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How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI

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For some reason AV vendors quite often falsely detect virus patterns in AutoIt compiled programs.

When in doubt check online using multiple scanners:


I'd click on the link you have "Reports as false positive..." B)

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Added: BTW- did you encounter the same behavior with the arrow keys while in winsetup.lst menus?
Yes, strange indeed, left+right arrow key do the up/down select work.

So I did see it somewhere, but not on boot-land :rolleyes:


The following commands are boot-sensitive(and others are not boot-sensitive):














An unbootable title will be skipped when the user presses the Up Arrow or Down

Arrow keys. Even the unbootable menu item can get accessed(and executed) by

using the Left Arrow and/or Right Arrow keys.

We do have configfile in winsetup.lst, but it's conditional to geometry(hdX) result, hence it seems ignored.

Add "boot" as last line in each menu and everything goes back to normal:

title First part of Windows XP Professional SP2 setup from partition 0

root (hd0,0)

map --mem /WINSETUP/XPpSP2.ISO (0xff)

savedefault 2

geometry (hd9) && configfile /BOOTWS/10.lst

geometry (hd8) && configfile /BOOTWS/9.lst

geometry (hd7) && configfile /BOOTWS/8.lst

geometry (hd6) && configfile /BOOTWS/7.lst

geometry (hd5) && configfile /BOOTWS/6.lst

geometry (hd4) && configfile /BOOTWS/5.lst

geometry (hd3) && configfile /BOOTWS/4.lst

geometry (hd2) && configfile /BOOTWS/3.lst

geometry (hd1) && configfile /BOOTWS/2.lst


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What's the error code?At what stage you got it?

Did it happen on the same hardware where the other two worked fine? What's the hardware? Are the disks SATA? Do you have the drivers integrated if BIOS is in AHCI/SATA mode?

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What's the error code?At what stage you got it?

Did it happen on the same hardware where the other two worked fine? What's the hardware? Are the disks SATA? Do you have the drivers integrated if BIOS is in AHCI/SATA mode?

Hi ilko_t,

I will post you the error tomorow!

My USB contains:

XP Pro SP3 x86 NL OEM (Gave BSOD after loading all Setup Components)

2003 Std R2 SP2 x86 ENG VLK (Tested it and it worked!)

2003 Std R2 SP2 x86 NL VLK (Tested it and it worked!)

2003 Ent R2 SP2 x86 ENG VLK (Tested it and it worked!)

2008 all versions x64 ENG VLK (Not tested yet!)

I've tested them on several Intel P4's, Intel C2D's all worked exept for XP Pro SP3 x86 NL OEM!

I think that the problem is with the XP not the PC HW.

I will post the BSOD error tomorrow!


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When i try to add (only) Windows Seven to USB Stick i get this error:


I'am using latest version (1.0 beta4)

With version 0.23 i manage to put XP on stick, but not Seven.

Any detailed tutorial?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Edited by Nic303
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Nic303- it's not about what you are putting on the USB stick. For some reason the program fails to install grub4dos MBR. This has nothing to do with what is being placed next on the USB stick.

Can you zip and attach WinSetupFromUSB.log file in program directory?

You may also try the following:

1. Format the USB stick with BootIce or RMPrepUSB

2. Close the program

3. Unplug the stick using safely remove hardware icon and plug it back in

4. Run the program again and select ONLY syslinux option. Ignore the warning about incompatible SysLinux and NTFS if you formatted in NTFS.

5. If you get again "Could not install grub4dos MBR"- close the program, zip WinSetupFromUSB.log file and attach it with your reply.

6. If you do not get that error, select Win7 source and continue, you should have successfully installed grub4dos MBR.

Just in case- you did not try to run the program from within the 7z file, did you?

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Please note now I am trying to install windows xp sp3 again (as I had orignally intended)...

No luck in furthering the process it is still stuck on

Dailog Box:



Files Needed


The file 'asms' on Windows Xp professional Service Pack 3 CD is needed.

Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK.

Copy files from:



Although now I have a dos prompt named "USB keep mounted work around, do NOT close" minimized on the same setup screen as well.


first - Thanks for this great tool! Good work! :)

Now to my problem:

I get the same error when installing WinXPpSP3 from my OCZ Throttle 32GB Stick using WSFUSB 1.0 beta 4. :(

With this stick i already successfull installed the same Win-Setup using WSFUSB 0.2.3. Stupidly i formated the stick accidently. :whistle:

When i started to recreate it, i found the new version 1.0 beta 4 and decited to use it.

