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    Puerto Rico

Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. I once had a lot of quotes when the BBS rage was on... oh good times! I still remember some (the 1st was an actual quote of a MS representative during a presentation):
  2. fish french fries or smashed potatoes?
  3. The crooks have the laptop, so they have physical access to it. No security is possible with this situation. And if the crooks are really smart, they already disabled any security it had. No need for reformatting or clearing CMOS to do it. There are *lots* of resources to do just that.
  4. You want to disable the PowerSaver feature? You tree-killer!
  5. That would be strange. BTW the average road measurement dates back to the Roman empire! It seems to be one of those "customary traditions" that we all end up doing. Like going to a camp and going paranoid if you forgot your toothpaste. Big deal, a damp cloth and patience will get the job done. Same could be done with roads, but rather difficult to convince human civilation to use a "new" size, since it has grown a familiarity with the "standard" road size. Saying that would be like re-establishing a new second (time) measurement. That thing alone would change all known technology. It would be a global block-buster. Knowing how modern people act at such drastic changes, Ford would better go bankrupt than pull a stunt like that! <grin> BTW: That Neurotically Yours character you use in your avatar is really, really funny!
  6. That's right. Be careful to not commit sacrilege! That would be comparable to saying: GOD created condoms for a reason!
  7. Sorry for drifting out of the topic for a moment... Thats correct. For me, it would be better as a state of the US. Status quo is a mutually dependant situation. Sorry, but PR is SE from Cuba, just east of the "Hispaniola" (Haiti/Dominican Republic) See map here That statement alone would generate a "holy" war between politicians here! Current benefits (that I can think of right now): US citizenship (we have US passport) Same currency as US (US dollar). Before 1898 we HAD our own currency, but was eliminated since the US invasion in 1898, when the dollar was forced as the "official" currency. Federal funding for science, education, health, infrastructure development, environment protection, etc. Depends mostly on ammendments made to federal laws made applicable to PR. Not ALL federal laws assist us. Drawbacks: No real autonomy in local issues. We elect our own governor, senate and representatives. We do not have the option to vote for US president, or have Congress representatives. Only a Resident Commisioner that has voice but can't vote. Many times when local issues affect the "image" of the US, then US Government takes over, no matter what the local opinion is. Agressive urban development has lead to overpopulation in some areas. For example: being an 100 x 35 mile island we have about 4,800,000 people living here. Not counting nearly 3 million living in the US and other countries. We do not have armed forces or our own. However we host US military bases and PRicans compose almost 70% of military personnel in the island alone. I know there are more, but I would prefer to discuss them in other forum/or by PM. I do not feel like "contaminating" the thread with off-topic discussions. In short, our political situation is somewhat complicated, being one of the oldest colonies in the world.
  8. Check here for info on using FINDSTR.EXE. I believe the last findstr sets errorlevel to 1 if the string is found. I'm not really sure if it returns errorlevel 0, after reading this: FIND.EXE Does Not Return the Proper Errorlevel in Windows NT AFAIK, it only returns either 0 or 1. Glad to be of help!
  9. Exactly! I speak Spanish and English. Problem is that PR is in the Caribbean, so most of the time US considers us as part of South America (we are NOT) and we are not part of Europe either. Our spanish is similar to that of Spain, although there are some differences. Even so, our spanish has some "uniqueness" in that the "official" spanish dictionary (RAE - spanish acronym for Spanish Real Academy) even included words from PR in it, for their uniqueness among spanish speaking countries. So I choosed SA since its the nearest, even though I consider we belong to North America since we are an industrialized island and US territory since 1898. Confusing? You bet. We are still trying to resolve our political status. It's not something we are particulary proud of. The solution will only come thru: [tada!] Politics. That's a whole different ball game from a politician's point of view.
  10. GPL Smores or Cheese Dogs?
  11. Shotgun

    Windows SUS

    Can't right now. On Vacation I'll be back @ work on the 11th. Will check your recommendations then. Thanks anyway.
  12. Shotgun

    Windows SUS

    The strange thing is that the SERVER had the CPU @ 100% almost all the time SUS was on it, like I said a Pentium IV @ 900MHZ with 512MB RAM. Moved it to a stand-alone webserver just for SUS and there it works perfectly without eating out the CPU. (???) Strange. The 1st server only had IIS and no unneeded services. Anyhow, moving it to a server just for SUS solved the problem. It stays at 8-15% all the time, except when it synchronizes with MS servers. Then, it sporadically climbs between 80-100%. Nothing to be scared about. @soulin: thanks for the clarification.
  13. I also use that one, and good ol' Proxomitron.
  14. Shotgun

