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SFXMaker 1.3.1 Final - a Switchless Installer maker


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I make a quick test and is a good tool right now. But how about making the switchless installer from a folder and then specifying the setup file to launch and its switches?

I tried to compress an entire folder using a folder as installer path and writing the setup.exe /switches in the switches. Your program compressed the files well but it couldn't launch the setup.exe file saying it wasn't found.

If you can work on this, it could be great for people like me that makes repacks or admin installs. This way, you can make your program to compress an entire folder and then launching a setup file.

There is a small tool quite old called SFX Tool http://mulder.dummwiedeutsch.de/home/?page=projects#sfxtool that will allow you to repack folders

SFX Tool, a nice and intuitive frontend, allows you to generate and compile NSIS scripts.

This way you can create installers with no need to write a single line of script code.

just wish the author had kept it going.

Yea i would also like if iuli_kyle could incorporate some of the features as in sfx tool.

Edited by urie
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thanks for the info, but i'm looking to speed up the process of making 7-Zip SFX. With SFXMaker supporting compression of entire folders, this can be done in no time.

Meanwhile, i use WinRAR for my SFX.

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I will add this feature ... maybe in the next version. It implicates some huge changes to code, that why i am "afraid" of implementing it. But it MUST be done, so i HAVE to implement in the near future. Thanks and happy that you like my little tool :)

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I don't know if it's just me, but the installer is giving me "(Default)" as Start Menu -> Programs folder and if i leave like that the fould will be indeed (Default).

Yes, little problem with Inno setup in DefaultGroupName.

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I cant wait for that next version. Keep up the great work on SFXMaker.

A new version will be available soon. Working now on directory compression.

I don't know if it's just me, but the installer is giving me "(Default)" as Start Menu -> Programs folder and if i leave like that the fould will be indeed (Default).
I don't know if it's just me, but the installer is giving me "(Default)" as Start Menu -> Programs folder and if i leave like that the fould will be indeed (Default).

Yes, little problem with Inno setup in DefaultGroupName.

Hmm ... i'm still familiarizing with Inno Setup directives. Will try to fix that :)

Doyou can add string for change (Extracting) in with progressbar section

example:Extracting name of program

It's possible :). I will work on this feature as soon as i can.

@Everyone : If someone made a translation, please post the .lng file so i can add it to next version :)

Edited by iuli_kyle
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