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Everything posted by ZoSTeR

  1. You could use DaemonScript which allows you to control Daemon Tools and Alcohol via scripts (they both use the same engine). Get it here. You could create a script e.g: DeviceCount = 1 MountImage = "D:\MyTestImage.iso", Device=1 and run it with DaemonScript.exe TestScript1.DaemonScript in your batch. I don't know how it behaves when Alcohol hasn't been started once. You might want to try Daemon Tools because it doesn't come up with a full blown GUI when you start it. PS I wouldn't import registry settings created by Alcohol concerning devices/services.
  2. Try this at cmd: wmic sysdriver When you run wmic for the first time it may take a little while to start.
  3. Using send keys and mouse clicks with coordinates is always a little risky. The safer way is to send commands to the controls (buttons, edit boxes etc). Use the AutoIt Spy to get their names. WinWait ("Window Washer 5.5 Setup") ControlClick ("Window Washer 5.5 Setup", "", "Button1");Continue Setup Yes Button WinWait ("Window Washer Installation") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TButton1");I Agree Button ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox4");Is unchecked by default ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox3") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox2") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox1") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TButton4");Next Button ControlSetText ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TEdit1", "C:\Programme\WebWasher" );Change Install Path ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox4") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox3") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox2") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TCheckBox1") ControlClick ("Window Washer Installation", "", "TButton7");Install Button Just comment out the options you want to leave checked.
  4. Just delete it at the end of your batch files RD /S /Q c:\Install
  5. Try the K-Lite (Mega) Codec Pack. Download it here Beta versions can be found here. PW=filesharingtalk Standard switch is: /VERYSILENT /SP- Search the forum for additional switches.
  6. Try: start /wait daemon.msi Reboot=ReallySuppress /qn BTW: The latest version is 3.46. Get it here.
  7. Are you running it from commandline? Enter "cmd" in the run dialog and go on from there. "Start" doesn't work from the run dialog because it's an internal cmd.exe command. Oh and there's no slash before reboot msiexec /i C:\daemon341\daemon.msi reboot=suppress /qn
  8. It should be start /wait C:\daemon341\daemon.msi /qn reboot=suppress or msiexec /i C:\daemon341\daemon.msi /qn reboot=suppress Edit: No slashes before "reboot".
  9. For Real Alternative: /COMPONENTS="realcodec,realdirectshow" + silent switches You can find the component names by installing an Inno setup with this switch: /SAVEINF="c:\setupinf.txt" The Inf file contains the selected component names.
  10. The 8th byte is the number of toolbars (quick launch being one of them) on the taskbar. You can force the taskbar to reload the hard way by killing the last explorer task via the task manager. Then start the explorer again in the task manager->File->New Task
  11. The statement that it's just a few byte to toggle to enable the quick launch bar comes from a wrong observation. The streams for the taskbar are only written during the windows shut-down process. So any taskbar setting you change will only be present in the registry after a restart. PS Running for /f "skip=4 tokens=4" %%A in ('reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop /v "Default Taskbar"') DO ( reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop /f /v "Default Taskbar (Personal)" /t REG_BINARY /d %%A ) during cmdlines.txt works fine.
  12. It's a Nullsoft installer. /S (capital s)
  13. The HTML is nice but no need to sticky the thread itself. We need a nice tidy sql based switch repository and someone who manages it. I don't know the über-admins here but I'm sure they could install a nice mod/plug-in for the Invision Board.
  14. My previous statement that there's just one byte to toggle is BS. You need the complete stream data which is a binary representation of the file and icon locations as well as the windows positions of the taskbar. The best solution seems to copy the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop] "Default Taskbar" to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop] "Default Taskbar (Personal)" during setup. The "Default Taskbar" key is created before the T-13 stage and contains the correct stream data for the quick launch bar. This is a great advantage because we can avoid importing streams which might be in conflict with customized or localized paths and filenames or have other problems. The "Default Taskbar (Personal)" is the default value for every user profile. Here's an AutoIt script: $var = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop", "Default Taskbar") RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop", "Default Taskbar (Personal)", "REG_BINARY", $var) Pure batch: for /f "skip=4 tokens=4" %%A in ('reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop /v "Default Taskbar"') DO ( reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop /f /v "Default Taskbar (Personal)" /t REG_BINARY /d %%A )
  15. Well trust me, people around here deal with very specific stuff all day Just tell us what the final result is you're looking for and I'm sure there's a solution.
  16. Edit: /*wrong statement*/ See posts below... In the meantime there's an AutoIt script I found: Run ("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 1", "", @SW_HIDE) WinWaitActive ( "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties") WinShow ( "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties", "", @SW_HIDE) WinActivate ( "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties") $var = ControlCommand ( "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties", "", "Button5", "IsChecked", "") If $var = 1 Then WinClose ("Taskbar and Start Menu Properties") Else ControlCommand ( "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties", "", "Button5", "Check", "") ControlCommand ( "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties", "", "Button11", "Check", "") EndIf
  17. Maybe something like Run("setup.exe", "", @SW_HIDE) solves your problem. And instead of sending keystrokes you should use ControlSend / ControlClick where possible.
  18. From the Lavasoft forums: In order to make any command line driven scans take place, first the default setting of 'No automated scanning' must be changed to either 'Use custom scan settings' or 'Perform smart system-scan.' These are found in the Configuration/Automation section under 'Startup scan mode.'
  19. You also could rebuild the inno setup. Have a look at this thread.
  20. It's a Nullsoft NSIS installer so it's /S (capital s) You might wanna try UltraISO which is IMHO the best ISO tool.
  21. If you don't need the WinPE stuff you can use the link from the unattended guide. Get it here. If you're lookin for WinPE try Bart's PEBuilder. Or ride a donkey
  22. The quotation marks inside the reg line need to be escaped too. Try: REG ADD %KEY%\019 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\019_diskeeper\setup.exe /s /v\"INSTALLDIR=\"D:\system\diskeeper\" /qb\" " /f or REG ADD %KEY%\019 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\019_diskeeper\setup.exe /s /v\"INSTALLDIR=\\\"D:\system\diskeeper\\\" /qb\" " /f The problem is the nesting of quotations on two levels. First for the reg line and second for the /v switch. To avoid some of the quotation mess you could use the msi file. REG ADD %KEY%\019 /V 1 /D "\"%systemdrive%\install\019_diskeeper\Diskeeper Professional Edition.msi\" INSTALLDIR=\"D:\system\Diskeeper\" /qb" /f I personally don't use runonce ex so this is just a guess
  23. Well I have to admit I was talking BS before I just tried msiexec /i "c:\Install\Diskeeper Professional Edition.msi" INSTALLDIR="c:\Diskeeper" /qn and setup.exe /s /v"INSTALLDIR=\"c:\Diskeeper\" /qn" and both work. It's just a problem with the quotes inside the /v" " switch. They have to be \"
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