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How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI

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it is possible to make install-USB_HDD with three operating systems (XP, Vista, 7) that the files from each placed in a different folders?

for example, files from WinXP.ISO in the directory "WINXP", files from 7 - in "WIN7", etc..?

Thanks for help!

Edited by Mihail_
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...The only draw back is the drive letter for the UFD changes after second reboot so any paths set at T-13 for RunOnceEx are incorrect when you get to the desktop.
Changes from which to which? Which one is the "second reboot", the GUI mode, or after it?
it is possible to make install-USB_HDD with three operating systems (XP, Vista, 7) that the files from each placed in a different folders?

for example, files from WinXP.ISO in the directory "WINXP", files from 7 - in "WIN7", etc..?

You can place any versions of 2000/XP/2003 in the same partition, as many as you want using the beta WinSetupFromUSB (don't go beyond 99 thought ;) ), and one of the Vista/7/server 2008 into the same partition. The other Vista/7/2008 must go in a separate partition, which should not be a problem since you are using USB hard disk. Vista and above cannot go into own folder, unless you launch first some type of Vista/7 PE, and start setup from cmd line executing setup.exe from the folder you placed the setup files.

Have a look in the subforum, this has been discussed numerous times. At first page of this topic is also mentioned what's supported and what's not.

great job :thumbup
Thanks :)

In other hand- call for community participation- only for a few hours since beta2 was posted it was downloaded over 1000 times, and not a single feedback so far. I can hardly release a stable version without some help with testing and feedback, no matter if there were issues or not.

Guys, come on, give a hand :)

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Changes from which to which? Which one is the "second reboot", the GUI mode, or after it?

At T-13 the UFD is still seen as D: but after the second reboot (after oobe, when RunOnceEx is started) it is seen as H: (I have card readers and other disks). It's no problem though I've just switched to using GUIRunOnce instead.

In other hand- call for community participation- only for a few hours since beta2 was posted it was downloaded over 1000 times, and not a single feedback so far. I can hardly release a stable version without some help with testing and feedback, no matter if there were issues or not.

Guys, come on, give a hand smile.gif

Whats new, did you considered this:


Edit: I nearly forgot... The feature I'd most like to see is an option that just creates the ISO without doing the file copying. I can copy/move setup.cmd and setup(org).exe myself!

I also did a test removing migrate.inf... it made no difference.


Also, would you consider changing this:


FOR %%h IN (U C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y) DO (
goto :CDDRIVE_found

to this:

for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do (
dir %%?:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=%%?:
if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found

Stops "no disk" errors for us poor fools with card readers! :)

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In other hand- call for community participation- only for a few hours since beta2 was posted it was downloaded over 1000 times, and not a single feedback so far. I can hardly release a stable version without some help with testing and feedback, no matter if there were issues or not.

Guys, come on, give a hand smile.gif

Whats new, did you considered this:


Edit: I nearly forgot... The feature I'd most like to see is an option that just creates the ISO without doing the file copying. I can copy/move setup.cmd and setup(org).exe myself!

I also did a test removing migrate.inf... it made no difference.


This would require significant change in code, plus there are a few changes in the source folder- winnt.sif and fake setup.exe. Wouldn't do it unless there is enough interest in implementing it.

A lot of stuff is new, menu.lst creation is fixed, using short file names, excessive logging etc. Besides, there were just a couple of spartan reports for the previous beta ;)

As for what's new from 0.2.3- the whole method of installing:


Also, would you consider changing this:


FOR %%h IN (U C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y) DO (
goto :CDDRIVE_found

to this:

for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do (
dir %%?:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=%%?:
if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found

Stops "no disk" errors for us poor fools with card readers! :)

Sure, it's actually in the to-test list ;)
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This would require significant change in code, plus there are a few changes in the source folder- winnt.sif and fake setup.exe. Wouldn't do it unless there is enough interest in implementing it.

Fair enough, I'm not a coder but an option that modifies the source instead of copying it first would be preferred by me. Besides rsync works alot better than copying the whole tree over and over again ;)

As for what's new from 0.2.3- the whole method of installing:


This is the whole reason way I switched from using cdob's RAM method.

Sure, it's actually in the to-test list newwink.gif

I'm already using it and works like a charm :)

Off topic... I added this to setup.cmd to hide the presetup.cmd terminal window:

:: +=======================================================+
:: | DriverPacks method 2 http://driverpacks.net/ |
:: |-------------------------------------------------------|
::if exist presetup.cmd (
::echo call presetup.cmd >>winsetup.log
::start "" /wait /min presetup.cmd
::echo end presetup.cmd >>winsetup.log
for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do (
dir %%?:\OEM > nul 2>&1 && set disk=%%?:
if defined disk (
start /wait /realtime /separate "" %disk%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %disk%\OEM\DP*.7z %systemdrive%\
%disk%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %disk%\OEM\bin\*.7z %systemdrive%\
copy /y %disk%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %systemdrive%\
if exist %disk%\OEM\*.ins copy /y %disk%\OEM\*.ins %systemdrive%\
%disk%\OEM\bin\DevPath.exe %systemdrive%\D
start %systemdrive%\DSPdsblr.exe

I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable (Since when did Windows XP have an executable attribute :unsure:) . The commands and paths are identical to presetup.cmd from the DriverPacks so I'm starting to wonder if it's ever worked... especially since I have driver signing disabled in my winnt.sif anyway. Any thoughts?

