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Everything posted by WolfX2

  1. a little chip in your computer that holds system passwords, look for it in your computers manual (it may be listed as "PSWDJMPR")
  2. Tell me which one you like better, and how i could improve
  3. thanks martin L! but some icons have changed since Dec 8 2005 (just so you know)
  4. my computer had that problem, but had NO passwords. take out the password jumper in your computer then run it again, it should work now
  5. @ScubaSteve - i did the ocean ripple effect on pourpose
  6. Thats a good one
  7. http://www.malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz
  8. u do know it uses the IE platform right??? and yes i have used it, its ok, but it seemed to slow down my browsing speed!
  9. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=announce&f=2&id=6
  10. look forward to seeing you on the forums
  11. @andy_tek - drat!, ah well
  12. @Dels - This was done in "Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0" can you do that in Elements 4.0 or only in CS? @Daemonforce- Thx! [edit] Electric Explorer!
  13. lemme know what you think
  14. Lemme know what you think
  15. @diesel_98a - thx for your feedback, i'll see what i can do about the size
  16. make sure you have "show updates" checked at the top of the Add/remove window then find it!
  17. I made another one, tell me if you like it everyone !
  18. Please take some time to read the forum rulesbut as for your problem make sure EVERYTHING is deleted off your harddisk before you reinstall windows
  19. make sure EVERYTHING on your harddrive is deleted before you reinstall!
  20. This should be in the office dissussion forum Please take some time to read the forum rules
  21. not understanding what your asking....do you want to uninstall IE7 and put IE6 back? if you do its simple, just go to add/remove programs and find IE7 and hit remove, follow the on screen instructions and it will reinstall IE6 for you!
  22. very nice Black!!!
  23. @alsiladka - Good! now i can finally update WD!! YAY!
  24. @dienkhung - sorry bud, i dont think so but yo could install the files in your my docs, and just launch it from there. then only you can access it 300th post W00T!!!
  25. is there a place where you can go sign up or do you need to be a MSDN subscriber?
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