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it's ok man if it cannot be done.

anyway, there are not so many w2k followers anymore, so it's not really worth your effort.

i'll just make do with kurt's "up-to-date" stuff.

between kurt's and onepiece post sp4 pack, i'd prefer kurt's.

i've tried onepiece post sp4 pack and i've had these:- unsigned driver error

- some weird behaviours.

- and most importantly, my pc runs very very slow.

but if i use usp5.1 + kurt's "up-to-date";

- my pc runs faster and stable.

- no error

no offence, just to share my experience.

  • 2 weeks later...

im probably the devils advocate here, but,

why not drop drivers (and driver.cab) all the way, and creating a driverpack (or set of driverpacks),

its not all to dificult and WILL safe us all quite a lot of problems,

even though at this point mostly that project (at driverpacks.net) is geared to winxp they have a verry good tutorial on how to create your own,

imho - creating such packages (and removing all non-win2k files (like win98 / xp / 2k3 etc files and comenting them (or removing) them from the ini file would still allow for driver-signing - also it would GREATLY improve default hardware support...

the process (even on win2k) is verry stable -

the sole reason i dont intend to do it myself is that i no longer run windows on any of my pc's other than my vista laptop only untill i have so time to move it too...

i Would however support any effort by others,

if you are willing and are stuck somewhere just send me a pm or so..

  • 3 weeks later...

I am truly sorry to tell you guys this:

I just can't do it. I have spent well over 200 hours on the damned service pack. I cannot get past the unsigned drivers issue.

I would suggest using these addons here http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=28


Kurt aust's wonderful solution found in the sticky posts.

I have tested both quite a bit and found them both very good. If you want the bare essentials use onepieces setup and if you want to go even further then use Kurt Aust's wonderfull solution.

Once again I am very sorry...


I think that all but the most annoying / demanding / self-righteous jerk should consider you a brave man for even making the attempt.

I certainly couldn't have tried, my guide being as it is the result of trial, error and google.

Posted (edited)

well, Kelsenellenelvian has earned my respect because he has always been professionally calm and patient in replying my annoying / demanding posts.

when a hero sharing solutions to others finally burst into tears because of an annoying/ demanding/ self-righteous jerk, people will laugh.

Edited by muryot
  • 10 months later...

I've collected a VERY LARGE NUMBER OF Windows 2000 Professional (excluding some Server) Post SP4 Hotfixes. Excluding the ones in Update Rollup 1.0 v2, the number as of March 2009 is 118 for security updates (excluding IE5.01 and IE6SP1, MDAC, MSXML, Windows Media, DirectX and other components as well)-including these the number would be approx 215 AS WELL AS another 400 non-security updates. If I upload them somewhere, can someone pls pls pls pls pls make an unofficial SP5 Refresh/SP6 release? The integration method using N-Lite or manully slipstreaming breaks some features of Win2K after it's installed, however with these updates applied manually after Win2KSP4 and UR1, nothing breaks. I'm absolutely sure I've left no Windows 2000 Professional hotfixes except for about (~100) Windows 2000 Server hotfixes. From what I gathered scavenging countless USP related threads in this forum, we don't have access to the real service pack compiler gurgelmeyer used, however 7-Zipping update.exe and updated files would be a much better solution than installing these 500+ hotfixes one by one though automatically. And anyways, the slipstreamed unofficial SP5, it didn't support starting setup from DOS -> WinNT.exe, did it? It only supported booting from CD or upgrade from 9x/NT4 methods right? I don't need slipstreaming, after SP1 and UR1, I will be installing the unofficial SP using the /nobackup switch, and slipstreaming only the LBA hotfix into the Setup-with-SP4.

Btw, what happened to gurgelmeyer? Why did he disappear? Anyone know, send me a PM.

  • 1 year later...

Btw, what happened to gurgelmeyer? Why did he disappear?

no one really knows, consumer4beta. not even I know why gurgelmeyer vanished w/out a trace.

i guess Kelsenellenelvian's plans for USP v5.2 are completely out the window.

anyways, all support for Win2k will come to an end on july 2010 but i'm ok using the latest usp 5.1 release on my relative's old Win2k machine.

  • 3 weeks later...

IMO with Win2K's impending EOL its time to upgrade, either to XP (if your hardware can hack it) or maybe better still a Linux distro. There are a few good Linux candidates: The 'mini' distros PuppyLinux or DSL (**** Small Linux) are known to work well on extremely limited specs. Other distos such as WattOS (current version based on Ubuntu, new version to be based on Debian) and Lubuntu (a soon to be official lightweight version of Ubuntu). CrunchBang Linux may be another option (again originally based on Ubuntu but now moving to Debian base) but I haven't played with it so can't say too much (but I do know its known for good performance).

  • 2 years later...

I am truly sorry to tell you guys this:

I just can't do it. I have spent well over 200 hours on the damned service pack. I cannot get past the unsigned drivers issue.

Hey Kel,

I think I know why you were getting errors about unsigned drivers. Gurgelmeyer used a hacked syssetup.dll which allowed unsigned drivers to install without warnings. The hacked files was then replaced by a standard one during the SVCPACK part of the setup. If you look into SVCPACK folder you can find "setupusp.exe" there. Along with adding some registry entries it was also responsible for installing the official version of syssetup.dll.

Maybe you happened to update the syssetup.dll in the USP while adding new updates? That would be the reason you got those errors as the hacked version of the file was no longer present.

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