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Revolutions Pack 9.7

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...However, when restoring back from full screen, the restore window animation doesn't take effect (restore goes back to size and titlebar flickers alot during the supposed animation).

Oh that's weird. Happening without using any skin as well. All I'm using is GDI Salvation. (Uberhack.exe, RP8.dll and SHL8.dll)


Edited by Queue
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Edit: I'd grayed out the issues that have been resolved and are no longer relevant to the current release of Revolutions Pack. They were not removed as I'd thought them best as a bug-fix history for references sakes.

Revolutions Pack 9.0.9 re-released

* Fixed mono scanline calculation which lead to graphical glitches on large icons

Waiting for someone with old or NVidia cards to test :rolleyes:

Alrighty, that's definately fixed with the scanline issue. However, the alpha blending issues with icons still seem to exist (but don't think it was the target for this release so I'm okay with that ^^). If it's any help, vid card on my system is an NVidia GeForce 6800Ultra 256mb.

If it helps any - here is a small subset of the icons I use which are exibiting alpha blending issues in 32-bit mode. The alpha blending seems to be fine for these for example under 16-bit but not 32-bit.

[ url removed ]


In 16-bit, there is a green background behind the tango icon in the RUN-Dialog. Additionally, the bittorrent icon shows nothing other than a plain box behind it. It is one of those icons that use a small icon for the centre 'document' picture instead of a full sized image.


Additionally, since testing from yesterday - I'd like to say that RP9 has shown to be fully stable again as of v9.0.9. I've not yet had a single crash or lockup involving '<unknown>' or 'krnl386.exe' since then (so far ;) ). RP9 is showing great promise in it's development and I'm proud to help stress test it along the way. I'd initially had my doubts with RP9 as I'd been an RP7 user all along (I'm stubborn as all heck) but I'm glad to have switched over. Keep up the wonderful work you're doing. :)

Edited by Chozo4
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If it helps any - here is a small subset of the icons I use which are exibiting alpha blending issues in 32-bit mode. The alpha blending seems to be fine for these for example under 16-bit but not 32-bit.
That's as it should be. RP didn't support 32-bit icons in .ico, but when you had icons with 32-bit format only, it accepted them. Now, it won't work since 32-bit icon loader is separated, and it can't load from .ico. You'll have to wait. And yeah, rendering 32-bit icons with 16-bit shell icons is a Windows 98 shell bug really, since it can't switch icon list depth at runtime properly.
In 16-bit, there is a green background behind the tango icon in the RUN-Dialog. Additionally, the bittorrent icon shows nothing other than a plain box behind it.
Tango icon set bug, really. What bittorrent do you have?
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If it helps any - here is a small subset of the icons I use which are exibiting alpha blending issues in 32-bit mode. The alpha blending seems to be fine for these for example under 16-bit but not 32-bit.
That's as it should be. RP didn't support 32-bit icons in .ico, but when you had icons with 32-bit format only, it accepted them. Now, it won't work since 32-bit icon loader is separated, and it can't load from .ico. You'll have to wait. And yeah, rendering 32-bit icons with 16-bit shell icons is a Windows 98 shell bug really, since it can't switch icon list depth at runtime properly.

AH! That explains it then, thanks for letting me know on that. They had worked perfect in in the last release of RP9 so had thought it was a broken feature in RP9. Good to know things changed alot in that regard. I don't mind the wait and am in no rush. :)

In 16-bit, there is a green background behind the tango icon in the RUN-Dialog. Additionally, the bittorrent icon shows nothing other than a plain box behind it.
Tango icon set bug, really. What bittorrent do you have?


I use the Experimental version of the client.

Edited by Chozo4
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Waiting for someone with old or NVidia cards to test :rolleyes:

As of 9.0.9, all nVidia problems are gone!

32-bit icons just work and alpha masks just work.

As of RP9, I was getting small icons (with white surround) missing the middle icon - masked so the desktop appeared.

This problem is gone in 9.0.9.

Also, I was getting certain app icons that looked like 4-bit colour, like the Acrobat 6 icon.

This problem appears to be gone now with 9.0.9.

RP9/KEx4 Me/98SE2ME conflict fixed as of RP 9.0.10 refresh!

However... I still have my RP9/KEx4 conflict...

Strangely, when I first installed 9.0.9, rebooted, and then installed KEx4 RC2, Windows crashed when attempting to restart...

I had to hit the reset button since nothing else worked.

After this, everything worked great!

RPConfig worked, I could launch Firefox 3...

Then suddenly ClearType disabled - almost - not on Desktop, Start Menu, and most apps, but Firefox 3 was using ClearType!!!.

I used RPConfig to turn ClearType off and on again several times, but I could not get it to work.

After restarting Windows, I was back to the old conflict again...

When I get an invalid page fault, it is in module <unknown>, and at the same address: 0000:BFE51496...

If I run RPConfig, I get an invalid page fault in RPCONFIG at address 0000:00000000, and all the registers are also zero... :blink:

Straight after this, I get the previously posted Access Violation in RPCONFIG at BFE50496, and the same address 0000:BFE51496 as above.

I removed and reinstalled RP9 and KEx4 in different orders, but I could not get them to work together again... :(

So... I'm back to alternating between them to test... Not so bad I suppose, but a pain all the same...

Edited by RetroOS
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Hi Tihiy,

yesterday I installed the intial version of 9.0.9.. When I restarted I had everything fine, but I was in 640x480 pixels and 16 colors mode. After having re-installed the graphics driver (took me some time to find out, this one: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_res...mp;submit=Go%21

everything was fine.

Will now try your 9.0.9 second edition !


(WIN98SE; 4.10 (Build 2222) A; 1024x768 pixels - 24 bits; GenuineIntel x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 ...)

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Revolutions Pack 9.0.10 released

nothing to see here, move along


* Implemented 32-bit .ico loader.

CrossLoop (remote control software) is failing to launch with latest RP9 installed. Actually, it seems to launch, but the window seems to be hidden if RP9 is installed.
Unfortunately, i can't fix that. It uses some kind of bats*** insane stack-play which i can't think a way to fix. And it's not guaranteed to work either way.
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