As far as i know, there are just 3 differences between the 0.2.3 and 1.0 beta 4 stick-installation:

- First is the WinsetupFromUSB Version ( :D )

Was there a change with the drivemapping?

- Second is the Target PC.

It's a "standard" desktop pc like the others before. But an other motherboard. (P5KPL-VM/V-P5G31/DP_MB)

The Bios is able to declare a USB Stick as "HDD" (for booting). I tested all avaible options:

With the value "Auto" and "HDD" the system boots successful but the error above in second setup part.

With the Value "CDROM" the stick does not boot at all. System stands with a blinking "_"

With "Floppy" i get the message: "Missing MBR-helper."

With "Force FDD" i get the message: "BOOTMGR missing"

EDIT: I just tested the installation on a pc where it was working with the 0.2.3 version. Now with the 1.0 beta 4 i get the "GLOBALROOT" error, too. :unsure:

- Third is the Filesystem on the stick.

On 0.2.3 i used NTFS on the stick because of the high copy speed in textmode-setup.

Now with 1.0 beta 4 i first used FAT32. The copy speed is nearly the same as with NTFS now! I guess the speed problem was fixed.

To ensure the filesystem is not the "problem" i converted the FAT32 to NTFS and reinstalled again. Same problem again. :(

So its not based on the filesystem. But what else can it be?

I found some registry tweaks in the setup.cmd.

Is it possible to add some more keys there? maybe "copy" the keys from a system which accepts the USB stick?

Edited by Rotbard
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First thanks for the tool, it makes life so much eaiser.

Second, when I was trying to have my OEM XP home "installed" to the USB along with all the other options sans syslinux, the exe said that the Setup.exe couldnt be changed and crashed out. This could be due to the drive ceasing to be recognised in windows but thought I should mention it anyway.

Please find below my log file.



2010/01/19 01:35:09- WinSetupFromUSB 1.0 beta4 started
2010/01/19 01:35:09- OS: WIN_7 Architecture type: X86 ServicePack: OS Language: 0409
2010/01/19 01:35:09- Program directory: C:\Users\will\Desktop
2010/01/19 01:35:09- Getting USB drives information
2010/01/19 01:35:09- WDC WD16 00AAJB-00PVA0 USB Device
2010/01/19 01:35:09- DeviceID: \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1
2010/01/19 01:35:10- PNPDeviceID: USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_WDC_WD16&PROD_00AAJB-00PVA0&REV_0000\DEF20A1122E7&0
2010/01/19 01:35:10- Partitions count: 1
2010/01/19 01:35:12- Disk--Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Logical Disk: E: File system: NTFS Primary: True
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Drive letter of the selected partition- E:
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Drive letter of the first primary partition in selected disk- E:
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Disk number of the selected disk- 1
2010/01/19 01:35:13- PNPId of the selected disk- USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_WDC_WD16&PROD_00AAJB-00PVA0&REV_0000\DEF20A1122E7&0
2010/01/19 01:35:13- File system type of the selected partition- NTFS
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Disk type of the selected disk- Fixed
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Total target size avialable- 23008 MB
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Checking sizes...
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Total source size- 0 MB
2010/01/19 01:35:13- Target space available- 23008 MB
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Getting USB drives information
2010/01/19 01:35:54- WDC WD16 00AAJB-00PVA0 USB Device
2010/01/19 01:35:54- DeviceID: \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1
2010/01/19 01:35:54- PNPDeviceID: USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_WDC_WD16&PROD_00AAJB-00PVA0&REV_0000\DEF20A1122E7&0
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Partitions count: 1
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Disk--Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Logical Disk: E: File system: NTFS Primary: True
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Drive letter of the selected partition- E:
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Drive letter of the first primary partition in selected disk- E:
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Disk number of the selected disk- 1
2010/01/19 01:35:54- PNPId of the selected disk- USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_WDC_WD16&PROD_00AAJB-00PVA0&REV_0000\DEF20A1122E7&0
2010/01/19 01:35:54- File system type of the selected partition- NTFS
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Disk type of the selected disk- Fixed
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Total target size avialable- 23008 MB
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Checking sizes...
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Total source size- 0 MB
2010/01/19 01:35:54- Target space available- 23008 MB
2010/01/19 01:35:56- Removing TEMP folder
2010/01/19 01:35:56- ---------------------------------Program quited-----------------------------------------------

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