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Everything posted by W3bbo
Ugh, I need to move it on to GitHub... It's been 8 years since I took over from XPero (wow...). Thing is, the project isn't needed anymore - Windows 8 and 10 are already fairly consistent - and the new aggressive Windows Update and Windows File Protection systems make it harder to resource-patch Windows' system files. Send me a PM if you'd like to move everything from my private TFS to GitHub. I'm too busy right now
So uhm, "hi"... What's the current status of Windows 7 thesedays? Are many GUI fixes still needed? I use Windows 8.0 and 8.1 a lot at work and I don't feel there is anything I can do there - all of the 2000 and XP-styled resources seem to have gone now, which is good. All that remains is the Metro environment everyone hates, but that's fixed with Stardock's utilities or the free stuff that's available, like Classic Shell / Classic Start Menu.
With respect, xpize 4.7 does not support XP SP3 or XP x64 at all... just saying Patching I386 files itself is a temperamental process and cannot patch as well as a post-install run (e.g. making registry changes). For this reason, I'll remove I386 patching from the next release, if there is one. Also, I think it's better to have trustworthy and unadulterated installation images.
What issue? I run XP64 with xpize 5R6 without issues.
I've looked into this and cannot identify the cause. Windows handles HTML files specially anyway (e.g. if you have Microsoft Word installed, if a *.html file contains certain <meta> elements then the file will have the Word HTML icon instead of the standard HTML file icon). For this, and other reasons, I strongly suggest running xpize after you've installed Windows, rather than patching a CD image. If I ever do release a new version, I'll remove the I386/CD-image patching feature because it doesn't work as-intended.
The files modified are too numerous to list here, sorry. I suggest that you uninstall xpize then re-install, but click on the "Advanced" button and uncheck the files you want to preserve (e.g. for winrar, etc).
The cursor pack included in xpize is from the Fedora project (used under license). The "Denied" cursor is the Skull and Crossbones. I disagree with the design, I think it's inappropriate, but I don't have a suitable replacement. If you revert back to the standard XP cursors you'll get a "Forbidden" symbol (a circle with a line through it) if you perform the same action. This is because you cannot drag and drop files onto the Windows Explorer chrome area.
You'll need to dump the raw binary DIALOGEX resource to disk, then use a tool like Visual Studio's dialog editor to make the changes and save it, then include the replacement with the following XML <patch name="Foobar" path="%windir%\system32\somefile.cpl" enabled="false"> <res type="dialog" name="1" lang="1033" src="Base\Windows\system32\somefile.cpl\1-1033.dialog" /> </patch>
Changes to the Date and Time control panel are disabled by default, there is an option to enable it during installation. It's disabled because a large number of users complained about it crashing the control panel. Click the Advanced button during installation, it's located under xpize > Icons > Control Panel Applets and Administrative Tools > Res patch: timedate.cpl (the 2nd entry)
I posted a two-part video tutorial on my YouTube page a couple of years ago. Note that an Anolis package isn't the same thing as a Windows visual style/theme, those are made separately.
Not that I'm aware of, no; sorry However the XP art style is not hard to reproduce (it's one of the few advantages to XP's style); if you're after only a handful of icons then it shouldn't be a problem to contact a competent vector artist and get them to do reproductions for you. Maybe find one on or something, it shouldn't cost more than $20 or so.
IE9 already has Windows 7-styling, though there are still a few errant resources lying around (like the 'enable autocomplete' animation). IE9 has a hidden 'large buttons' mode, so I'm thinking of exposing that as an option in a possible xpize settings application.
I'm afraid there aren't any. The main reason is that Windows XP doesn't support icons larger than 128x128. The second reason is that 256x256 icons were never made. Most of the high-resolution icons in xpize were donated by the deviantArt user werewolfdev and the raster graphics he supplied were all 128x128 PNG images. You can download them from his dA gallery. I've no doubt that he has the vector originals he created somewhere on his computer, however he never published them, and we never needed them. You could always ask him, of course (but he isn't online much, there was a time when he didn't log-on to deviantArt at all in 2008 and 2009). Right now it says he last logged in 5 weeks ago.