    Windows SUS

    How do I install BITS on the SUS server? I haven't found it anywhere. When I installed SUS on a current webserver (SUS being a virtual one) the CPU was at 100% over 80% of the time, the webserver almost couldn't handle normal web requests so I had to move SUS to an individual server. The previous one was a Pentium IV at 900MHz. After removing SUS from that server, CPU utilization returned to an average 10-20%. I am somewhat acronym impaired at the moment... What do those mean? I have an idea but I wanna make sure.
  15. Hands down Lord of the Rings! Garfield or Shrek?
  16. Print Scrn - Captures the whole screen Alt-Print Scrn - Captures the currently active window You won't notice any effect, but the clipboard will have what you captured. To view what you just captured, open up MS Paint and select Edit -> Paste.
  17. Check this post: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=117846
  18. Many techniques have been mentioned in the forums here at MSFN. You might wanna take a look at: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=225425 Two tools there worth looking: wsname and compname Definitely! Check this thread: Set your Computer Name unattended... , ...using the NIC MAC address
  19. Shotgun

    Windows SUS

    SUS works with Windows 2000 and up computers. If your PCs already have the Automatic Updates client, you're ready to go. One of the "key" parts of the SUS setup is configuring the Automatic Updates GPO in the AD. That way, clients will point to the SUS server you have set up for them, not MS servers.
  20. You need to copy FINDSTR.EXE to the CD too. It can be copied from the Winnt\system32 directory. Sorry I did not mention that before No file is written, the findstr reads the Output of the chkcpu command, by piping the output with the '|' character. Same thing for the second findstr. In others words, all string handling is done in the display buffer. The last > NUL makes sure the buffer is emptied (redirected to NULL device) so nothing is displayed to the screen. Try executing each part to see what I mean. ex: CHKCPU /V then... CHKCPU /V | FINDSTR "SSE2" ... etc. Also, you mentioned not being able to set the %CDROM% variable, how then you were able to run CHKCPU from the CD if the variable was NOT set to point to the CD? Please detail your answer since I'm confused by your comment. I'm assuming you are running everything from the CD and the system is completely 'blanked out' (no OS installed before you put the CD. BTW, what are you using for testing the CD install part? Virtual PC, VMWare, a 'test system'? Yes and No. You need to call the external cmd, and any other external cmd since it has GOTO statements and you can't use conditional branching in RunOnceEx (the registry key where all these commands are being written). It's easier to maintain in case you want to change the order apps are being installed, or if you substitute an app for another in the future. It would be a headache to edit a large runonceex.cmd file than a small file that only set the specific entries, and the "load" of the work gets done by individual cmd files for each app installed. Many files, but in the end easier to maintain. Please keep in mind that the file is called runonceex.cmd just to remind that this cmd file writes the RunOnceEx registry entries, the moment Windows Executes that registry key it is just executing the statements written by the cmd file, NOT the cmd file itself. If you execute the runonceex.cmd file from an MSDOS window, open Registry Editor (start->run->regedit) then check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx to see what the cmd just wrote. This key is executed upon first logon, so what gets written there will be executed on the first logon, then dissapear. Windows executes the entries on this key, one by one. It's possible to include more than one line, but that would make the runonceex.cmd file more complex than it needs to be.
  21. You could also check for a file that ONLY exists in the root dir of the CD drive you are installing from. The method mentioned in the FAQ works if you have more than one CD drive. I use the GetCD program to set my %CDROM% variable. Check for info about it here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=32957 BTW, your solution is perfectly acceptable! Your branching (goto's) are perfect! (at least 4 me) If you want to run it from runonceex.cmd, you would: Rename the batch/cmd you posted as inst_ffd.cmd Then use something like this on your runonceex.cmd: cmdow @ /HID @echo off IF EXIST D:\CD.txt set CDROM=D: IF EXIST E:\CD.txt set CDROM=E: IF EXIST F:\CD.txt set CDROM=F: IF EXIST G:\CD.txt set CDROM=G: IF EXIST H:\CD.txt set CDROM=H: IF EXIST I:\CD.txt set CDROM=I: IF EXIST J:\CD.txt set CDROM=J: SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Installing ffdshow..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\inst_ffdshow.cmd" /f EXIT
  22. Maybe he's got hold of an ASIMO...
  23. Shotgun

    Windows SUS

    Be warned that SUS is very CPU and bandwidth intensive! In my case, SUS required a webserver for itself alone. Also, be prepared to approve/disapprove over 20GB of updates the first time SUS synchronizes with MS servers. I configured mine to do so between 2am and 5am, so that it does not affect any users. After SUS is configured and updates have been approved, your clients will update from the SUS server (provided you configure the Automatic Update AD policy correctlly). It's a lot better to have a single server consuming a lot of bandwidth in off-peak hours, than ALL your clients trying to contact MS Windows Update various times a day. You might want to relocate the SUS server to a network segment near your corp. gateway so it has enough bandwidth for synchronizing with MS servers, or control its bandwidth usage with an intelligent router so that when it updates it does not "kill" your others servers. My 2 cents
  24. I agree 100% with un4given1 and Xperties Next time use the forum search button. You will be enlightened!
  25. Batman Returns Robert De Niro or Al Pacino (best "bad" guy in movies)
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