Engineering Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 In terms of security and performance... and any other category of significance.In other words, why migrate to Windows 7?Let us hear it! (please no google query URL's or wikipedias)Brainstorm!
Access Denied Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 (edited) Yes, there was a hand full of security updates recently, and every single one had a note: Windows 7 was not affected by the blah blah blah.Performance? The best OS hands down. Windows 7 is the best hardware compatible OS. Pretty much all you need is video drivers after an install and your good to go. Nuff' said Edited August 15, 2009 by Access Denied
MagicAndre1981 Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 more secure code (old unsecure C code was removed -> SDL), UAC, Level 0 Isolation.
Guest Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 More secure but I find it much slower than XP. As far as Windows 7 not affected by recent bulletins, you gotta understand that researchers have not started digging yet. yet. It should be much much better but there will still be security updates down the road.Since Windows 95, I've only been hit by a security issue 3 times(never on XP). Non was very destructive. I'm safe with XP but my mom could use it if you know what I mean.
Access Denied Posted August 15, 2009 Posted August 15, 2009 I'm safe with XP but my mom could use it if you know what I mean.Thats what I love the most about it. I'm telling all the people that had me work on their pc, about 7.
ajua Posted August 16, 2009 Posted August 16, 2009 The answers could be many, but for me, Windows 7 improves things that were introduced in Vista.The new libraries feature is really helpful. You can stream and share music and videos easier as ever.Performance-wise, I feel it on par with Vista. Although I ran both on a beefy computer. My laptop is a little more snappier than Vista in this regard.If you never tried Vista, you missed a lot, but Windows 7 will please you I'm sure. Try on a real computer and not a virtual one to see real-world performance in everyday use.
SngBrdb Posted August 16, 2009 Posted August 16, 2009 There's talk that Windows 7 "breathes new life into" older computers... am installing on my old P4 machine right now to see if there's any truth to this. I'll dig up an article or two I've read (independent of Microsoft) that talks about installation on old laptops, including PIIIs. And I'll let you know what I think after I get it up and running.Sadly, one of the most important reasons to upgrade: you're going to have to sooner or later... eventually Microsoft will cut off support. Might as well bite the bullet now, start getting used to the new OS (I hated Vista). XP is the new VB6... nobody wants it to go away, it's old but works really well, and who needs the new stuff, anyway. My primary reason for installing now is to start investigating what I can hack... turning off UAC, for example, getting windows explorer to not-look like it was designed for a four-year-old... that sort of stuff
Dechy Posted August 17, 2009 Posted August 17, 2009 From a corporate point of view: Vista < XP < W7We did an analysis on Vista after SP1, and even though there was some pros we could of definitely used (biggest one was probably Switching Users in a Domain environment; impossible in XP, have to log off completely), the strain on the hardware and some lack of deployment tools just didn't help... it's very bad reputation was also a very big factor in why our computer illiterate "morons-for-bosses" wouldn't even hear of it. Didn't matter how we spun it; with the correct hardware & SP1, Vista was a different beast from release, they just didn't care.Windows 7 on the other hand, as a MUCH better reputation already. BitLocker, Switching Users in domain environments, SuperFetch (our users are like drones, same apps loaded in almost always same pattern), XP Mode possibilities for our really crappy in-house apps, IE8 (forces us to get the #$^$#%@# off IE6!!), improved Gadget handling (for RSS feeds mainly), more granularity in key LPOs/GPOs (USB and time/date control for example) and a needed revamped UAC compared to Vista are pretty much the biggest interest points from a business point of view (ours anyways). Offline image modification using DISM, easier package/driver integration and VHD are quite interesting as well... sick of the messy $OEM$ folder (can still use in W7, but officially "legacied" by Microsoft lol)From a client point of view, revamped taskbar & tray, slideshow background (that was probably the thing users cried the most about when we left 95/98SE, they could install anything they wanted back then and lose their slideshow applets), Aero (yeah, our users are demanding on the bling) and better Accessibility tools and probably some of the most needed/wanted features.Using a tweaked Windows 7 Enterprise with quite a few disabled services/removed features, and the difference between it and our corporate XP really isn't that bad. We've got 2 big different "pools" of computer hardware in our environment; P4 3.0/3.2GHz, 1GB RAM & 128MB VRAM & C2D 2.2GHz, 1GB RAM & 128MB VRAM / Athlon X2-4800+, 2GB RAM & 256MB VRAM. The difference in performance between W7 & XP on the Athlons is barely noticeable, on the C2D Aero is a wee bit laggy when too many apps are running, the P4s are noticeable, but nothing outrageous, especially considering most will be replaced before Windows 7 hits our production network. As long as there's 2GB RAM & video cards that make sense, W7 will run quite well, and that slideshow background option will win the heart of 75% of our 26000 users lol!I've been selling Windows 7 HARD to my superiors ever since I installed beta @ home & got a hold of how DISM/WAIK/MDT work. Oh, and with the new UAC, I too have been pushing W7 to relatives as much as possible and NOT given then the admin password!!! I actually remote desktop to them when they need something installed. They thought I was being a nazi at first, but they've been having near ZERO issues since then. If I was being paid for every call though, I'd turn UAC off completely TL:DR version? Windows 7 brings too many new features out-of-the-box or revamped old things from Vista CORRECTLY that it's definitely an XP killer, as long as you or your business aren't penny pinchers and still trying to run it on hardware that came out when XP was released. The time to move on is NOW!
