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Found 12 results

  1. As we all know, starting with Chrome 122 (Final release), they can't be forced off via the known cmd flag. Members are welcome to post their ways of dealing with 'em. Probably, someone already knows a crx extension? I tend to edit each Chrome browser manually, but it's not convenient for most of the users. Also, it has some disadvantages, sometimes leading to a unique fingerprint, In all, we need a working fake CH switcher.
  2. Someone needs to write a good CH spoofer, otherwise game over. As it's slowly but surely becomes the new UA replacement. https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/779
  3. So, after fiddling with chrome.dll, I was able to edit out most of the values ClientHints API sends to servers. But the API shows as working, I think it's a good result.
  4. "Kyber (Quantum-Resistant Mechanism) in Chrome 124 Leads to Web Connection Problems" by Luke Jones "Impact on Connectivity and Responses The introduction of the Kyber768 quantum-resistant key agreement algorithm, intended for TLS 1.3 and QUIC connections, has inadvertently caused connectivity issues. System administrators have reported on Reddit and other platforms that web applications, firewalls, and servers are dropping connections following the ClientHello TLS handshake." "To address these connectivity problems, Google has provided a temporary workaround. Users experiencing issues can disable the TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support in Chrome by adjusting the browser's flags. Similarly, administrators have the option to disable the PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled policy." Source: https://winbuzzer.com/2024/05/02/google-chrome-124-launches-with-quantum-resistant-encryption-causes-connectivity-issues-xcxwbn/
  5. As we already know, QUIC brings nothing but troubles! This wonderful solution to fix video playback worked for me as well, and I want to share. Tried all the standard solutions, reinstall, disabling hardware acceleration, clearing the cache, none of it worked. Then I found the following solution: edge://flags/ and setting Experimental QUIC protocol to disabled. Everything is now working perfect for me now. sourced from Reddit users. https://www.reddit.com/r/edge/comments/12u35dr/youtube_video_streaming_stutter_in_edge_possible/
  6. Hi everybody, I finally got a brandnew account @ MSFN and I'd like to know if anybody else got the same tragic problem like me: When I open my gmail-account each & every single letter, number & sign is wee as can be. You can't even read it by what we Germans call "Bildschirmlupe". It surely doesn't depend on my (Opera) browser eversince all other account and websites work properly. And even worse is that Google can't be reached by phone (one starting +49(0)40... and the other +49 (0) 800... The robotic machines only tell you that because of the Corona crisis [sorry, I just can't hear it anymore!!!] the system is shut down and there's not a single human able to talk to you. What kind of fu... pretext is this? Epson, Sony, VW, Mercedes and many many more can be reached by phone - but not Google. And so, my dear friends, I ask you whether someone of you has got the same problem and, possibly, how to manage this fauxpas. There's lots of people hiding behind dis-eases, if it's Corona or just a broken leg.... Thank you so much and best wishes from Germany, Tomaso A.
  7. VERY URGENT! In 2018, some month ago, I note that Google Drive refuses to work with Windows XP. Is it possible to make GoogleDrive work again with Windows XP? Any clues or tricks?
  8. Google admitted their software had been udderly ‘overzealous’, but didn’t begrudge cow for milking its newfound fame. Source: Guardian
  9. Hello! I apologise if I might have posted in the wrong forum, but I have a problem here. For some reason, when attempting to access the Google homepage on Internet Explorer 6 SP1 under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, I get a page not found error: On a Windows 95 machine running Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2, I can access Google just fine: By the way, can anyone also try to access the Wikipedia webpage under IE5 or IE6 when running under Windows 9x, ME, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000? This was tested using the Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 virtual machines running under Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. What can be done to access Google and Wikipedia under IE6 and other old browsers, btw?
  10. Looks like we might see Google stop forcing us to have a Google+ account to do Google things. I hated it from the outset and for those like me that like their YouTube, Gmail or Google Chrome accounts disconnected from Google+ may finally see the light of day. Yipee! http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/24/google-is-walking-dead/
  11. Hello, I'm trying to make another Google mail and G+ accounts for work. I don't want to provide my phone number, is it still possible to skip the verification? p.s: has Google abandoned its "don't be evil" philosophy? After G+, Youtube, now this.. I'm starting to hate it.. > (but I'm currently forced to used it for both YouTube and work contacts)
  12. I was searching MS for a XP download and this is what happened.... Removed. I just realized one of my emails addys is visible. Readded.
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