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Posts posted by jvidal
BTW, 2813347 isn't required. Only 2813345.
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I'm guessing rulman has a very limited knowledge of english...
I was about to make the same correction you did, explorer.
Now, we just wait for mimo to update the FC.
c ya!
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Yeah, that seems passable.
I think it should be tagged "optional", the script shouldn't flag it as "missing" when it's not present in HF and IF it is present, then it should display a warning about it and a tip that it needs to be activated via the registry...
I also think this one should be handled separately to other advisories. This is a special one.
IF advisories=0, then other useful advisories might be left out...
just my $2c
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Thx, mimo!
BTW, I see you still haven't done anything about KB2264107.
This update should be moved to the "optional" list.
MU/WU DOES NOT ASK FOR IT. IT IS NOT HIGH PRIORITY. It causes more problems than the one it supposedly fixes.
What more do you need to change its status to optional?
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2821346 replaces the previous TZ update. Here, in Chile, the government decided to extend the daylight saving time.
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@X, you beat me to it...
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No rush, enjoy your trip!
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New Flash, version 11.6.602.171...
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Why not make the whole thing optional (I mean the update and the registry data). Like I said WU/MU Does not ask for it. It shouldn't be flagged as "missing", when it actually is optional...
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Well, as always, thanks, Mimo!
BTW, I think you should do something about kb2264107 (the library loading thingie). I have NEVER seen a PC in which WU/MU Asks for it.
It should be optional. Plus, as you probably know, this causes more problems than the one it supposedly solves....
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Perfect. Thanks again for your hard work!
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Alright, thX.
Now we wait for mimo!
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Are you sure that 2792100 replaces BOTH 2761465 AND 2799329?
Usually, it replaces only the prev. cum. update...
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new file-checker fo XP:
- Added: Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.149
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player 11.5.502.146Download: HFSLIPFC v.2013/01/06 with WindowsXP-update-list v.2013/01/08
I believe you mean "...v2013/02/08" and "v2013/02/06"
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yep, new FP, new version required...
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Thx, mimo, it's way better now!
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Nice, thx!
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thx, mimo!
Just be sure to delete that bogus version or else the auto-updater will get it every time I run the FC...
And yes, it's the same file name, you should just stick to the latest KB article...
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it was silent. it's dated feb 01, but there's nothing on it in your site. It was downloaded by the auto-updater...
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Ok, I'll check the need for xml6 update. I fired up a winxp vm I had configured a while ago and I could've sworn wu didn't ask for 2757638...
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Mimo, the XML6 update should be removed. It is not part of a standard XP install. It is only needed when XML6 was installed by some third-party application.
WU DOES NOT ask for it on a standard windows installation.
EDIT. I just found out you made a silent update and now the FC is asking for 2779562. Didn't we JUST agree that it is replaced by 2794119???
And, like I said, the XML6 update should be OPTIONAL, the FC shouldn't ask for it as a high-priority update.
There's another bug in the FC:
It says:
"found 2728973, ...REPLACED BY 2798897..."
And immediately after that:
"Found 2798897..."
this doesn't make ANY sense. The first one is absolutely unnecessary.
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thx, mimo.
Still can't download. Plus, your site is having problems again...
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beat me to it, rulman...
Wait, I forgot the root certificates update (dec 2012), rootsupd.exe
and, obviously, MRT 4.15 replaces 4.14.
c ya|
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Hey, mimo, your site is having problems.
The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP
Thx, Mimo.
OBS: The checker should NOT ask for 2813347 if RDC7 is not used.