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Windows 7 "Keep" List


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Did you try the configuration I posted above? I didn't try to use IE8, but everything else works in every regard.

I didn't try your ini yet but, I get everything working except IE8, like you've mentioned.

I tried non-manipulation vlited iso and it works fine, then I tried removing tabletPC only with broken IE8. (or better yet broken "internet option" cause IE8 runs with non working menus and right clicks.)

I'm gonna do a little more testing but my wild guess right now is maybe I'm trying this on japanese 7100 causing a unique problem.

Other test I did was using WAIK for vista sp1 but this one crashes vlite during the final stage. This is why I'm using the one that initially came with earlier version of vlite and had many success creating vlited vista in the past.

Anyways thanks for the input. :)

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Smallest preset i could come up with.

tested on x86 and x64. Every - not removed - feature works (for me)

;# Services #
Error Reporting
; Fehlerberichterstattung
IPsec Policy Agent
; IPsec-Richtlinien-Agent
Offline Files
; Offlinedateien
Remote Registry
; Remote-Registrierung
Universal Plug and Play (UPNP)
; Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
WebDAV (WebClient)
; WebDAV (WebClient)
Windows Search
; Windows Suche
Windows Time
; Windows Zeit
;# Hardware Support #
Floppy Disk Support
; Diskettenlaufwerkunterstützung
Printer Support
; Druckerunterstützung
Dynamic Volume Manager
; Dynamische Medienverwaltung
Fax Support
; Faxunterstützung
Firewire (1394)
; Firewire (1394)
Infrared Support
; Infrarotunterstützung
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
; Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
Microsoft Multi-Path Bus
; Microsoft Multi-Pfad Bus
Modem Support
; Modemunterstützung
; Smartcards
TV Tuner support
; TV Tuner Unterstützung
Windows Image Acquisition
; Windows Bilderfassung
Windows HotStart
; Windows HotStart
Windows Portable Devices
; Windows tragbare Geräte
XBOX 360 Controller
; XBOX 360 Controller
;# Multimedia #
Sound Recorder
; Audiorecorder
Sample Pictures
; Beispielbilder
; Bildschirmschoner
Intel Indeo
; Intel Indeo
Media Center
; Media Center
Music and Video samples
; Musik- und Video-Beispiele
; SideShow
Shell event sounds
; Windows Sounds
;# Network #
Simple TCPIP services
; Einfache TCPIP-Dienste
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
; Einfaches Netzwerkverwaltungsprotokoll (SNMP)
Internet Information Services (IIS)
; Internet Information Services (IIS)
Quality of Service (QoS)
; Quality of Service (QoS)
Remote Desktop Client
; Remote Desktop Client
Remote Desktop and Assistance
; Remote Desktop und Hilfe
Telnet Client
; Telnet-Client
Telnet Server
; Telnet-Server
TFTP Client
; TFTP-Client
Connect to a Network Projector
; Verbindung mit Netzwerkprojektor
Distributed File System (DFS)
; Verteiltes Dateisystem (DFS)
Windows Mail
; Windows Mail
Windows Collaboration
; Windows Teamarbeit
;# Languages #
; Arabisch
; Brasilianisch
; Bulgarisch
; Dänisch
; Estnisch
; Finnisch
; Französisch
; Griechisch
; Hebräisch
; Italienisch
; Japanisch
; Koreanisch
; Kroatisch
; Lettisch
; Litauisch
; Niederländisch
; Norwegisch
; Polnisch
; Portugiesisch
; Rumänisch
; Russisch
; Schwedisch
; Serbisch
; Siamesisch (Thai)
; Slowakisch
; Slowenisch
; Spanisch
Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Tabellengesteuerter Text-Eingabe-Prozessor
Traditional Chinese
; Traditionelles Chinesisch
; Tschechisch
; Türkisch
; Ukrainisch
; Ungarisch
Simplified Chinese
; Vereinfachtes Chinesisch
;# System #
16-bit Support
; 16-bit Unterstützung
; Beep
BitLocker Drive Encryption
; BitLocker Laufwerksverschlüsselung
Disk Quota
; Datenträgerkontingente
; Hilfe
IMAPIv2 Burning Support
; IMAPIv2-Brennunterstützung
Jet Database Engine
; Jet Database Engine
Parental Controls
; Jugendschutz
Run a legacy CPL elevated
; Kompatibilitätsmodus für veraltete CPL
Performance Counters
; Leistungszähler
Microsoft Client For NFS
; Microsoft Client für NFS
Natural Language
; Natürliche Sprache
Security Center
; Sicherheitscenter
Crash Dump Support
; Speicherabbilderstellung
Sync Center
; Synchronisierungscenter
System Restore
; Systemwiederherstellung
Tablet PC
; Tablet PC
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)
; Untersystem für UNIX-basierte Anwendungen (SUA)
Windows Defender
; Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer
; Windows Easy Transfer
Zip Folder
; ZIP-Ordner
;# Drivers #
Diva Server
; Diva Server
Printers-Generic printer
; Drucker-Allgemeine Drucker
; Modems
QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter
; QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter
; Scanner
Storage controllers-Adaptec
; Speichercontroller-Adaptec
Storage controllers-Elxstor
; Speichercontroller-Elxstor
Storage controllers-IBM ServeRAID
; Speichercontroller-IBM ServeRAID
Storage controllers-ICP vortex
; Speichercontroller-ICP vortex
Storage controllers-nVidia
; Speichercontroller-nVidia
Storage controllers-SiS
; Speichercontroller-SiS
Storage controllers-Via
; Speichercontroller-Via
TV Tuners-ADS Technologies
; TV-Tuner-ADS Technologies
TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
; TV-Tuner-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
; TV-Tuner-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.
; TV-Tuner-Compro Technology Inc.
TV Tuners-Creatix
; TV-Tuner-Creatix
TV Tuners-Hauppauge
; TV-Tuner-Hauppauge
TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH
; TV-Tuner-KNC ONE GmbH
TV Tuners-KWorld
; TV-Tuner-KWorld
TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.
; TV-Tuner-Lumanate, Inc.
TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors
; TV-Tuner-Philips Semiconductors
TV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems
; TV-Tuner-Pinnacle Systems
TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH
; TV-Tuner-TerraTec Electronic GmbH
TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.
; TV-Tuner-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.
;# Accessories #
Welcome Center
; Begrüßungscenter
Disk Cleanup
; Datenträgerbereinigung
; Eingabehilfen
Mobility Center
; Mobilitätscenter
Snipping Tool
; Snipping Tool
Games-Premium Inbox Games
; Spiele-Windows-Premium-Spiele
Games-Inbox Games
; Spiele-Windows-Spiele
Speech Support
; Spracherkennung
System Information
; Systeminformationen
Windows Sidebar and Gadgets
; Windows Sidebar und Minianwendungen (Gadgets)
; WordPad
Character Map
; Zeichentabelle

