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How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI

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Hello. Thank you for this program and sorry for my English. :) I just a reader and bad writer.

Ok. I use version 0.2.3 for installing WinXP SP3. In first part when setup trying copy files I have error. "Error" say me that my USB HDD corrupted. But it just broken mbr and down grub4dos. And install grub4dos will make my USB HDD alive. No bad sectors and viruses in USB HDD. And other program work with my USB HDD work properly.

Then I use version 1 beta4, install with you program to USB OK. In log no error. But in first part when copying files he say me what the setup.exe is missing. This is one file missing, another file copying good. I just press ESC and go on instal. In second part I see the mouse cursor in blue. Then the PC go restart. I tryed install Win7 and it's OK. Other iso and programs OK. Just a Win XP SP3 don't wont work. Win XP SP3 is russian version (official). May be it don't work because it Russian?

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Just a Win XP SP3 don't wont work. Win XP SP3 is russian version (official). May be it don't work because it Russian?

It could be any of four things (in my personal order of probabilities):

  1. "badly" slipstreamed SP3
  2. however modified "improperly" SOURCE
  3. SP3
  4. Russian

Can you try a Russian "standard" SP2 to eliminate the SP3 and modified source variables? :unsure:


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A solution was found, see the last message here:


I've implemented these changes, along with some other in beta5, but am out of town for a few days and cannot test it in order to post it.

Thanks for your fast answer! :)

I tested the changes of setup.cmd and modified the txtsetup.sif to get the mnt.exe copied.

But the usb driveletter is still missing. (WinXP SP3 32bit - stick formated with FAT32)

When i use shift+F10 and type "mnt"

I get the following result:

C: => \Device\harddiskVolume1
D: => \Device\CdRom0
QueryDosDevice failed.

Tryed with "ehci" enabled and disabled in BIOS.

Seams like the driver is loaded and the stick is "found" but is not accessable. (btw. The LED in the stick turns off when entering gui-setup)

Next try was to repeat the trys before, but with a NTFS formated stick. Same result. :(

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Look in the backup folder, all previous logs are cab archived there. Find the corresponding log file which has those errors.


When used 0.2.3 did you move the radio button FIXED/REMOVABLE? It should have been auto set to FIXED and should not be moved.

With 1.0 beta did you check if you have setup.ex_ in \WINSETUP\XPpSP..\I386\ ?


This would be quite sad if isn't working. Did you amend txtsetup.sif in the ISO file, not the original one on I386 folder?

At start of GUI please type DISKPART in the cmd window and then "list volume" and "list disk". Is the USB disk listed, without drive letter? You may also try manually mounting the USB disk if it's shown in DISKPART output:

mnt.exe Y: \device\harddisk0\partition1
dir Y:\
mnt.exe Y: \device\harddisk1\partition1
dir Y:\

Keep changing harddiskX if you have more disks or a USB card reader connected. Change partition1 to whatever partition source is in. Try also booting from the USB disk for the second part.

Did the PC reboot couple of times at start of GUI, there a some changes made at each reboot. Did you let it reboot 2 times and see if it continues setup?

As for the file copy speed in latest versions- yes, that's another benefit, since there are no write attempts involved, NTFS write cache does matter and different file systems perform with a similar speed.

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Seams like the driver is loaded and the stick is "found" but is not accessable. (btw. The LED in the stick turns off when entering gui-setup)

Nice, a volunteer with nice testing machines.

Most machines does find USB at first reboot, however some fails.

True reason is unkown so far.

Can you try two more applications at first reboot?

Mount Storage PE http://www.kare-net.de/plugins.html

ShowDrive http://bbs.wuyou.com/viewthread.php?tid=116177

Run the applicaion and use "mnt" to view mapping.

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Just a few days ago there was a thread on boot-land for a seemingly completely unrelated topic, (boot-land is offline right now).

EDIT: it is very, very slow right now, but working, here is the thread:


There exist two other tools, mountstorPE:


(yes it works on a "full XP" also)

and a Chinese little tool, showdrive.exe:


Both automatically map any unmapped HD partition to a dos letter, with a slight difference (examples):


J: = \Device\HarddiskVolume14 [Fixed]


J: = \Device\Harddisk3\Partition1 [Fixed]

Maybe it's useful. :unsure:


@cdob, sorry, cross-posting :blushing:

Edited by jaclaz
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Just a Win XP SP3 don't wont work. Win XP SP3 is russian version (official). May be it don't work because it Russian?

It could be any of four things (in my personal order of probabilities):

  1. "badly" slipstreamed SP3
  2. however modified "improperly" SOURCE
  3. SP3
  4. Russian

Can you try a Russian "standard" SP2 to eliminate the SP3 and modified source variables? :unsure:



When used 0.2.3 did you move the radio button FIXED/REMOVABLE? It should have been auto set to FIXED and should not be moved.

With 1.0 beta did you check if you have setup.ex_ in \WINSETUP\XPpSP..\I386\ ?

Thank you for push me in right way. It been just a my mistake. I edit MBR manualy when try to run setup with just a grub4dos without winsetupfronusb.

