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vLite v1.1.6 beta 2 - SP Slipstream

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Posted (edited)

Here is the update with forced SP integration support.

It is questionable how recommended this is. vLite had this slipstream page hidden since the SP betas when I was testing it but I see that some of you want to ignore that MS said it is not recommended.

For example start the older vLite like 1.1 with the /sptest switch and you will see the same page. However it will abort at the end because MS put the lock on the RC and Final SPs.

So here it is, ignoring that lock with v1.1.6, let me know how it goes, worked on my tests, both 32 and 64bit.

Changes and download

Btw check the v1.1.5 changes as well if the last one you used was 1.1.1 or older.

Thinking about moving SP page to the Integration subpage...?

Update (03.31.) - beta 2

Edited by nuhi

Posted (edited)

Nice one :D Thanks :thumbup

Thinking about moving SP page to the Integration subpage...?

Looks better when its on its own (like it is now) but thats my opinion :P Oh and when you select Service Pack the rest get disabled... be harder to do that if its a tab on the Integration Page :)

Also you should add a built in check, to see if "WIM IMAGE\Windows\Setup\Last Session.ini" is there so it prevents users from slipstreaming a SP on a already vLited install, what you think?

Edited by LegoLiamâ„¢

I can disable from the integration page as well but it is kinda confusing. Separated in some ways is better but in some ways it seems silly that it is not in Integrations.

Good point about detection.


@ nuhi,

Is it preintegration or slpstream like in xp (changing files with updated vesrion). Asking cause I have vista sp1 preintegrated original, but to test real slpistream would be really interesting. Pls answer, nuhi!

Good wind,


Posted (edited)

Very good product - have used the XP version and it's wonderful. Thanks!

I'm trying to integrate Vista 64bit (upgrade version) and I'm getting a message "Cablib Extract Error while extracting files from cabinet archive: Failure writing to target file."

Any idea why that is happening?

Thanks again!

EDIT: Duh ... it was writing the temp file on my C-partition and ran out of room.

Edited by RickMckc
Posted (edited)

Alex, both of those are the same in Vista. Thing is it is directly slipstreamed but it adds the new folders into winsxs, like MS preintegrated and captured does as well.

AlbertS2, to be exact in one day. Check the v1.1.5 changelog and what I was doing until yesterday, and this SP page was already in vLite so it was easy.

RickMckc, can you please tell me how much space was that so that I adjust the warning?

Edited by nuhi

Nuhi, unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure since I've been formatting, reinstalling, etc all day. All I know is that I was running Vlite, it stopped w/error message, I ran it again and just happened to be looking at the status bar of my C-drive (in Vista pre-SP1) and noticed that it was red, meaning space was very low and then I realized Vlite had filled up the partition. It might be worth automatically deleting the temp files before an integration ...

:thumbup Good work Nuhi

I made it

DVD with sp1 integrated and unattended :thumbup

Does it integrate all edition of vista or what we select? :unsure:

AlbertS2, to be exact in one day. Check the v1.1.5 changelog and what I was doing until yesterday, and this SP page was already in vLite so it was easy.

Just One Day :thumbup but after trying the 1.1.6 beta i can only say you missed a few things it is not that easy.

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