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Posts posted by jvidal
Ok, I made a SWFLASH.CAB package for ver 11.3.300.268, w/o updater. As usual, you can get it here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7065652/SWFLASH.CAB
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What I meant is that the variables can't have spaces, I wasn't talking about the content of the variables.
The variable NAME can't have spaces in it (that's what I meant)
And yep, new flash and new script needed.
BTW, mimo, why does the script want rvkroots.exe in hfsvcpack? I slipstreamed with it in the HF folder and MU is happy, it doesn't ask for it.
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system variables NEVER have spaces...
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Ok. All clear. It seems env. variables are not converted.
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And BTW, why on earth would one want to complicate things by fiddling with reg files instead of just dropping the update on the hf folder?
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No, what i was saying is why don't you add the value directly from the reg file, something like this:
Windows Registry Editor 5.00
@="%systemroot%\system32\packager.exe /f"
and just merge the reg file.
Or this doesn't work either?
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This reg file can be used instead of KB2603381 (HFSVCPACK_SW1):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"KB2603381"="cmd.exe /c \"reg.exe ADD HKCR\\Package\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\server /ve /d %systemroot%\\system32\\packager.exe /f\""Why are you calling reg.exe from inside a reg file??? why not just add the registry value directly?
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2719985 replaces these two updates: 973687, 2079403.
So if rulman integrated 973687 or 2079403 after 2719985, the update would be undone.
that's probably what happened. I can ASSURE you that putting 2719985 in HF folder works just fine.
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@rulman:it works, already tried it.
Made my updated CD, installed on a VM and MU only wanted the genuine notification crap, which I leave out intentionally.
try again!
PS: i'm talking with 2719985 in the HF folder.
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In case you guys are interested, I made an updated swflash.cab package, no updater.
get it here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7065652/SWFLASH.CAB
c ya!
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2481109 is a very old update, why are you mentioning it now?
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New flash player (yes, again!).
This time it's version 11.3.300.262, please, mimo, be sure to update the script!
Wait, for some reason, only the mozilla plugin was updated to 11.3.300.262, the AX version is still .257, maybe it'll be updated soon.
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thx. I guess i'll just get rid of 'em...
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You sure about that, Tomas? thx for answering, BTW.
Now I don't even remeber what was it for or why we had to use it (I mean instead of just slipstreaming the latest tzone update)...
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Got a question, guys. Does anyone know if the HFSLIP_PRE_TZ4 package is still needed? (.cab & .cmd)
I still have it in my hftools folder, but no idea if it does any good or is it enough with the latest tzone update...
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just get the repacked installers by ricktendo, they seem to work fine and accept the same command line switches as the "official" versions.
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Yep, X, new FP. New version needed & new cabs too.
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thx again, mimo!
btw, your site is dead, can't dload
Scratch that last part, it revived.
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thanx, X.
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Thx, Mimo. I must report a bug in the latest ver., though.
I have 2681116 and the FC tells me it's obsolete, replaced by 2698707. That's OK. The problem is that the FC is ALSO asking for 2633952. This is wrong, 'cause this one is replaced by 2681116, which I DO HAVE.
The fc should only ask for 2698707. If neither 2681116, nor 2698707 are present, only then the FC should ask for 2633952.
Get my point?
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Can't download, the site is down!
scratch that. I was finally able to get it, but the stite is still kinda downish...
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thx, mimo!
BTW, the link is wrong, points to the previous version...
There's something else wrong: the FC wants 2618451 (ax killbits), but the latest is 2695962, which IS present in HF...
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I believe KB2633171 is also replaced by KB2676562.
Where did you get that info? No mention of it on M$ KB article.
The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP
So...mimo? you still alive?