DEP (Data Execution Prevention) = Default
; DEP (Datenausführungsverhinderung) = Standard
User Account Control (UAC) = Enabled
; Benutzerkontensteuerung (UAC) = Aktiviert
AntiSpyware Realtime Protection = Default
; Deaktiviere AntiSpyware-Echtzeitschutz = Standard
Memory requirement = Default
; Speichervoraussetzung = Standard
AutoPlay = Enabled
; Automatische Wiedergabe = Aktiviert
Paging Executive = Enabled
; Auslagerungsverhalten = Aktiviert
Power scheme = Balanced
; Energieschema = Ausbalanciert
Power button = Default
; Netzschalter = Standard
Sleep button = Default
; Energiespartaste = Standard
Control Panel - Classic View = Default
; Systemsteuerung - Klassische Ansicht = Standard
Show hidden files and folders = No
; Versteckte Dateien und Ordner anzeigen = Nein
Show protected operating system files = No
; Geschützte Systemdateien anzeigen = Nein
Show extensions for known file types = No
; Dateierweiterungen von bekannten Dateitypen anzeigen = Nein
IE Phishing Filter = Default
; IE-Phishingfilter = Standard
IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips = Default
; IE-Phishing-Verifizierung Ballon-Tipps = Standard





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Did you try the configuration I posted above? I didn't try to use IE8, but everything else works in every regard.

I didn't try your ini yet but, I get everything working except IE8, like you've mentioned.

I tried non-manipulation vlited iso and it works fine, then I tried removing tabletPC only with broken IE8. (or better yet broken "internet option" cause IE8 runs with non working menus and right clicks.)

I'm gonna do a little more testing but my wild guess right now is maybe I'm trying this on japanese 7100 causing a unique problem.

Other test I did was using WAIK for vista sp1 but this one crashes vlite during the final stage. This is why I'm using the one that initially came with earlier version of vlite and had many success creating vlited vista in the past.

Anyways thanks for the input. :)

Sure. Up until just now, I hadn't tried IE8 with this configuration, but just did, and it's working as it should, complete with right click menu. I'm quite certain I removed the Tablet PC option, so I think your hunch about a unique issue must be correct.

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With System components removed, I also have no issues with installing, but I do have issues with Multimedia, network or services. If I remove the items from one of these (except those with dependencies from a not removed component-group) on my working installation, then the installation fails. I can understand people are getting pretty annoyed by this. Then again, why are we doing this :-)

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Hey guys have been following this thread and i would like to contribute my x64 preset for the RC i have been running this since it was leaked tested thoroughly let me know what you guys think... The only other that can really be removed is media center but i use that other then everything else that can be removed is.