D_block Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 For me, Im in love with the indexing features cant get enough of it. After 6 days of running + straight, no restart or anything , there is no errors it doesnt even seem to slow down. The Glass effect is nice and moderate , performs smoother than xp.. ( ive actually removed xp from my hdd )I havent experienced any security threaths as yet so i cant really say , oh and it dont crash out an lock up like vista and stick to shut down
Rippie_DK Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 For me windows 7 has replaced WinXP, on my HP nx9420 laptop it runs better than WinXP, it had pretty much all the drivers and it looks a lot nicer. Saying it runs better than WinXP i mean faster and performance wise it just perform better.For me Win 7 is the superior winner, and i will never go back to XP or Vista.Rippie
Thunderbolt 2864 Posted August 18, 2009 Posted August 18, 2009 Windows 7 is Vista basically on steroids, and I'm glad performance has improved. Though I'm using it now as my main OS (I skipped Vista, hated it) I never liked Vista/7 folder GUI (I mean, why did Microsoft have too choose this design?), and creating a network is a pain in the a**. Also, they got rid of the network activity animation WTF?!, why Microsoft?Though I prefer XP more, its time to choose a new OS.
Access Denied Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 And I quote The bottom line is Microsoft really set out to change perceptions and fix the problems that plagued Vista. And so far they are doing a very good job of that with Windows 7. Current builds of Windows 7 are amazingly fast, driver support is better than Vista, even at this early beta stage, and the stability is absolutely unbelievable. I have been using Windows 7 as my primary operating system for a while now and I have absolutely no intentions of going back to Vista. Actually, you couldn’t even pay me to go back to Vista at this point. In my view, Windows 7 will be the operating system that breathes new life into Microsoft, and revitalizes the Windows and PC community as a whole. Apple, get ready to meet your match, you’re not going to be able to poke fun at this release, it’s probably going to trump Snow Leopard too.
ripken204 Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009 where us that quote from? i am still amazed to hear people's complaints about vista.win7 is a little faster, not amazingly.driver support? win7 and vista use the same drivers..and obviously win7 RTM is better than vista RTM since many bugs have been fixed since its essentially the same OS.
cluberti Posted August 26, 2009 Posted August 26, 2009
jcarle Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 win7 is a little faster, not amazingly.driver support? win7 and vista use the same drivers..and obviously win7 RTM is better than vista RTM since many bugs have been fixed since its essentially the same OS.Windows 7 is much faster. The memory footprint has been reduced, the prefetcher was completely rewritten, Windows 7 does an amazing job at caching and can be both nimble on a netbook as well as a performance beast on a good machine. Windows 7 and Vista use similar drivers but they are not the same. Vista was based on WDDM 1.0 and Windows 7 uses WDDM 1.1. Not to mention the fact that Windows 7 drivers can now be unloaded, updated and reloaded without rebooting. Other then sharing a common kernel and API set, they're completely different. Windows 7 was written as a modular componentized operating system which emphasis on performance every step of the way. You could read Engineering Windows 7 before posting such insipid replies.
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