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Windows 10 x64
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Heres a website to check the security of your server and browser against different prototocols and ssl certs. https://www.ssllabs.com/
I have windows XP SP3 Home edition and Outlook 2003 Pro SP3. I'm trying to connect to the company exchange server (outsourced) that is exchange 2013 with OWA. I can log in via the OWA and a browser. I can create IMAP and POP3 connections using outlook 2003 to the exchange 2013. However, I can't connect to the exchange server 2013 by creating an exchange server account on outlook 2003. I can't connect through activesync 4.5 using outlook connector but can connect to a msoft outlook email account. Since the prototocol is RPC over https I had to enable the RPC encryption value in the registry manually although another website said to use the gpedit.msc group policy to set the encryption. It doesn't set the same registry value. Since Windows XP didn't come with the gpedit.msc, I downloaded it from Msoft since it is the same one used for windows XP Pro. I also had to get the Outlk11.adm or the newer office 2003 adm templates for SP3 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=9035, Under "user configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Microsoft Office Outlook 2003" -> "Outlook 2003 RPC Encryption" -> "Exchange Settings" there is an entry for "Enagle RPC Encryption" which I enabled. See link http://www.kuhnline.com/index.php?id=51 You could try to configure static ports in outllook, alhtough I didn't try doing this. https://support2.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;833799 Here's some more outlook 2003 debugging http://windowsitpro.com/networking/troubleshooting-rpc-over-http-connections https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/833401 http://forums.isaserver.org/m_50231500/mpage_4/tm.htm http://www.msexchange.org/articles-tutorials/exchange-server-2003/mobility-client-access/outlookrpchttp.html when I try to setup an outlook 2003 exchange account and run "outlook /rpcdiag" on the windows run line I see in the diag window that it establishes a connection but disconnects and retries/restores the connection every few minutes. It doesn't get the mailbox names downloaded. I've also enabled outlook 2003 logging, but haven't been able to read the ETL files it creates. Thus, to debug this I've installed openssl, to get the certificates needed to decrypt SSL using netmon 3.4 from msoft or wireshark. I then capture the communications with the exchange 2013/OWA but I can't get the certs to decode the data packets, nor get the network parsing language to mark the Imap, pop3 or exchange transmission,to see what is going on during communications with the server. Did anybody use the network tools to find out why the server disconnects? Outlook 2010 on a windows 8 machine will connect either with exchange setup, Imap or pop3 but I can't leave my email account on friends machine. Although I have mine working with imap and pop3, I'd still like to understand why the exchange setup isn't. During setup of exchange on outlook 2003 it runs the "autodiscover" on the server website, but mine won't autodiscover so I had to enter the FQDN name of my server by getting the equivalent using the MSosft's exchange server test website. http://serverfault.com/questions/119445/connecting-outlook-or-activesync-to-outlook-web-access https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb232838%28EXCHG.80%29.aspx outlook 2003 not doing autodiscover or maybe it should...per weblink: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/1e0b6c21-b767-4f6b-a9ee-ac059ce4b6ca/autodiscover-with-outlook-2003-sp3-exchange-2003-sp2?forum=exchangesvrclientslegacy To get around the autodiscover problem with port 135 opened in the firewall, go here. https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com/ All my IMAP, pop3, exchange ports are correct thru the firewall.
WIndows 7 professional will try and update with Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistributable x64 but during the installation it errors out with code 1395 and 0x80070091 for VC90_ATL. Searching the internet these were the proposed solutions. 1). MSOFT KB2714434 Fixit 2). download and run SubinACL on the registry//directories with system and administrator set to full priveleges. This seemed to work on changing most registry entries without error but not all. Items 1/2 didn't correct the problem even when running the C++ 2008 redistrib as a user with Administrator privelges or using "run as". 3). Ran MSOFT KB947821 dated Oct 27, 2014 which is a tool to correct errors and hopefully allow software with SP1 to install and work without problem. I'm not sure what it actually corrected, but C++ 2008 redistribut still didn't install. 4). Tried to install the non-SP1 C++ 2008 redistribute then the SP1 version for x64. It failed to install the non-SP1 version. What worked. Disable the 3rd party anit-virus and the Win 7 firewall and it will install. Both have to be disabled temporariliy. Disabling only one of them will not allow C++ 2008 Redistributable to install.
Error 1053 service didn't start in timely manner (30000msecs)
mikesw replied to mikesw's topic in Windows XP
this goes to windows service debug. I see in the article where one could change the service name timeout value. Is this a common problem where one has to change the service timeout value? -
I've been getting the Error 1053 in the system event logs that says the service didn't start in a timely manner of 30000msec. This wasn't a problem in the past. This is Windows XP Home Sp3 with the latest patches. The services complaining are, This is an HP compaq presario v5000 with maxed out memory and a 2.2 gig processor. FSB is 800mhz. Windows image acquistion (WIA) Hp Support Services Framework garmin core update service Randomly sometimes is the tcp/ip service Is there a command that will tell me what prevents these services from starting in a timely manner? If not, can the time be update to be greater than 30000msec to lets say 40000msec?
