. We know that many resources are still unpatched. You can help us out by pointing us to them ;) . It'd help us even more if you actually photoshopped some stuff for us to use :D !!

W3bbo is currently taking some time off now (and I do believe most of the post-R3 new resources, such as the IE8 ones, were actually made by him or zedox). xpize can be extended with packages (which is one of the greater potential of the project)... Which is what Hell Racer did right here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=137693 ;; users can do more by making your own resources and styles and packaging it up together to check it out. That means either building on top of whatever xpize patched, or you can branch out with another completely different shell and taste.

As far as I can see, no one has really done much with the package-feature, which is a real shame in fact, because extendability largely depends on how far users are willing to go.

I believe W3bbo is focusing on getting the patching process and packages absolutely right. (You realize Resourcer is still in beta, right?) As for the uninstalling and installing-- its typical with a lot of shell patchers (and many programs out there, in fact) to uninstall and reinstall for optimal results. Yes, I think we know that it needs to be worked out a bit more (like the multiple entries thing... we know about that).

You can install over your previous installations... But are you willing to see multiple uninstall entries and risk the chance of something breaking? I'd expect many users to do the same ritual of uninstalling and installing a new version anyway. (*ahem* well... some stuff did go wrong with the uninstalling portion of some machines. We'd like to solve this, but there are only so many machines W3bbo test xpize on. I think he mostly uses Virtual Machines and sometimes borrows a friend to test.)

And the extra languages is more or less a luxury for other demographics... W3bbo didn't have to go to such great lengths asking for new string translations every release (which he actually delayed some just for a more string-complete release)-- he could have been lazy and did what most developers do: fill in the missing strings with the corresponding English ones ;) . I'm really grateful that users actually took their time and make them. If there are problems, might you tell us what so we can fix it?

All in all, I think W3bbo did an excellent job. Just give it some time. He's an university student, and he does in fact have a life ;) . Tell us what we should improve and fix, and we'll see what we can do. If there is enough feedback and W3bbo (or someone else) has the time, there might be a R7. I have no promises ;)


Also note that most of the users that installed (and are giving feedback) are on the forums. We've tried helping those with problems and seeing what we can do. Many bugs found and reported on the forums were fixed (like the logout dialog?). I really have no clue what the general statistics for bug reports are or install demographic, but thanks to R6's feedback thing at the end of install, W3bbo is receiving some extra data/ suggestions.

Edited by Happy-Dude
Posted (edited)

You know, I've ever tried both xpize4 and 5...The most obvious disparity of users' experience is installer packaging, as a user, I can try comparison between both versions. In fact, I am very impressed in the re-programming in the installer of application. (Even I know nothing about computer science, I can realize you guys spend a lot on this revolution. In here, I make my appreciation to you all) Then I fully expect what the new release of xpize5 can make my xp machine more style-matched.

However, I observed that there is not so many differences made compared with the previous one. In the other words, it is reasonable that the elements and components which have been xpized in xpize4 are all kept for the new version. But the others did not get xpized in xpize4 were not still modified in 5. (Actually, some of them has been listed by Hell Racer) Is it sensible that every application, including xpize, the newer version is based on the older one to make it out the improvements? We can see some of stuff didn't get done or imperfect, then find them out and make modification. This is called improvement based on the aim of xpize.

The phenomenon is, xpize3 is better than xpize2 , xpize 4 is also better than xpize3...If we think that xpize4 is already made better enough, why don't we expect that xpize5 is the final version because it will be the perfect one? I believe all previously released versions of xpize, not only xpize 4, are precious resources and experience. Users expect that the team can make more effort on not only the macro-development of the application but also the micro-development. Overall using experience is the critical element to judge whether a software succeed or not.

I can see your points, and I do post and list out all imperfect as I observed and found. Thanks.

Edited by tkrojam
Posted (edited)

I found a mistake appeared in the language option of installation, please correct this before the next release, thanks.

Please correct the wording in red circle from "英文" to "繁體中文" (That means traditional Chinese) and also the correct national flag would be the attached one (HK.gif). :rolleyes:



Edited by tkrojam
Posted (edited)

does it still have the winrar and emule skins?

edit: more resource are welcomed like the windows 3d logo screensaver and so on :whistle:

Edited by vartaxe
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Some New Requests:






And i've patched a TweakUI.exe powertoy. (tested and working)

Add it to the next version of XPize, please.(it's already done)


Edited by Marru_xD
  Marru_xD said:
This looks weird!



The logoff confirmation window's icon appears fine on my computer. I suspect it only applies to your Windows' language edition.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey Everybody, I have some requests for a next release:

1)I'm using my pc in Remote Desktop, when I click in "Disconect" i see this ugly icon:


2)In IE8 Config window, when I click in "colors", i see this Vista Icon:


3)Windows Defender Beta2 uses a blue background, but in the final version, it's green (vista style):

Windows Defender BETA2:


Windows Defender Final (XPized):


Is possible to bring this blue background back?

Some old requests:

  Marru_xD said:

"Task Manager":







And i've patched a TweakUI.exe powertoy. (tested and working)

Add it to the next version of XPize, please.(it's already done)

Here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=at...st&id=27617

Thank you!

Edited by Marru_xD
  • 2 weeks later...
  W3bbo said:

  • Fixed the Luna Element and Darkside Shutdown/Log-off dialogs
  • Resources Improved or Added to:
    • Windows Defender
    • Internet Explorer 8
    • Cards
    • Windows CardSpace
    • System Error Reporting
    • Windows' branding banner images for x64 systems

    [*]Improved uninstallation so all your settings are now reset

    [*]Added a Feedback system

    [*]And to top it all off, the download is over a megabyte smaller than Release 5

Downloaderise it.

Thanks for this new release! anyway this is my first! I've tested the program, works absolutely perfect! And the uninstallation... restores the previews settings like a charm! I've uninstall it because i didn't pay attention on the installation options! Can be posible to put in your future versions a tool that can cange the icons (not the system ones) without installing and reinstalling?

Thanks! And keep up the good work!

Ta, ta! :)

  jericho_tm said:
Can be posible to put in your future versions a tool that can cange the icons (not the system ones) without installing and reinstalling?

Maybe, in the long long long term (think: years), but there really isn't much point since you can just re-install it again.

For all intents and purposes, xpize is "done"; although there are a few things left over and a few minor bugs (some of those corrected by HellRacer's "xpize 5R6b" release) I don't think it's worth my time cranking out another release for now. Maybe next year, or at Christmas if I'm feeling nice.

I must apologise for not uploading the xpize package sources yet. I've been saying that for months.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I've got Windows XP sp3 and I noticed with xpize 5 rel 4 that it had a bug with the copy + and the shortcut symbol not showing up any more on the drag icon.

I'd like to tell the developers that the bug is still there with rel 6.

So to sum up.

When I have two explorer windows open (two different hard drives) and I drag and drop a file from one window into the other, the little copy Plus symbol does not show up in the bottom left of the drag icon. Which is the default action normally.

Nor does the shortcut symbol appear if the Ctrl+Shift key are held down.

Can this be fixed?

Edited by quatermass

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