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Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 Troubles

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We need a new Topic for the 7200.11 Failure List, it's clogging up this thread. Maybe Poolcarpet could start one, and get a mod to clean out irrelevant posts.

EDIT: Or maybe start a thread for finding a solution and leave this one for the google stats / failure list.

Edited by Fuzzy_3D
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Yes, you are right! Things are getting too messy.. People looking for the findings of fatlip, pichi and others will easily get lost. If the topic starter and the main posters agree I'll start a new topic for the seagate barracuda 7200.11 fail or fine dataset.

We need a new Topic for the 7200.11 Failure List, it's clogging up this thread. Maybe Poolcarpet could start one, and get a mod to clean out irrelevant posts.

EDIT: Or maybe start a thread for finding a solution and leave this one for the google stats / failure list.

Edited by DerSnoezie
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Yep, I agree too. In that new thread maybe we have to keep it to posts related to the solution only and nothing else. That way it will be easy for anyone to zoom in to get the fix (if it's successfully achieved!)

Yes, you are right! Things are getting too messy.. People looking for the findings of fatlip, pichi and others will easily get lost. If the topic starter and the main posters agree I'll start a new topic for the seagate barracuda 7200.11 fail or fine dataset.
We need a new Topic for the 7200.11 Failure List, it's clogging up this thread. Maybe Poolcarpet could start one, and get a mod to clean out irrelevant posts.

EDIT: Or maybe start a thread for finding a solution and leave this one for the google stats / failure list.

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Oh, okay :) So we can keep the dataset over here? Maybe that's the best thing to do; at this thread it will probably receive the highest exposure.

Yep, I agree too. In that new thread maybe we have to keep it to posts related to the solution only and nothing else. That way it will be easy for anyone to zoom in to get the fix (if it's successfully achieved!)
Yes, you are right! Things are getting too messy.. People looking for the findings of fatlip, pichi and others will easily get lost. If the topic starter and the main posters agree I'll start a new topic for the seagate barracuda 7200.11 fail or fine dataset.
We need a new Topic for the 7200.11 Failure List, it's clogging up this thread. Maybe Poolcarpet could start one, and get a mod to clean out irrelevant posts.

EDIT: Or maybe start a thread for finding a solution and leave this one for the google stats / failure list.

Edited by DerSnoezie
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Yet another broken POS from seagate:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of the User:reason of failing / still running fine


01:9QM7VZBP:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09146 (09/Oct/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:24Dec2008:poolcarpet:Malaysia

02:9QM6X90B:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09115 (17/Sep/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:28Dec2008:DaftMule:United Kingdom

03:9QM6W2JE:ST3500320AS: - :SD15: - : - :5Dec2008:19Dec2008:DerSnoezie:Netherlands (no detect in bios)

04:9QM4G4PK:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08503 (16/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:Nov2008:dskbrk

05:9QM3RWHJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-568:SD81:08464 (20/May/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:23Dec2008:ToKuRo:Chile (no detect in bios)

06:9QM7KSQJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-501:SD15:09134 (30/Sep/2008):KRATSG:28Oct2008:07Jan2009:jeroen__online:Netherlands

07:9QM2MFS6:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08406 (10/Apr/2008):KRATSG:12Apr2008:23Dec2008:quattro150:Malaysia

08:9QJ0XJ01:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (12/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug/Sep2008:8Jan2009:Nichev

09:9QM717SF:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09114 (16/Sep/2008):KRATSG:13Oct2008:14Dec2008:PrOdiGy1:UK

10:9QJ1LESR:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:Nov2008:27Dec2008:AVINNC:USA

11:9QJ1AGEV:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08515 (2/Jul/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:4Jan2009:Ruddrage:UK

12:9QM6354J:ST3500820AS:9BX134-505:SD15:09084 (26/Ago/2008):KRATSG:July2008:20Dec2008:rainshower:Germany

13:9QM33FL8:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:08396 (03/Abr/2008):KRTASG:Sep2008:30Dec2008:fabio.cillo:Italy

14:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08367 (14/Mar/2008):KRATSG:Dec2007:Dec2008:Death_Angel:Malaysia

15:9QK*****:ST3750630AS:9BX146-621:HP24:08511 (21/Jun/2008):TK:Oct2008:7Jan2009:Taiketo

16:5QJ*****:ST1000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09121 (20/Sep/2008):WUXISG:October2008:28Dec2008:Styleman

