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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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I would blame the wires, it's a contact problem, or poor GND, or too long wires, or some interference, etc. Just verify them and retry.

So you speak portuguese, gradius2??? Nice!!! Could you please take a look at my cables? The nokia dku-5 end has 3 wires. From trial and error, I found out that "blue" and "red" are TX and RX (by pressing some keys on hyperterminal), but I wonder what orange is for? When I linked orange with either of the other cables, nothing happened.

I'm affraid that the two wires also might be touching each other on the seagate side, since sometimes I see the "invalid command" error (as if I were typing anything on the keyboard).


Então você fala português? Que legal! Você poderia dar uma olhada nesta foto? Meu cabo nokia dku-5 tem três fios. Mas somente quando eu ligava o azul e o vermelho é que eu obtinha alguma resposta no hyperterminal (ao ficar pressionando uma tecla no teclado). Mas ainda não sei qual é a utilidade do cabo alaranjado. E os cabos do dku-5 são realmente bastante finos.

Também acho que talvez os cabos estejam relando um no outro dentro do hd, pois às vezes eu recebo o erro "comando inválido".


Many thanks for your kind help (muito obrigado pela ajuda).


Edited by spellcasterbr
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I would blame the wires, it's a contact problem, or poor GND, or too long wires, or some interference, etc. Just verify them and retry.

So you speak portuguese, gradius2??? Nice!!! Could you please take a look at my cables? The nokia dku-5 end has 3 wires. From trial and error, I found out that "blue" and "red" are TX and RX (by pressing some keys on hyperterminal), but I wonder what orange is for? When I linked orange with either of the other cables, nothing happened.

I'm affraid that the two wires also might be touching each other on the seagate side, since sometimes I see the "invalid command" error (as if I were typing anything on the keyboard).


Então você fala português? Que legal! Você poderia dar uma olhada nesta foto? Meu cabo nokia dku-5 tem três fios. Mas somente quando eu ligava o azul e o vermelho é que eu obtinha alguma resposta no hyperterminal (ao ficar pressionando uma tecla no teclado). Mas ainda não sei qual é a utilidade do cabo alaranjado. E os cabos do dku-5 são realmente bastante finos.

Também acho que talvez os cabos estejam relando um no outro dentro do hd, pois às vezes eu recebo o erro "comando inválido".


Many thanks for your kind help (muito obrigado pela ajuda).

Well yes, english, spanish, portuguese and a little bit of japanese (sugoi!). :ph34r:

Vc deve tomar muito cuidado, pois poderá provocar um curto-circuito e queimar os terminais do Seagate! Será necessário isolar os cabos da melhor maneira possível, se vc não tem nenhum pino fêmea, a melhor forma será soldando os cabos (com muito cuidado), no Seagate, e quando o problema estiver solucionado, basta desoldá-los.

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Just one more question: my phone cable has 3 wires: TX, RX and a third one I'm not using.

And also, my hd is being powered on by an external hdd case (i'm just using the sata power cable). Could this have anything related to the garbage characteres I'm having on hyperterminal?

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the garbage characters are normal when you powercycle the drive.

What you need to do now is place a card, or something non conducting under the spindle motor contacts as shown in the tutorial.


Just one more question: my phone cable has 3 wires: TX, RX and a third one I'm not using.

And also, my hd is being powered on by an external hdd case (i'm just using the sata power cable). Could this have anything related to the garbage characteres I'm having on hyperterminal?

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the garbage characters are normal when you powercycle the drive.

What you need to do now is place a card, or something non conducting under the spindle motor contacts as shown in the tutorial.


Just one more question: my phone cable has 3 wires: TX, RX and a third one I'm not using.

And also, my hd is being powered on by an external hdd case (i'm just using the sata power cable). Could this have anything related to the garbage characteres I'm having on hyperterminal?

no matter what i do, all i see is garbage on the terminal and cntrl-z does nothing. everything has been verified 38400,n,8,1 and rx/tx. WTF?

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Hey guys, I finally FIXED my drive!!! The garbage characters were gone!!!

I'm so ashamed of myself. The garbage characters were appearing because I was powering on my hdd through an external hard disk case. When I powered it though my computer PSU, I could use a PERFECTLY CLEAR terminal window.

Bsobel, perhaps you're doing the same as me? If so, try powering on through your PSU.