I'm feeling very disappointed in myself for a: not keeping you guys informed, and b: not devoting enough time to the project. Here's my current situation. It's just words and promises, but I hope you can trust and believe in me that you will see something eventually: * From now until next week I have to devote my life to writing my undergraduate project dissertation. * Immediately after that I need to study and revise for my final undergraduate examinations, the actual exams run from mid-May to mid-June. * After late-June I will be a free man. Beautiful sweet freedom I haven't felt since I finished High School. I have a great many proejcts to work on If you google "trojan.fakems" you'll see that Malwarebytes frequently incorrectly identifies files as that malware. There isn't much documentation about "trojan.fakems", so my guess is that Malwarebytes flags any system file that purports to be from Microsoft but doesn't match a "known" file, in this case xpize'd Windows files are no-longer identical to the files they should be. On the other hand, this is the first time I've heard of this problem. It's quite possible you really are infected with malware. I personally recommend Microsoft Security Essentials over all other forms of AV (especially Norton), give it a try and see if it reports anything. It also might be worth uploading the file to various free online file scanner services (Kaspersky has one).
WLE comes out every year or two, I'm wary of making any changes to it for fear of them becoming obsolete. What issues are you thinking of specifically?
You can't extract files from the installer, by design Anyway, if you're stuck at the "pending reboot" screen, just run the installer with the /ignoreCondition switch and it'll let you in.
I was going to get an initial release of Sevenize out tonight (just to see if the platform works on Windows 7 with only minimal changes), but alas I ran into a problem: Screenshot proof: You'll have to give me some more time I'm afraid.
To reduce support hassle and because of Windows 7 SP1's imminent public release (due out on the 22nd February), I've decided to make Sevenize require SP1 be installed first. (Before you start complaining, remember that the /ignoreCondition switch still works, so you're free to potentially ruin your HDD if you want ). Watch this thread.
Some time within the next two weeks. ...And now it's been two weeks. Will it come out today? I have been working on it during the past few weeks; building a package isn't that much work. Testing it to ensure quality (and more importantly: that it doesn't mess up the computer it's installed on) is what takes time, especially when making arbitrary changes to executable machine code. These past few days have seen me preoccupied with my academic life, I'm having a lot of deadlines creep up on me, so it's important I get these sorted out first. Give me another week or so. If anyone is running Windows 7 and would like to help me test it please post in this thread or PM me. Thanks.
xpize does not add any Windows Vista-style elements to Windows, and doesn't touch Windows Explorer's activity throbber, so I'm guessing that change was made by another modification tool you ran.
The library already includes methods for patching binary files (it's used by the UxTheme patcher), but I haven't devised a way to express this in the Package XML format. I'll get on that. Note that because editing the .text section of a PE is inherently unsafe (and runs a massive potential of seriously messing things up) I'll need to restrict it to known tested versions and provide other safeguards. Thank you for the link.
xpize 5 Release 7 omgnuts. I still need go through the installation feedback results people have been sending in, because there are a few bugs commonly reported (by pretty much 99% of all submitted results). But here are the major resource changes I'll be making: Seeming as Windows XP SP4 is not expected...ever (it doesn't look like we'll even get an Update Rollup) so I don't need to gamble on any major Windows system files changing. Here's the list of planned fixes. Some things might not necesarily be able to fix, however: Scheduled Task wizard banner is missingOutlook Express - 'home page' (aka 'tip of the day page') background image is a 1999-style monochrome JPEG that visibly tiles when the window is taller than 800px. There are also a few other 1999-style resources in there too.Internet Explorer 8 - I'll look into tidying up some of the artwork because I'm disappointed at how badly a lot of it came out as. It's hard to make original XP-style artwork without the vector originals, even harder when it's at the awkward 24x24 size.Other files I (and others) have identified:mobsync.execleanmgr.exemain.cpl - Mouse button picture (this was fixed in an earlier version of XPize but was reverted, I want to find out why)mstask.dllWordPad toolbarFreecell.exe And changes to Anolis.Installer (these will also apply to Vize, and Sevenize, and any other package making use of the updated installer): 'Advanced' tree view now pops out in a new resizable window, no more claustrophobiaFix a few astray iconsUse the HK flag for Chinese Traditional (and correct the spelling)Gimmie a few weeks, k?
Whilst we're at it, can people please post suggestions for fixes in this thread? Remember, Sevenize is about making Windows 7 more consistent and cohesive with other Microsoft products, it isn't about making Windows a garsh smorgasbord of crudly photoshopped wallpapers and Rainmeter skins. For example, I might include third-party wallpapers, but only if they're of exceptional quality and look like something Microsoft might produce themselves. As a 'developers commentary' I'll say I'm glad Windows 7 got rid of wizard sidebar images, those were a right pain to produce