17:9QM8DRHL:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15: - (13/Oct/2008):KRATSG:06Dec2008:24Dec2008:roadstarter:Philippines

18:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:15Oct2008:29Dec2008:labraticmp3:USA

19:9QM6****:ST3500320AS: - : SD15 - : - : Oct2008:2Jan2008:eli2k

20:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:6Nov2008:27Nov2008:poim76

21:9QM2CHR4:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08382 (23/Mar/2008):KRATSG:August-08:Nov-Dec-08:caba212:Spain

22:9QJ15ZBN:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (05/Jun/2008):KRATSG:July2008:26Dec2008:GrayGhost:USA

23:9QM27S5F:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:DEC 08:JAN 09: timha


25:9QM60864:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076:KRATSG:31 October 2008:Dec 2008:RiderZen:Australia (BSY)

26:9QJ0W41R:ST31000340AS:9BX158-335:SD15:08457 (16/May/2008):KRATSG:Jul2008:20Dec2008:Macprk:USA



29:5QM1EYCG:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08383:WUXISG:jUL2008:02Jan2009:waly2k1:Argentina (no detect in bios).

30:9QM5RCNT:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063:KRATSG:JUL2008:25DEC2008:criverock:Italy (no detect in bios).

31:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:20Dec2008:sarahcoco:France

32:9QJ*****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09104 (10/Oct/2008):KRATSG:3Jan2009:artpav:Canada

33:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08371 (15/Mar/2008):KRATSG:7May2008:29Dec2008:KillerB :Korea (no detect in bios)


35:9QJ0GLEX:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08356 (06/March/2008):KRATSG:March2008:Jun2008:TheName:Croatia


37:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08364:KRATSG:May2008:12Dec2008:OEM:taa:Russia (no detect in bios)

38:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09096:KRATSG:Sep2008:07Jan2009:OEM:kiave:Poland:(no detect in bios)

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Minor edit; the firmware version of rainshower (#12) should be SD25:

Number:Serial N°:Model:Part N°:Firmware:DateCode:SiteCode:PurchaseDate:FailedDate:OEM/RETAIL:UserName:Country of the User:reason of failing / still running fine


01:9QM7VZBP:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09146 (09/Oct/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:24Dec2008:poolcarpet:Malaysia

02:9QM6X90B:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09115 (17/Sep/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:28Dec2008:DaftMule:United Kingdom

03:9QM6W2JE:ST3500320AS: - :SD15: - : - :5Dec2008:19Dec2008:DerSnoezie:Netherlands (no detect in bios)

04:9QM4G4PK:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08503 (16/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:Nov2008:dskbrk

05:9QM3RWHJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-568:SD81:08464 (20/May/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:23Dec2008:ToKuRo:Chile (no detect in bios)

06:9QM7KSQJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-501:SD15:09134 (30/Sep/2008):KRATSG:28Oct2008:07Jan2009:jeroen__online:Netherlands

07:9QM2MFS6:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08406 (10/Apr/2008):KRATSG:12Apr2008:23Dec2008:quattro150:Malaysia

08:9QJ0XJ01:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (12/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug/Sep2008:8Jan2009:Nichev

09:9QM717SF:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09114 (16/Sep/2008):KRATSG:13Oct2008:14Dec2008:PrOdiGy1:UK

10:9QJ1LESR:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:Nov2008:27Dec2008:AVINNC:USA

11:9QJ1AGEV:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08515 (2/Jul/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:4Jan2009:Ruddrage:UK

12:9QM6354J:ST3500820AS:9BX134-505:SD25:09084 (26/Ago/2008):KRATSG:July2008:20Dec2008:rainshower:Germany

13:9QM33FL8:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:08396 (03/Abr/2008):KRTASG:Sep2008:30Dec2008:fabio.cillo:Italy

14:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08367 (14/Mar/2008):KRATSG:Dec2007:Dec2008:Death_Angel:Malaysia

15:9QK*****:ST3750630AS:9BX146-621:HP24:08511 (21/Jun/2008):TK:Oct2008:7Jan2009:Taiketo

16:5QJ*****:ST1000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09121 (20/Sep/2008):WUXISG:October2008:28Dec2008:Styleman

17:9QM8DRHL:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15: - (13/Oct/2008):KRATSG:06Dec2008:24Dec2008:roadstarter:Philippines

18:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:15Oct2008:29Dec2008:labraticmp3:USA

19:9QM6****:ST3500320AS: - : SD15 - : - : Oct2008:2Jan2008:eli2k

20:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:6Nov2008:27Nov2008:poim76

21:9QM2CHR4:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08382 (23/Mar/2008):KRATSG:August-08:Nov-Dec-08:caba212:Spain

22:9QJ15ZBN:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (05/Jun/2008):KRATSG:July2008:26Dec2008:GrayGhost:USA

23:9QM27S5F:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:DEC 08:JAN 09: timha


25:9QM60864:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076:KRATSG:31 October 2008:Dec 2008:RiderZen:Australia (BSY)

26:9QJ0W41R:ST31000340AS:9BX158-335:SD15:08457 (16/May/2008):KRATSG:Jul2008:20Dec2008:Macprk:USA



29:5QM1EYCG:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08383:WUXISG:jUL2008:02Jan2009:waly2k1:Argentina (no detect in bios).

30:9QM5RCNT:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063:KRATSG:JUL2008:25DEC2008:criverock:Italy (no detect in bios).

31:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:20Dec2008:sarahcoco:France

32:9QJ*****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09104 (10/Oct/2008):KRATSG:3Jan2009:artpav:Canada

33:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08371 (15/Mar/2008):KRATSG:7May2008:29Dec2008:KillerB :Korea (no detect in bios)


35:9QJ0GLEX:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08356 (06/March/2008):KRATSG:March2008:Jun2008:TheName:Croatia


37:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08364:KRATSG:May2008:12Dec2008:OEM:taa:Russia (no detect in bios)

38:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09096:KRATSG:Sep2008:07Jan2009:OEM:kiave:Poland:(no detect in bios)

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Oh, okay :) So we can keep the dataset over here? Maybe that's the best thing to do; at this thread it will probably receive the highest exposure.
Yep, I agree too. In that new thread maybe we have to keep it to posts related to the solution only and nothing else. That way it will be easy for anyone to zoom in to get the fix (if it's successfully achieved!)
Yes, you are right! Things are getting too messy.. People looking for the findings of fatlip, pichi and others will easily get lost. If the topic starter and the main posters agree I'll start a new topic for the seagate barracuda 7200.11 fail or fine dataset.
We need a new Topic for the 7200.11 Failure List, it's clogging up this thread. Maybe Poolcarpet could start one, and get a mod to clean out irrelevant posts.

EDIT: Or maybe start a thread for finding a solution and leave this one for the google stats / failure list.

Yeah, this was discussed back on page 15...

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Mine went down last night- ta-daaa !!!! (jan1108)

9QM0Z5yq:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08315 (??/???/????):KRATSG:spring 088:11jan08:canada

I remain hopeful that a soft solution will be developed- so I would like to extend a word of patience to those who may despair that all has been lost. considering the rapidily mounting cost of systematic hdd failure it is in everyones best interest esp seagate.

If there is worry this forum will be shut down I might suggest starting a seagate hdd 7200 failure forum on google groups-

I have to ask regarding a pcb swap fix- am I correct in understanding it fails because the pcb has the hdd sns already encoded ? i have one duplicate drive still in the antistatic packaging and would consider trying this option if I know that trying would not destroy the data

I take it this bsy stuff occurs during shutdown of the pc; is it possible to clear by shorting some of the data pins on the sata interface while unpowered ?

Is it possible it will clear itself by leaving it unpowered for a few days ?

Sorry, I don't have any real technical knowledge, I am just trying to throw out some ideas here. Thank you.

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I'm adding mine to the long list... 40 now!

9QM66SGE:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09082:KRATSG:1Dec2008:11Jan2009:OEM:SeaGAYBarracuTARD:Canada:(no detect in bios)

Same story normal boot down next morning no drive in BIOS. I'm in Ottawa Canada if someone is thinking of teaming up to fix this problem around here.