I have installed garmin express v2.3.17 (latest) software which upon startup wants to be put in the system tray. However, when XP starts up, a "run as" popup is displayed asking for me to give "garmin express" permission to run as the 'pc name xyz/user' where my user account is called "user" and has adminsitrator rights. I have to answer the question three times before it goes to the system tray. If disabled from going to the system tray and i start it manually from the desktop or start menu, it asks three times using the "run as' popup. Why should it being doing this since I'm administrator? How to determine the causes? Is it some service that needs adminstrator rights and the garmin gps software isn't configured properly by garmin on install? garmin support said it was due to UAC, but this isn't Vista. They eventually responded that they don't know why this is occuring on XP. i're uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail! Directories and subdirectories may have mostly the owner marked as "Administrators" (yes its plural) or with my 'pc name xyz/user" owning it. The same applies to any filename and has the attribute "A". There are files installed in Program Files and in the "all users" and "user" Application Data subdirectory under Garmin. There are log files created, but they don't say anything about checking or logging security info. Is there a way to determine the cause of this?
I've quite a few programs on the start menu under "All Programs". There is four columns of 34 programs per column. However, I need to still the remaining ones which should be on column five and beyond, but i can't see them. I came across this solution, but now all the "All programs" entries showup in one column and not multiple columns (max 4) and have them scroll left to see the columns on the right side of the screen. How to get max columns on the screen scrolling to the left to display the remaining installed programs?
Can I update all the Win 7 versions on an install disk with the current dotNet and associated fixes using dism?
http://msiworld.blogspot.com/2011/07/windows-7-language-pack-installation.html maybe at this weblink
Hi., I have windows 7 sp1 installed on a AMD processor with language pack for bulgarian. All the windows and tools show bulgarian except for the bulgarian version that shows "starting up". The shutdown is cokay. Anybody know how to fix this?
Batch script to install Updates Takes Forever!
mikesw replied to XenonKilla's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
'll need to disable AVAST to see if this cuts down on my 2 hours on 2ghz machine to integrate 132 w7 x32 patches. Don't forget to disable the auto defragger running in the background too. If one is creating an AIO, there are 5 OS' at 2 hours a pop to integrate... Sigh!!! Can dism integrated MSI's vs. just exes? What about dot Net full/patches, windows media player full/patcches, messenger/communicator etc? -
I'm running version 2.5 build 1002 along with the following download packages retrieved from www.windowsupdatesdownloader.com For win7 sp1 x32 the following can't be found Windows6.1-kb2823324--x64.msu Windows6.1-Kb947821-V25-x86.msu Question: why an x64 for the Win 7 x32? should this be x32 in the file? (kb947821 v25 should be v26 now) For win7 sp1 x64 the following can't be found Windows6.1-kb2823324-x64.msu (same as above) Windows6.1-kb947821-v25-x64.msu (v25 should be v26 now) NOTE: for the kb2823324 x32/x64 version Msoft removed it per the internet postings due to it causing boot blue screens. The new version is KB2840149, but it is unclear as to whether the problems were fully fixed. For Windows Xp Sp3 the following can't be found WindowsXP-kb2661254-x86-ENU.exe (it should be WindowsXP-kb2661254-v2-x86-ENU.exe) dotNetFx40-Full-x86-x86.exe (it should be dotNetFx40-Full-x86-x64.exe so that it applies to both architecture types) For windows 2000 the following can't be found WindowsMedia9-kb891122-x86-Global-ENU.exe (it should be WindowsMedia-kb891122-x86-ENU.exe) Windows-kb890830-v3.5.exe (it should be windows-kb890830-v4.19.exe This version will change almost month to month) Does windows XP download fle list have the latest Daylight saving time KB file? one could then extract from the XP registry the daylight saving information and replace the one in Windows 2000 to bring this up to date.
Presario v5306 reassembly of fan after cleaning and paper insert
mikesw replied to mikesw's topic in Hardware Hangout
ok. I found a video on youtube that shows the black paper thingy near the end of the video which is left of the fan and which is covering the processor at the 3:14 minute mark and on. Now to take the computer apart again..... See -
I have a v5306US compaq presario de-featured laptop model. The laptop was used and had to be cleaned of dust internally. However, there is a black stiff internal paper that is about the size and shape of the fan outline which was originally in the proximity of the fan. I believe one side of this internal paper had glue on it originally and was attached somehow but isn't sticking now due to all the fine dust/hair etc that collected on it over the years. The compaq maintenance manual for the v5000 series shows me how to take the fan out, but the diagrams and instructions don't explain where or how to put this black piece of paper properly back in the laptop. I believe it may have something to do with air flow ducting since one edge is bent down/up. I've looked at used/new parts on the internet for the top and bottom plastic housings to see if this paper thingy was glued to them and also looked at used/new fans to see if it was glued to the fan itself either on top or the bottom to now avail. So, can someone tell me and show pictures of how this black paper outline of the fan was originally attached at the factory and what it's purpose is? Currently, I put this paper on top of the fan side which faces the bottom of the laptop without gluing it. Now when the computer is running and the fan turns on, it makes a rattling sound as if the paper is flapping against the fan blades. So if someone has any of the v5 series or compatible models and would check inside their computer for how the black paper is attached and where placed around the fan, it would be of great help....
Now that office 2010 is out, perhaps this forums name should have "/2010" appended to it.