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Everything posted by MAVERICKS CHOICE

  1. Thats great any chance of seeing your script for this?
  2. & Welcome:Rather than repost budd use the edit button instead.
  3. I haven't been back to my multiboot project for a while any light with this one fellas?
  4. I think your on the money thats where I put pss kill as the very last item.
  5. I think you best give us a sample of your winnt.sif (less ya serial) to further examine..
  6. Gotta say Felix awsome outcome you have here, many more addittions & improvements. As butanamine mentioned re Startsmart I enable it in the Makeit.cmd but not working & no shortcuts besides that very happy with the outcome & prog size. Cmd file attached..
  7. That would be a packaged OEM disk with its own serial? Yeah? You can simply follow the many guides here by a simple search, Felix has a good example & does many others.. Let ya fingers do the walkin...
  8. Man this has been mentioned here many times, Asta has an excellent guide to do this. I don't see the student teacher edition to be a problem maybe someone else here has experienced it.
  9. Pretty sure someones created an Autoit script for this, you could go further & copy your Anydvd.exe from your currently working program files & Robocopy, xcopy or winrar sfx it in your UA, that should do the trick.
  10. AHH but that would spoil all the fun & time involved in creating your disk wouldn't it. Unfortuneately this needs to be done by you only then you will appreciate how its all done & comes together. Its all here budd just get into it.
  11. Mate, I could be wrong but it sounds like ya routers a dud. A friend of mine had exactly the same symptoms. Take it back son & get another is my advice.
  12. Yeah, don't what it is with rewriteables they always need to be reformatted using Nero & generally error out frequently when doing my UA images. I ditched them in preference to a virtual machine for testing then burn to a writeable when I know its right.
  13. Thanks Evil,haven't ventured into Innosetup looks good though. Just thinking there would be a simpler way than going to a third party app, Just whipped up a Autoit script which seems to be very smooth.
  14. I know this prog is gettin on a bit & theres plenty of others now. I copy the files over in UA with an sfx rar though even when it does copy over, no start menu item or shortcuts? Anyone have an idea how to do this?
  15. Yep, virtual pc does not accept iso's over 2 Gig.
  16. Has anyone noticed there is no uninstall option in add/remove/ Nero after using this or me only??
  17. Dismissed that @ first as I had an underscore,the dash fixed it.
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