01:9QM7VZBP:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09146 (09/Oct/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:24Dec2008:poolcarpet:Malaysia

02:9QM6X90B:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09115 (17/Sep/2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:28Dec2008:DaftMule:United Kingdom

03:9QM6W2JE:ST3500320AS: - :SD15: - : - :5Dec2008:19Dec2008:DerSnoezie:Netherlands (no detect in bios)

04:9QM4G4PK:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08503 (16/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:Nov2008:dskbrk

05:9QM3RWHJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-568:SD81:08464 (20/May/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:23Dec2008:ToKuRo:Chile (no detect in bios)

06:9QM7KSQJ:ST3500320AS:9BX154-501:SD15:09134 (30/Sep/2008):KRATSG:28Oct2008:07Jan2009:jeroen__online:Netherlands

07:9QM2MFS6:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08406 (10/Apr/2008):KRATSG:12Apr2008:23Dec2008:quattro150:Malaysia

08:9QJ0XJ01:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (12/Jun/2008):KRATSG:Aug/Sep2008:8Jan2009:Nichev

09:9QM717SF:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09114 (16/Sep/2008):KRATSG:13Oct2008:14Dec2008:PrOdiGy1:UK

10:9QJ1LESR:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:Nov2008:27Dec2008:AVINNC:USA

11:9QJ1AGEV:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08515 (2/Jul/2008):KRATSG:Aug2008:4Jan2009:Ruddrage:UK

12:9QM6354J:ST3500820AS:9BX134-505:SD25:09084 (26/Ago/2008):KRATSG:July2008:20Dec2008:rainshower:Germany

13:9QM33FL8:STM3500320AS:9GT154-325:MX15:08396 (03/Abr/2008):KRTASG:Sep2008:30Dec2008:fabio.cillo:Italy

14:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08367 (14/Mar/2008):KRATSG:Dec2007:Dec2008:Death_Angel:Malaysia

15:9QK*****:ST3750630AS:9BX146-621:HP24:08511 (21/Jun/2008):TK:Oct2008:7Jan2009:Taiketo

16:5QJ*****:ST1000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09121 (20/Sep/2008):WUXISG:October2008:28Dec2008:Styleman

17:9QM8DRHL:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15: - (13/Oct/2008):KRATSG:06Dec2008:24Dec2008:roadstarter:Philippines

18:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:15Oct2008:29Dec2008:labraticmp3:USA

19:9QM6****:ST3500320AS: - : SD15 - : - : Oct2008:2Jan2008:eli2k

20:9QM5****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063 (11/Ago/2008):KRATSG:6Nov2008:27Nov2008:poim76

21:9QM2CHR4:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08382 (23/Mar/2008):KRATSG:August-08:Nov-Dec-08:caba212:Spain

22:9QJ15ZBN:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08496 (05/Jun/2008):KRATSG:July2008:26Dec2008:GrayGhost:USA

23:9QM27S5F:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08381:DEC 08:JAN 09: timha


25:9QM60864:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076:KRATSG:31 October 2008:Dec 2008:RiderZen:Australia (BSY)

26:9QJ0W41R:ST31000340AS:9BX158-335:SD15:08457 (16/May/2008):KRATSG:Jul2008:20Dec2008:Macprk:USA



29:5QM1EYCG:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08383:WUXISG:jUL2008:02Jan2009:waly2k1:Argentina (no detect in bios).

30:9QM5RCNT:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09063:KRATSG:JUL2008:25DEC2008:criverock:Italy (no detect in bios).

31:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09076 (21Aug2008):KRATSG:Oct2008:20Dec2008:sarahcoco:France

32:9QJ*****:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:09104 (10/Oct/2008):KRATSG:3Jan2009:artpav:Canada

33:9QM*****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08371 (15/Mar/2008):KRATSG:7May2008:29Dec2008:KillerB :Korea (no detect in bios)


35:9QJ0GLEX:ST31000340AS:9BX158-303:SD15:08356 (06/March/2008):KRATSG:March2008:Jun2008:TheName:Croatia


37:9QM1****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08364:KRATSG:May2008:12Dec2008:OEM:taa:Russia (no detect in bios)

38:9QM6****:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09096:KRATSG:Sep2008:07Jan2009:OEM:kiave:Poland:(no detect in bios)

39:9QM0Z5yq:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08315 (??/???/????):KRATSG:spring 088:11jan08:canada

40:9QM66SGE:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:09082:KRATSG:1Dec2008:11Jan2009:OEM:SeaGAYBarracuTARD:Canada:(no detect in bios)

Edited by SeaGAYBarracuTARD
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Thanks for your kind words of hope and the data entry ofcourse :)

Regarding your technical questions I think it is best to send a PM to fatlip, which is one of the most knowledgeable forum members in that particular field.

