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About riosilente

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  1. Please!!! update WLM Creator with a new version of A-patch
  2. there is a new version of A-Patch http://apatch.org/ Changelog: Added: Compatibility for Windows Live Messenger 9 Wave 3 14.0.8117.0416
  3. I have a problem... with the old version it signalled me the necessity to integrate some file like "crt.msi", "Contacts.msi" etc... but now in cache folder there is not trace of these files...
  4. this tool works fine with the new relase of WLM 14.0.8089.726?
  5. i'm so sorry but my english is very ugly... i find solution to my problem i look the http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/76/ and i found solution with a simple file bat!!! this file is in a autoextract file (make with winrar) an when extract the file, it puts in $$\Resources\Themes\MyTheme.theme and Modify.CMD in i386 with this code echo. >> WINNT.SIF echo [shell] >> WINNT.SIF echo CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\MyTheme.theme" >> WINNT.SIF this bat modify and save the new WINNT.SIF p.s. i think a project similar to VistaPack p.p.s. tanks for your attention to me!
  6. tanks man! I have been read the guide but I am creating an autoextract package "for dummies" and I would want to use folder & regtweak via runonceex unfortunately i undestarnd how to change WINNT.SIF "universal for all people" exist any software to apply automatically this string at WINNT.SIF? in my (crazy) project i don't use nLite
  7. Please help me. i don't use HFSlip is possible to fit similar guide to $OEM$ Distribution Folders and runonceex? sorry for my bad english!
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