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XP Service Pack 3 support


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My gen serial now works fine with the newest SP3 RC1 (it did not work before)

I have integrated v3244 SP3 manual...it doesn't accept gen XP SP2 product key....If nlite is used to integrate for XP SP3...Will XP SP3 accept XP SP2 product key?

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My gen serial now works fine with the newest SP3 RC1 (it did not work before)

I have integrated v3244 SP3 manual...it doesn't accept gen XP SP2 product key....If nlite is used to integrate for XP SP3...Will XP SP3 accept XP SP2 product key?

it works for me ....but it didnt work with previous versions of sp3

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Hopefully all the hotfixes, including those you have to call MSoft for for weird problems, and

those for reliability and added capability i.e. the KB888111 will be fully included in SP3. I hate

to start patching the SP3 with all the missing stuff that didn't get included.

Hopefully, wscript v5.7, media player 10/11, mmc, mdac, msxml software packages are also

integrated so that I don't have to load these too. The reason I say this is that they

are somewhere in the I386 directory cab files and not separately in the other sub directories

of the OS install disk. Support tools/deploy tools and remote desktop along with dot.NET are

addons which will have to be done when creating the OS disk.

Is anyone actually keeping track of every patch to be included, the filename and version to make

sure nothing is missed?

Can one do a diff between the unofficial SP3 patch and the MSoft pre-SP3 patch to see what

may be missing?


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I have integrated v3244 SP3 manual...it doesn't accept gen XP SP2 product key....If nlite is used to integrate for XP SP3...Will XP SP3 accept XP SP2 product key?

Works for me. XP Pro SP2 with SP3 RC1 slipstreamed via nLite.

I tried HFSLIP but that gave me issues.

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My gen serial now works fine with the newest SP3 RC1 (it did not work before)

I have integrated v3244 SP3 manual...it doesn't accept gen XP SP2 product key....If nlite is used to integrate for XP SP3...Will XP SP3 accept XP SP2 product key?

replace the pidgen.dll with the one from the sp2

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On the Bink forum I found there is a MS white paper here.

It gives at least some information from headquarters about what is included, no .Net, WMP11 and IE7 as far as I can see.

Great! I see they will include msxml and mmc. However, nothing on windows script or MDAC though. :angry:

According to the table "Previous released functionality" it categorizes MDAC as MSXML6. Is this true?

I thought they were entirely different from each other.

Of course they'll include BITS and the Msoft installer.

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Any one has this file:


An addon to fix the 888111 problem!....?

The first person to post the link had it correct: http://red.caek.org/addons/Universal_Audio...io_AddOn_1.0.7z

You have to right-click the link and copy the location using the browser you can't just highlight it and copy it.

Edited by redxii
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  • 1 month later...
From Ryanvm's forums:

An addon to fix the 888111 problem!

integrate this on your SP3 source.


MD5: 68152827B02DD82D7E685BB25A32393C


- 1.0 Initial release, for SP3 only

Thank you SO MUCH! I've been pulling out my hair trying to figure out why this wasn't working, I finally realized it was the SP3 slipstream that I had w/o 888111, and the 888111 package wouldn't install due to SP3!!! Moronic. The file you linked from Ryanvm saved me a few more hours of frustration. Thanks!

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Integrate hotfixes?!

You don´t need it! SP3 is cumulative. I got a clean copy of XP SP2 and integrate with SP3, the only thing updated by Automatic Windows Update was Malicious Software Removal Tool. It's running perfect!

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SP3 *beta* does not include every hotfix post-SP2. If it did, who would need the HDA patch? Are you using onboard HD audio? Because I'm not. I have an Audigy2 and I doubt I will replicate the issue others are having--unless of course it affects all sound cards. So I won't find out if this RyanVM slip affects my 3300 build until after using someone else's machine as a guinea pig.


What parts of nLite have you used on 3300? I am most interested in knowing if Security Center is clear for removal (as it wasn't in 3264--see nliteos.com) as I am aiming for a minimalist build. I don't remove IE anymore, but I go so far as the Event Log service, among others that should probably stay.

I will flip a few switches, install this on a VPC, and report any weirdness, which I would attribute to the beta--not nLite.

I'd like to give my shouts to the big heads on here, Ryan, Kel, Sig, Peel, (and of course nuhi) anyone else whose addons I've used to great advantage for almost four years now (since the first Unattended guide).. Thank you..

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I can't say about 3300 but nlite didn't work with sp3 3282. The security centre still is needed. It's been long since last update of nlite, so for stability I have been sticking with 3244 till nlite issue is solved.

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I'm sorry, but doesn't make sense to me a Service Pack without every previous hotfixes, it's like a Service Pack without "soul". I'm talking about "fixes". I haven't a HDA, but an old SoundBlaster Live!. The drivers are included on service pack, but I can't use the full resources, I need to install the drivers from the original CD. I think it happens with video cards, all the video cards recognized work, but for specific purposes you have to install the latest drivers or use the installation CD. I don't know if it´s happen with you.

Excuse my English, all my life I work reading manuals in English, I can read almost perfect, but because I have nobody to talk in English, it's hard to talk and write.

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