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vLite v1.1.6 beta 2 - SP Slipstream

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Niko76, try beta 2.

sp00f, extract and integrate individual kbs.

Disabling all else is normal, because slipstream must be done first and only that. Then after it is done it will reenable.

csci1000, did you have at least back and tasks on the left enabled? Also did the version refresh itself to the new 18000 build?

Posted (edited)

After i marked : "service pack slipstream" i cant hit "next" its grayed out.

EDIT : i figured it out now , by clicking on "slipstream"

Time for a test now...

Edited by sp00f
Guest qkiazd

Greetings from Germany, sry for my bad english.

I have installed 1.1.6 beta 1 and 2 and i became bluescreens with vlite - i have vista 64 ultimate and i have no problems in the past with other tools.

The Bluecreen came when i start vlite on 20 minutes when i integrated sp1 or after 1 hours when i burned the image.

When I reboot Vista and i don`t oppened vlite i don`t have problems anymore. The Bluescreens says a conflice with acedrv.sys it is an copy protect driver.

I have wishes for the next beta or final:

- It gives a Option "classic System Control", I want please the Feature "Classic Startmenue" to integrated.

- The Dreamscene Updates gives only on windupdates, give it a way I can integrated in vlite?

Many more Hacks are nice to have but funny:

- Individual Name from Internet Explorer; default is "Microsoft Internet Explorer"

- Individual Name from the Startsite of the Internet Explorer


qkiazd, could be wim filter issue. Running vLite should not cause anything, but that install on first popup could.

Run vLite with /unwim switch to uninstall the driver when you want to test that theory.



I have no idea what I was doing wrong at first but at 2nd attempt everything worked great in 1 pass. I first slipstreamed SP1 and then added drivers, removed lots of components, tweaked, and did unattended portion. After rebuilding Ultimate version, I got iso of 1.30 GB. I haven't installed it yet but am gonna try as soon as I get home this evening :yes: I will let you know of any issues.

Thank u bunch again!


ScOOt3r & csci1000, glad to read that.

hellkiller, in the Compatibility window, you can open it from within the Components page, toolbar on the bottom.

Posted (edited)
hellkiller, in the Compatibility window, you can open it from within the Components page, toolbar on the bottom.

I've selected everything in the compatibility window, but the components are still hidden.

Edit: When I don't choose any component, then there's no hidden.

Edit 2: And one more question: How to remove (vlite) from the OS name?

Edited by hellkiller

hellkiller, yeah uncheck the compatibilities to unhide needed components.

(vLite) removed from the latest version, remake from your clean DVD/ISO.

hellkiller, yeah uncheck the compatibilities to unhide needed components.

(vLite) removed from the latest version, remake from your clean DVD/ISO.

I've removed some other components and make the image again but (vlite) is still there.


Im running on x86 atm so i cant slipstream the service pack (i have vista x64 ultimate). Does Microsoft offer pre-slipstreamed isos for download? I doubt it ;/


hellkiller, I said clean image, not already vLited.

If that is all you have then it is illegal.

Mikep7779, there is at MSDN download or order new DVD or contact your retailer for cheaper replacement solution.

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