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Hi all,

I'm not very good at speeches, so I will try to keep this simple.

Since I got my job last year, I've become a busy person with little or no time for continue developing my 2 main heavy projects: Vize and XPize.

Also, I must admit that with time, I have been losing interest and strenght in both projects and they're now a tough task for me. That means that the fun is gone for me developing Vize and XPize and they have become a "job". That said, I think that when you no longer enjoy doing that akind of stuff, you should stop. So that's what I am doing right now.

I will make available all the source code of both projects, so other people can create similar packs (there are already users doing so).

I would like to give BIG THANK YOUS to all of you MSFN guys that helped me a lot in making the XPize and Vize projects a reality, specialy Martin_L and xper.

I would like to give a BIG THANK YOUS to all XPize and Vize users.

I think that's all, so thank you very much again

Vize and XPize source

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Thank you very much for such an awesome xpize and vize programs. Its very sad knowing that you will no longer developing and continuing this awesome project, but i wish you all the best of luck, and hope you have a succesfull career in what ever you do.

Thank you

Good luck!

Edited by shahed26
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I've never used it (didn't even know what it was until 5 minutes ago), but I just wanted to say a big "THANKS!!" for sharing the source with us all. So much people just stop supporting their utilities and don't release the source, often forcing us to seek alternatives as a problem arises.

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So, reallife has won again - and that`s okay !

Thank you XPero for all that gif, bitmap and so on.

And Thank you for that wonderful logo that we`re using.

Best wishes for your reallife!

g-force, admin @


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I think everyone can understand your situation and you've explained it in the most honest way possible. Releasing the source is cool, hopefully (im not a dev) someone picks it up and one day you can enjoy new versions.

Thanks for the time you've spent on the project in the past!

-- DaPozt

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've never used it (didn't even know what it was until 5 minutes ago), but I just wanted to say a big "THANKS!!" for sharing the source with us all. So much people just stop supporting their utilities and don't release the source
Yes. I agree wholeheartedly with that statement. I just found out about it, but I'm sure that by doing this it will continue. Thank you. Edited by meowing
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