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vLite v1.2 Final - RapidCatched


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It's like some one walking around the mall and giving out homemade copies of vista
So? This is precisely what MS did, has done for ages, and will be doing for ages. They've only recently stopped offering the Vista x64 image downloads.
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I seem to have lost option of running applications in "compatibility mode" for lower oses. The tab is missing from properties options of executables. Can someone tell me about the dependency which I might be missing out?

Found it!

"Error reporting" has to be selected!


Edited by clavicle
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Nuhi, after electing to remove UAC from components the next page shows the tweaks with User Account Control (UAC) Enabled but greyed out. I assume this is because it cannot be enabled because it's been removed. It would be nice if this screen indicated that. So instead of showing 'Enabled' it showed 'Removed'.

Just a thought.

Edited by Dobby
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for you guys having trouble, try taking just the oem out of the box iso, slipstream SP1 and apply that then create the iso, burn it to disk. Don't touch anything else, not even the automated install. Just SP1 and that's it, no other hotfixes.

install vista and then run a windows update and write down all the patches that it finds that you need. What I did was use a vista updates downloader that scanned my PC and downloaded the individual kb packages.


Take the original disk and open Vlite back up and use the original disk's data as the foundation, NOT the one you have slipstreamed SP1 with.

Now once Vlite is open, skip the service pack option and ONLY integrate the patches that the OS said you needed after you just ran the windows update, I also ticked the 4 gig ram fix also.

Now, DONT remove anything. Apply, rebuild and burn that to disk.

Now, take THAT disk's data and use it as the foundation for your next build.

At this point, slipstream SP1 but again, do NOT remove any components. Apply and build the iso.

Now, for the final build, you should have a disk that has the post SP1 hotfixes integrated as well as SP1 slipstreamed and NOTHING else removed.

Take this disk and use Vlite to use it's contents to start removing components, automated install, etc...

If you do it like this, it SHOULD work and best of all, windows updates should work without giving the reboot loop.

I've built 4 install disks from scratch this way and can verify that for me, it's worked flawlessly every time. For whatever reason, if you integrate the post SP1 hotfixes, rebuilt, slipstream SP1, rebuild then strip down, rebuild, it works with no errors trying to install patches or anything like that.

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