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I tried vLiting W7 7100 today. Removed relatively few things. I have been using nLite quite a bit lately for both XPx64 (main OS) and XPx86 (want to put it on a laptop).

W7 installed OK, but wouldn't do it unattended. I entered the user name and it has no dropdown for timezones in vLite. So it asks for a username and the timezone during installation.

Also, is there any RunOnce option in vLite? I didn't see any way to run a batch file for addons like I did in nLite.



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I'm writing this post from a vlited Windows 7 RC x64. The ISO is 1,72 GB. I've installed it on a secondary partition, and for now it works really fine. This is the ini:

; vLite preset file
; vLite v1.2
; Framework 2.0.50727.3074
; Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 64-bit
; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 32-bits
; Version 6.1 Spanish (Spain)


;# Accessories #
; Accesibilidad
Welcome Center
; Centro de Bienvenida
Mobility Center
; Centro de Movilidad
Snipping Tool
; Herramienta de Recortes
Games-Inbox Games
; Juegos-Juegos Básicos
Games-Premium Inbox Games
; Juegos-Juegos Premium
Disk Cleanup
; Limpieza del disco
Speech Support
; Soporte de voz
; Wordpad
;# Drivers #
QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter
; Adaptador QLogic Fibre Channel
; Escaners
Printers-Generic printer
; Impresoras-Impresora genérica
; Modems
Diva Server
; Servidor Diva
TV Tuners-ADS Technologies
; Sintonizador de TV-ADS Technologies
TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
; Sintonizador de TV-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
; Sintonizador de TV-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.
; Sintonizador de TV-Compro Technology Inc.
TV Tuners-Creatix
; Sintonizador de TV-Creatix
TV Tuners-Hauppauge
; Sintonizador de TV-Hauppauge
TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH
; Sintonizador de TV-KNC ONE GmbH
TV Tuners-KWorld
; Sintonizador de TV-KWorld
TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.
; Sintonizador de TV-Lumanate, Inc.
TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors
; Sintonizador de TV-Philips Semiconductors
TV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems
; Sintonizador de TV-Pinnacle Systems
TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH
; Sintonizador de TV-TerraTec Electronic GmbH
TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.
; Sintonizador de TV-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.
;# Languages #
; Alemán
; Árabe
; Brasileño
; Búlgaro
; Checo
Traditional Chinese
; Chino tradicional
; Coreano
; Croata
; Escandinavo
; Eslovaco
; Esloveno
; Estoniano
; Finlandés
; Francés
; Griego
; Hebreo
; Holandés
; Húngaro
; Italiano
; Japonés
; Letón
; Lituano
; Noruego
; Polaco
; Portugués
; Rumano
; Ruso
; Serbio
Simplified Chinese
; Simplified Chinese
; Sueco
Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Tai
; Turco
; Ucraniano
;# Multimedia #
Sound Recorder
; Grabadora de Sonidos
Sample Pictures
; Imágenes de muestra
Media Center
; Media Center
Music and Video samples
; Muestas de música y videos
; Protectores de pantalla
; SideShow
;# Network #
Windows Collaboration
; Área de Encuentro de Windows
Connect to a Network Projector
; Asistente para conexión a Proyector de Red
Remote Desktop Client
; Cliente de Acceso Remoto
Telnet Client
; Cliente Telnet
TFTP Client
; Cliente TFTP
Distributed File System (DFS)
; Distributed File System (DFS)
Remote Desktop and Assistance
; Escritorio remoto y Ayuda
Internet Information Services (IIS)
; Internet Information Services
RIP Listener
; RIP Listener
Simple TCPIP services
; Servicios Básicos de TCPIP
Telnet Server
; servidor Telnet
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
; Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
;# Services #
Offline Files
; Archivos sin conexión
Windows Search
; Búsqueda de Windows
Distributed Link Tracking Client
; Cliente de seguimiento de vínculos distribuidos
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
; Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
; Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
IP Helper
; IP Helper
Network Access Protection Agent
; Network Access Protection Agent
Remote Registry
; Registro Remoto
Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
; Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
TPM Base Services
; Servicios Base TPM
WebDAV (WebClient)
; WebDAV (WebClient)
;# System #
; Ayuda
; Beep
Zip Folder
; Carpetas Zip
Security Center
; Centro de seguridad
Sync Center
; Centro de sincronización
BitLocker Drive Encryption
; Cifrado de unidad BitLocker
Microsoft Client For NFS
; Cliente Microsoft para NFS
Parental Controls
; Control Parental
Disk Quota
; Disk Quotas
Run a legacy CPL elevated
; Ejecuta CPLs anteriores
Jet Database Engine
; Jet Database Engine
Natural Language
; Lenguaje Natural
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
; Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
System Restore
; Restauración del sistema
IMAPIv2 Burning Support
; Soporte par quemar discos IMAPIv2
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)
; Subsistema para aplicaciones UNIX (SUA)
Tablet PC
; Tablet PC
Windows Defender
; Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer
; Windows Easy Transfer
Windows SAT (Performance Index)
; Windows SAT (Indice de Desempeño)
;# Hardware Support #
Windows Portable Devices
; Dispositivos portátiles Windows
Firewire (1394)
; Firewire (1394)
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
; Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
; Smartcards.
Infrared Support
; Soporte Infrarrojo
Fax Support
; Soporte para Fax
Modem Support
; Soporte para Modem
Windows HotStart
; Windows HotStart
XBOX 360 Controller
; XBOX 360 Controller

