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vLite v1.2 Final - RapidCatched


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shahed26, DRM, haven't tested the WMP without it, I set it dependable because it comes in WMP installer usually.

TV Tuner should be needed for tuners regardless of the app, try it but I doubt it will work.

Thanks nuhi. Will do a quick test and see how things go.

Thank you

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Hey nuhi, nice release. But I'm still a bit puzzled regarding the logon-loop.

I've been trying for a few days now to get a vLite install going with no luck. I'm not completely new to it and nothing I'm doing should be out of the ordinary compared to how I normally make my vLite installs. I've been trying to figure out a solution for it without any luck. I made numerous install dvds with the 1.2b and then tried yet again with the new 1.2RC last night - still no luck. It's stuck on step 3 of the SP1 installation the first time it boots up. Is this a common problem with the newer vLite releases or is it strictly SP1-related? Any word on if it's something you can avoid when using vLite?

Other than that, I like your new additions to vLite - can't wait to try them out. Thank you for your time and effort on this marvelous piece of software :)

Best regards

Christian Rasmussen, Denmark.

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@ shahed26 & nuhi: Just tested to leave in WMP and remove DRM. It plays other movies fine, but on first login I got 2 register errors about DRM, when starting and configuring WMP I got the same again. It does not fully register WMP in the system (file reg, shortcuts). So I will now reinstall and leave DRM saved. :)

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jaykay, ok.

aaroe, you mean you are trying to install SP1 on vlited RTM ? Maybe your SP1 was vLite Slipstreamed or MS Preintegrated?

Please read this: http://www.vlite.net/servicepack.html

No, sorry if I didn't explain it properly.

I have a danish Vista Ultimate x64 without SP1. A few days ago I decided that I needed a reinstall and gave the vLite 1.2b a spin. Firstly I slipstreamed it with SP1 and then I began the process of removing the junk from Vista which I don't need. I then rebuilded, burned and installed. When the computer booted the first time, it began to finish step 3 of 3 of the SP1 installation. When it was done with that, it rebooted but when it started up again it began, yet again, on step 3 of 3 of the SP1 installation. This then just continued without be being able to stop the process at any point. I then googled it a bit and noticed that you had written that the 1.2b version should help those who had experienced it. I then assumed I had been unlucky and tried yet again - I had done none out of the ordinary when I made the vLite and removed nothing crucial. My next vLite installation went the same way without me being able to track down why the problem occured or how to solve it. Just immediately after my 2nd failed attempt you released 1.2RC so I thought that third time was the charm and then tried yet again - but now with the new 1.2RC. After building my vLite install I tried my luck but the problem occured again. The computer is stuck in a loop with the 3rd step of SP1 installation process.

I've validated, over and over again, that the SP1 I'm using to slipstream is the correct one and that it's not broken by doing CRC and MD5 checksum on it - I really don't get it.

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using imagex mount the install.wim on the Vista DVD (sources), in the mount folder goto Windows\WinSXS and delete Pending.xml (its one of the last files in the folder) and then commit changes, there is a guide saying how to mount a folder, etc.. on this forum somewhere. Deleting that files fixes reboot loop.

I do it after integrate 100s of updates since SP1 and windows installs fine afterward and still saying all updates installed :)


Edited by Legolash2o
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@ shahed26 & nuhi: Just tested to leave in WMP and remove DRM. It plays other movies fine, but on first login I got 2 register errors about DRM, when starting and configuring WMP I got the same again. It does not fully register WMP in the system (file reg, shortcuts). So I will now reinstall and leave DRM saved. :)

Same here. Thats the only DRM errors i get on first logon and when i open WPM11 i also get a error about DRM. After that, its gone and no error pops up when i logon or open WMP

Edited by shahed26
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hey, i love this, its great, there's just two things about it.

The snipping tool doesn't seem to work without DRM, when trying to start it, it says a component is missing (msdrm.dll)

Also, is there a way to get rid of windows meeting space? I can turn it off in the windows feature selection, but i would much rather have vlite be able to do it.

Otherwise, this is great!

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Gonna try the reboot loop issue.generally occurs when integrating some newer hotfixes.Maybe keep Application Experience and then it wont occur?

EDIT:Thanks for the info DemonicHawk.I need Snipping Tool very much so will keep DRM for now.Have you tried copying the DLL file manually?.Maybe then ST will start?

Edited by Tomorrow
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I've experienced this update loop when i tried to integrate Windows Search 4.0 (KB940157). Previous vLited version that I have works like a charm. It has all the updates before WS4 but when I try to add this hotfix to image it just doesn't work. I tried to start from the scratch and added all post-SP1 hotfixes (including WS4) to image and used old Last_Session.ini from working version, but it's still a no go, always a update loop.

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I use a Vista 32 SP1 disc from MS as a base. I use vlite to add a couple of drivers, remove some components, tweak the services, but NOT to integrate any other hotfixes or service packs. The result installs perfectly as you'd expect. However, when I start Windows Update to grab the latest hotfixes, it installs them, reboots, and gets stuck in the same loop so many people seem to be experiencing. Incidentally I did have Windows Update checked as a protected feature.

I had this problem on 1.16 and 1.2b, and now still on 1.2RC.

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