Edited by kof94
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Fair enough, I'm not a coder but an option that modifies the source instead of copying it first would be preferred by me. Besides rsync works alot better than copying the whole tree over and over again
I don't get you here, are you saying to modify the source, before it's copied to the USB disk? Don't think it's good idea. And to copy the whole source to a temp folder just to modify a few files is also overkill. Anothr modified file is BTS presetup.cmd, with the new path to OEM directory.
I'm already using it and works like a charm
On 2000, and XP/2003, both 32 and 64 bit? I am only worried if mountvol.exe works that early on all versions equally well.
I added this to setup.cmd to hide the presetup.cmd terminal window:
It should hide as soon as I start using the regular fake setup.exe, not the debug version which shows the cmd window. Currently, for troubleshooting, as at that stage the troubles are expected, the debug version is used.
I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable
I recall something similar, will test again with a few sources and get back.
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I don't get you here, are you saying to modify the source, before it's copied to the USB disk? Don't think it's good idea. And to copy the whole source to a temp folder just to modify a few files is also overkill. Anothr modified file is BTS presetup.cmd, with the new path to OEM directory.

No, no, no... *instead* of copying to usb stick i.e. do all the modifying of the source and creating the iso but not copying it to the usb stick.

I have my reasons, may be others will find it redundant but if you do this many times (testing etc) then a program like rsync would do the copying alot quicker by only copying (or removing) files that have changed. This will also reduce disk wear. Make sense?

On 2000, and XP/2003, both 32 and 64 bit? I am only worried if mountvol.exe works that early on all versions equally well.

Ah, fair enough... well 32bit XP works fine :)

I added this to setup.cmd to hide the presetup.cmd terminal window:

It should hide as soon as I start using the regular fake setup.exe, not the debug version which shows the cmd window. Currently, for troubleshooting, as at that stage the troubles are expected, the debug version is used.

setup.cmd is hidden by fake setup.exe but you still see the presetup.cmd because it's called by setup.cmd. You'd need something like hidec, cmdow or pistart to hide presetup.cmd as well.

I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable

I recall something similar, will test again with a few sources and get back.


I just lauched it manually from a seperate terminal and to be honest I don't thing I've ever seen it run in the entire fours years I've used the DriverPacks. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the start command but I have know idea how to work around that.

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I do not know enough English. Google translate wrote this post:) I have a toshiba 4gb flash disk. I made the transaction http://www.sentire.co.uk/index.php?s=Insta...amp;x=6&y=9 address. usb flash disk from the computer booted up. now my display "grub>" writes. Did it wrong? "grub>" prompt what should I write.

Thanks to everyone.

You most likely have the same problem like this one:


Check in your BIOS for option to emulate USB stick as HD/hard disk.

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I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable

I recall something similar, will test again with a few sources and get back.


I just lauched it manually from a seperate terminal and to be honest I don't thing I've ever seen it run in the entire fours years I've used the DriverPacks. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the start command but I have know idea how to work around that.

Encase anyone is interested... I got a response over at DriverPacks.net on this issue.

It's only supposed to be used with the defunct KTD function so this error can be ignored.

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I do not know enough English. Google translate wrote this post:) I have a toshiba 4gb flash disk. I made the transaction http://www.sentire.co.uk/index.php?s=Insta...amp;x=6&y=9 address. usb flash disk from the computer booted up. now my display "grub>" writes. Did it wrong? "grub>" prompt what should I write.

Thanks to everyone.

You most likely have the same problem like this one:


Check in your BIOS for option to emulate USB stick as HD/hard disk.

Thank you very much for your answer.

The first boot device in BIOS settings, hard disk. USB stick, in HD list. The first hard disk toshiba usb. Is not in removable disk list.

boot on USB stick is successful.

"grub>" written in the command line. If this is not wrong:

What should I write in the command line for see WinXP setup menu?

If this is wrong.. Please help for this problem.


edit: format usb stick using hp format tool-ntfs. WinXP now installing. thanks.

Edited by fatih
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It was formatted "enable LBA FAT16X" (using PEtoUSB). the problem may be USB capacity's larger than 2GB. I was followed all steps on (sentire.co.uk...) snapshots.

after NTFS format (using hp tool)...

First part setup not complated. Setup could not create \WINDOWS folder.

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