Gradius2, many thanks for your kind help!!! I'm definitely donating to you!!! It'll be a small gratitude for your help since I don't own much, but it's my sincere thanks. I'm not too familiarized with paypal, but I'll manage to do it.

Cheers (domo arigatou gozaimas***a - I can speak a little japanese too since I'm a japanese descendant :) )

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Im not sure wether this is the appropiate topic or not (i mean, the solution).

I have a $eagate Barracuda ST3500320AS, (500 GB), that suddenly a morning when powering on my computer would be as not detected by the bios, the problem is that the same day this happened i had shortcircuit in my home that cause the computer to shut down, so initially i though the overvoltage might have damaged my hadr drive, but by doing some research over the internet, it seems that this might be due to the firmware issue.

My drive is not being detected, but i can hear the plates spinning, i mean, ITS ALIVE, although i dont know if the interface is working or not, or its the firmware issue... I tried to contact Seagate but not reply so far... I live in the f***ing spain where theres not even Seagate support, so even in the unlikely event that they might give free data recovery i couldn't apply...

so my question is, with the steps in this tutorial, could i make my disk work again? Id like to boot from it directly since all my files are in NTFS and i cant access them from outside the logged user, i would have permissions if the disk were used as extenernal.

what can i do? I would be gladly to pay to anyone who could help me out with this BIG issue.

thanks in advance guys!

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Download "Victoria for Windows" When you switch it to "PIO Mode" in the top right, and select your non-functioning drive, you will see the light status stuck on "BUSY" at the bottom. If it is in this state, then yes, this fix will most likely help you.


Im not sure wether this is the appropiate topic or not (i mean, the solution).

I have a $eagate Barracuda ST3500320AS, (500 GB), that suddenly a morning when powering on my computer would be as not detected by the bios, the problem is that the same day this happened i had shortcircuit in my home that cause the computer to shut down, so initially i though the overvoltage might have damaged my hadr drive, but by doing some research over the internet, it seems that this might be due to the firmware issue.

My drive is not being detected, but i can hear the plates spinning, i mean, ITS ALIVE, although i dont know if the interface is working or not, or its the firmware issue... I tried to contact Seagate but not reply so far... I live in the f***ing spain where theres not even Seagate support, so even in the unlikely event that they might give free data recovery i couldn't apply...

so my question is, with the steps in this tutorial, could i make my disk work again? Id like to boot from it directly since all my files are in NTFS and i cant access them from outside the logged user, i would have permissions if the disk were used as extenernal.

what can i do? I would be gladly to pay to anyone who could help me out with this BIG issue.

thanks in advance guys!

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Awesome! Make sure once you have gotten your essentials backed up, that you upgrade the firmware, otherwise your drive can/will brick again.


Hey guys, I finally FIXED my drive!!! The garbage characters were gone!!!

I'm so ashamed of myself. The garbage characters were appearing because I was powering on my hdd through an external hard disk case. When I powered it though my computer PSU, I could use a PERFECTLY CLEAR terminal window.

Bsobel, perhaps you're doing the same as me? If so, try powering on through your PSU.

Gradius2, many thanks for your kind help!!! I'm definitely donating to you!!! It'll be a small gratitude for your help since I don't own much, but it's my sincere thanks. I'm not too familiarized with paypal, but I'll manage to do it.

Cheers (domo arigatou gozaimas***a - I can speak a little japanese too since I'm a japanese descendant :) )

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Hey guys, I finally FIXED my drive!!! The garbage characters were gone!!!

I'm so ashamed of myself. The garbage characters were appearing because I was powering on my hdd through an external hard disk case. When I powered it though my computer PSU, I could use a PERFECTLY CLEAR terminal window.

Bsobel, perhaps you're doing the same as me? If so, try powering on through your PSU.

Gradius2, many thanks for your kind help!!! I'm definitely donating to you!!! It'll be a small gratitude for your help since I don't own much, but it's my sincere thanks. I'm not too familiarized with paypal, but I'll manage to do it.

Cheers (domo arigatou gozaimas***a - I can speak a little japanese too since I'm a japanese descendant :) )

Nice to know you managed to fix it and is working perfectly now.

Thanks for donating, it will helps with my hosting expenses, believe it or not, it will be the 1st one so far. :blushing:

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You guys are GENIUS!

Just saved my 1Tb drive from 0LBA using adapter from http://alldav.com.

Note that RX and TX marked on that adapter are to be conected to RX and TX on the drive RX to RX, TX as TX, but not reversed.


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