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W7 installed OK, but wouldn't do it unattended. I entered the user name and it has no dropdown for timezones in vLite. So it asks for a username and the timezone during installation.

Also, is there any RunOnce option in vLite? I didn't see any way to run a batch file for addons like I did in nLite.



As i have said previously.Do not use the Unattended tab in vLite when vliting Windows 7.The unattended part will not work correctly and on worse case install will fail.Use WSIM(Windows System Image Manager) form WAIK(Windows Automated Installation Kit).WAIK for Windows 7 RC can be downloaded here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...35-d30ead27ef72 .

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For me Internet Explorer is a no go: causes installation to fail.

File and Printer Sharing, IIS, Windows Connect Now, Windows Firewall are also suspicious as well as some other components from the Services section (Computer Browser?). Going for install nr. 20 or so...


Ok, no go for me are:

IE (installation error)

Windows Firewall (installation error)

ICS (installation error)

IPSec (installation error and winipsec.dll error)

QoS (No possiblity to add a WLAN manually)

Welcome Center (keeps appearing in vLite after removal)


Edited by Jeronimo
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Ok, for me I think I can not slim it down any further than the attached preset. I will try IE seperately and maybe Windows firewall as well. However I think, this is the best I can slim it down to: 1.51GB install.wim, 7.6GB installed. I do need to protect some files, because I remove IPsec (error-emssage at installation) and Windows Error Reporting (2 files, reported in 1 of the posts above; not tested by me) and get 5 warnings about dependancies.

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For me Internet Explorer is a no go: causes installation to fail.

File and Printer Sharing, IIS, Windows Connect Now, Windows Firewall are also suspicious as well as some other components from the Services section (Computer Browser?). Going for install nr. 20 or so...


Ok, no go for me are:

IE (installation error)

Windows Firewall (installation error)

ICS (installation error)

IPSec (installation error and winipsec.dll error)

QoS (No possiblity to add a WLAN manually)

Welcome Center (keeps appearing in vLite after removal)


If you cant remove IE then wow, :realmad: I hate IE with a passion

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For me Internet Explorer is a no go: causes installation to fail.

File and Printer Sharing, IIS, Windows Connect Now, Windows Firewall are also suspicious as well as some other components from the Services section (Computer Browser?). Going for install nr. 20 or so...


Ok, no go for me are:

IE (installation error)

Windows Firewall (installation error)

ICS (installation error)

IPSec (installation error and winipsec.dll error)

QoS (No possiblity to add a WLAN manually)

Welcome Center (keeps appearing in vLite after removal)


If you cant remove IE then wow, :realmad: I hate IE with a passion

but it is very useful... IE allows us to download Firefox after install Windows :rolleyes:

by the way, I've been testing my vlited W7 RC x64 for 2 days and there is no problem at all :thumbup it's lite enough for me :whistle:

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For me Internet Explorer is a no go: causes installation to fail.

File and Printer Sharing, IIS, Windows Connect Now, Windows Firewall are also suspicious as well as some other components from the Services section (Computer Browser?). Going for install nr. 20 or so...


Ok, no go for me are:

IE (installation error)

Windows Firewall (installation error)

ICS (installation error)

IPSec (installation error and winipsec.dll error)

QoS (No possiblity to add a WLAN manually)

Welcome Center (keeps appearing in vLite after removal)


If you cant remove IE then wow, :realmad: I hate IE with a passion

but it is very useful... IE allows us to download Firefox after install Windows :rolleyes:

by the way, I've been testing my vlited W7 RC x64 for 2 days and there is no problem at all :thumbup it's lite enough for me :whistle:

yeah but IE is around 70% of the reason a virus gets on a pc, the other 20% is becuse of the problem between the keyboard and chair and the last 10% through osmosis...so the story ends there for me, I really hate IE :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:

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