But in \WINSETUP\XPpSP..\I386\ a have the setup.ex_ when it did't work I check this first of all. :) Now it work with 0.2.3 and with 1 beta4, with Russian and SP3 :).

But in 0.2.3 I see first partition of my USB HDD (two partitions, first with setup Win and Linux and some service programs and second part with users backup, soft, manuals), and second don't have the Drive letter. It have logical partition and status "good" but all space is free. In other computers it's OK. And if use 1 beta4 it's OK. Restart and enforcement assignment did't work.

My choice is 1 beta4. :)

Thank you

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With 0.2.3 and former versions in case of fixed disk there is a filter driver used, which makes fixed disks to appear as removable, thus tricking Setup to put boot files on the internal disk. Other part is that USB disk is not checked for bootability, according to internal rules, thus no MBR/bootsector is chaned on the USB disk. Limitations as with every removable USB disk is that only first partition is visible.

Just yet another workaround, not needed with the method used on 1.0.

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What's the error code?At what stage you got it?

Did it happen on the same hardware where the other two worked fine? What's the hardware? Are the disks SATA? Do you have the drivers integrated if BIOS is in AHCI/SATA mode?

Hi ilko_t,

The BSOD stop code i got while installing Win XP pro x86 SP3 NL: 0x0000007B (0xF7916524, 0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)


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What's the error code?At what stage you got it?

Did it happen on the same hardware where the other two worked fine? What's the hardware? Are the disks SATA? Do you have the drivers integrated if BIOS is in AHCI/SATA mode?

Hi ilko_t,

The BSOD stop code i got while installing Win XP pro x86 SP3 NL: 0x0000007B (0xF7916524, 0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)


Try the modified ntdetect.com:


You'd need to replace the one in the corresponding ISO file in WINSETUP directory, and just in case the one in I386 directory.

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What's the error code?At what stage you got it?

Did it happen on the same hardware where the other two worked fine? What's the hardware? Are the disks SATA? Do you have the drivers integrated if BIOS is in AHCI/SATA mode?

Hi ilko_t,

The BSOD stop code i got while installing Win XP pro x86 SP3 NL: 0x0000007B (0xF7916524, 0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)


Try the modified ntdetect.com:


You'd need to replace the one in the corresponding ISO file in WINSETUP directory, and just in case the one in I386 directory.

It worked! Thanks A LOT!

Can i use the modified WIN XP iso image to burn a install cd?

Or can the modified NTDETECT.COM only work on USB-sticks?


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Can i use the modified WIN XP iso image to burn a install cd?

Or can the modified NTDETECT.COM only work on USB-sticks?

The modified NTDETECT.COM simly "loosens" some restrictions apparently introduced in SP2, it is nothing but a SP1 version of NTDETECT.COM, so you can use it on CD as well.


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Sorry for the late answer, i got sick last week. :(

This would be quite sad if isn't working. Did you amend txtsetup.sif in the ISO file, not the original one on I386 folder?

I changed the txtsetup.sif in the "Image-Source" and recreated the whole usbstick. After this i checked the iso file and setup folder on the stick. Both contain the new entry for the mnt.exe (and now for showdrive.exe, too)

I also added a "exists"-check for the mnt.exe:

if not exist mnt.exe (
echo mnt.exe not found
echo mnt.exe not found >> %SystemRoot%\winsetup.log
) else (
FOR /L %%G IN (0,1,20) DO (
mnt.exe Y: \device\harddisk%%G\partition1
dir Y:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=Y:
if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found

to the [Winsetupfromusbfolder]\files\winsetup\setup.cmd

to ensure the mnt.exe is copied successfull. And it is.

At start of GUI please type DISKPART in the cmd window and then "list volume" and "list disk".

List disk output is only listing the HDD.

List volume shows the CDDRIVE and the C partition of the HDD.

I also tryed the "rescan" command. Nothing changed.

Try also booting from the USB disk for the second part.

Tryed with same result :(

Did the PC reboot couple of times at start of GUI, there a some changes made at each reboot. Did you let it reboot 2 times and see if it continues setup?

Yes i let it reboot until the error comes up. (2 gui-setup reboots)

When i boot from USB part 2 every time, i get the same result.

and a Chinese little tool, showdrive.exe:


I added this to the txtsetup.sif and after ending up by the setup-error. I tryed to run it in the cmd.

But it shows nothing but a empty line. :blink:

Are there any parameters i can use? I don't understand the Chines/Japanes-symbols :rolleyes:

By the way, like i wrote earlier, the usbstick-led is "on" until windows is booting. Then it turns "off" and stays "off".

When i boot BartPE (XP) the stick is maped as X: and works normaly.

I copied the setupact.log, setuplog.txt and winsetup.log to show them here.

Maybe there are some more information for you.


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and a Chinese little tool, showdrive.exe:


I added this to the txtsetup.sif and after ending up by the setup-error. I tryed to run it in the cmd.

But it shows nothing but a empty line. :blink:

Are there any parameters i can use? I don't understand the Chines/Japanes-symbols :rolleyes:

No, it's a "silent tool".

Read the referenced thread.

Try running dosdev before and after using showdrive ot mountstorePE:



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