Mine went down last night- ta-daaa !!!! (jan1108)

9QM0Z5yq:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08315 (??/???/????):KRATSG:spring 088:11jan08:canada

I remain hopeful that a soft solution will be developed- so I would like to extend a word of patience to those who may despair that all has been lost. considering the rapidily mounting cost of systematic hdd failure it is in everyones best interest esp seagate.

If there is worry this forum will be shut down I might suggest starting a seagate hdd 7200 failure forum on google groups-

I have to ask regarding a pcb swap fix- am I correct in understanding it fails because the pcb has the hdd sns already encoded ? i have one duplicate drive still in the antistatic packaging and would consider trying this option if I know that trying would not destroy the data

I take it this bsy stuff occurs during shutdown of the pc; is it possible to clear by shorting some of the data pins on the sata interface while unpowered ?

Is it possible it will clear itself by leaving it unpowered for a few days ?

Sorry, I don't have any real technical knowledge, I am just trying to throw out some ideas here. Thank you.

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I'm adding mine to the long list... 40 now!

Nice alias you have there :lol: The list is certainly growing.. and entries from so many different countries too.. But ofcourse we should all believe seagate and think this are only isolated incidents. Yeah right! We don't think so!

Edited by DerSnoezie
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Where do you live?


Mine went down last night- ta-daaa !!!! (jan1108)

9QM0Z5yq:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08315 (??/???/????):KRATSG:spring 088:11jan08:canada

I remain hopeful that a soft solution will be developed- so I would like to extend a word of patience to those who may despair that all has been lost. considering the rapidily mounting cost of systematic hdd failure it is in everyones best interest esp seagate.

If there is worry this forum will be shut down I might suggest starting a seagate hdd 7200 failure forum on google groups-

I have to ask regarding a pcb swap fix- am I correct in understanding it fails because the pcb has the hdd sns already encoded ? i have one duplicate drive still in the antistatic packaging and would consider trying this option if I know that trying would not destroy the data

I take it this bsy stuff occurs during shutdown of the pc; is it possible to clear by shorting some of the data pins on the sata interface while unpowered ?

Is it possible it will clear itself by leaving it unpowered for a few days ?

Sorry, I don't have any real technical knowledge, I am just trying to throw out some ideas here. Thank you.

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Guest dragtop

I've been following this forum from when I found it on Seagate's site, but only discovered it while doing a Google search for something else (can't remember what!). I suppose I'm one of the lucky few who found out there's a problem with these drives before having one die on him/her. I *was* using a now infamous ST3500320AS (SD15 KRATSG) drive for backup storage, but have since removed it from my D-Link DNS-323 NAS (Network Attached Storage) device and am now only using my old ST3320620AS 320G drive.

I've shelved the 500G, waiting for a firmware fix/update, which might happen before my warranty runs out. In the meantime, it'll be a great paper weight! Unfortunately, I have purchased a few of these for client installations (as backup drives), and am now in the position of having to explain why they need to be replaced. <lots of venting snipped>

Here's mine, for the stats:

9QM0A3N8:ST3500320AS:9BX154-303:SD15:08243 (17/Dec/2008):KRATSG:Jan2008:??????:dragtop:Canada:still running

I'll add the others when I have them.

Regards to all those working on this problem, and a big F.... to Seagate for putting us through this sh*t!

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HD Doctor For Maxtor ID #1121

Maxtor Module 51 Error (generally p-list), how to deal?

It's a common error for Maxtor drive, which has no influence on normal functionality of drive.

Last update: 2008-08-05 21:30

Seagate bought Maxtor.

I need confirm PList errors:

F3 T>V10

Detail 1: Is 803 an overflow?

Detail 2: When appear 80X the SFI value is 0x00400 lower than nearest neigbours.

And User Slip Defect List:

F3 T>V1

Head 0: entries 1 slips 0 <<<<------ IS IT POSSIBLE?

If anybody can check this with a hdd that works, please post it.

The primary list (P List) is written by manufacturer and the hdd's user don't write that list, only writes on grown list (G List).

If the P List (or User Slip Defect List format) is wrong then there are three cases:

1.- The manufacturer wrote it intentionally.

2.- The firmware modified it intentionally.

3.- The programmers of Seagate don't know to program.

If this is true, Seagate, please, solve it.

Info of defect lists:


Edited by pichi
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