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Everything posted by WolfX2

  1. @grafx1- i'll try this. thx
  2. how did such a harmless joke become such a big issue? Lets stick to the topic of the picture, its a joke. What ever happened to HAHA? @shostakovich - just let it go, before you get banned
  3. good point, keep irresponsible people off the computer! [added to guide]
  4. Little changes Cleen Dirty
  5. ya don't have to tell me twice, my little cozen, hes about 5, had "fun" with my computer and well it wasn't pretty! which proves my theory! "little kids should not touch computers"!and ur right, i dont care if its a super hyper secure version of windows that is locked up with admin password just to move the mouse, CRAP HAPPENS! ehem please excuse my inappropriate outbursts
  6. nope thats all
  7. @azriel707 - i cant help but thinking that this has nothing to so with software but a OS problem and should be moved to one of these catagories (i hope mods dont mind me pointing this stuff out) and we need more information, like which OS you r running
  8. @ScubaSteve - even though i agree with what you said, there has to be a nicer way to say it
  9. The page that will confuse you
  10. thank you for letting me know @antino king - Cross your name off the list because ur invited!
  11. A post only gets bumped up to the top when someone writes something new. Don't unnecessarily bump your own post. I assure you this was not my intention, but ur right it was a useless post, sry [added to guide]
  12. @AgentGOD - I dont know how many times i have to tell people thats there is a sub heading for windows vista and IE7 AND your signature is WAY TOO BIG! Be sure to read the forum rules
  13. @nam265 - WOA BILLY! you have to give me that wallpaper! It is SOOO nice!
  14. @Jeremy - thats ok, I love it when people agree with me
  15. @raskren - perhaps
  16. @hernandochg - Check ur email and welcome to MSFN @Aezpen - tell that person to check there email @crck3rz - We can olny send to msn or hotmail accounts
  17. WolfX2

    My Sig

    THX!!!! if its possible can you use the pic located here?thanks again
  18. Cross your name off the list, because, your invited
  19. WolfX2

    My Sig

    @homiebrah - do you mind if i use ur image but just take the text and polar bear out of it? (i want to stick a wolf in there) and i will always give credit to you whenever displaying it.
  20. Thats ok. your the MOD, you know best
  21. perfect, thx
  22. i love thats idea! but... It has nothing to do with windows XP, it should be moved to the software hangout [reported]
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