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Everything posted by mikesw
I have win 2k Pro Sp4 that I bought from my company. Microsoft's site says they have a CD with more fonts that came with the Win 2K OS CD. However, the company doesn't have this font CD. a). How can I get this CD of fonts that MSoft says comes with the OS CD. What are the font names that were on this CD? see http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows20...ts_overview.htm b ). Are these now free since fonts had to be licensed way back then. c). I didn't see any updates to fonts or the service packs to add more fonts on MSofts site other than for XP. These would be new opentype,freetype,cleartype,truetype,vector, raster, etc d). Have the 'font embedding' restrictions been removed now for WIn 2K or later for xp, vista? e). Is the tool "Font Properties Extension Tool" still available. See http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...6.mspx?mfr=true f). Can the fonts that are installed on XP or Vista be zipped up and copied over to Win 2K to bring that up to date. g). Is there a list of any known language(s) that aren't supported by MSofts fonts that one can then look for to fill the missing languages. I realize, that there are a alot of font packages out there on the net, but first I'd like to start with Msofts fonts first.
Add-On Maker for Nlite 1.2.4 Update: 06/17/2006
mikesw replied to {_carnificina_}'s topic in Application Add-Ons
Hi, I've downloaded the nlite-addon from your virtualtek website, but the version in "about" is 1.2.4 from 6/17/2006. It doesn't show v2.0 or v2.0 beta. Please post the beta in addition to this other version. Moreover, the info on your site says "xp add-on". Won't this work on Win 2K Pro or Vista? Here's some more info concerning the virus detected. AVG 8.0.169 detects a trojan horse PSW.Banker4.ADQM on the copy from your website for v1.2.4. 2006. If one scans the file nothing is found. If one installs the file, and run the 'Launch', AVG reports a tmp file with this trojan is found. If one downloads the rar file from rapidshare v1.3.7 2007 and unrar it, followed by ,install and launching the application, AVG reports no trojan. Thus, the one on your site may have a trojan. See this link for other reasons. http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34658 Now for problems. a). Why are you using for the language file extension "itc" and not "lng" or "lang"? itc seems to be an itunes extension. b ). The Arabic, and chinese characters probably weren't saved as 'unicode' or 'utf-8' by the authors when they used notepad. Note: I'm using win2k pro sp4 and the help files say that to display these characters its best to use "San-serif" which they are, so saving in unicode may be the problem as to why they are displayed an unreadable (unrecognizable) characters. c). For the Bulgarian file, if one uses notepad, the bulgarian characters showup, but when running v1.3.7 2007 they are displayed as ????? marks. d). The English file is out of date in terms of the defined menu entries (not the translated words) vs. the spanish one before the equals "=" sign. e). The itc file has a menu entry called "Author=". However, everyone who is translating into their language is entering their name since they translated the file, but really this entry is to translate the word "Author" into their language instead of entering their name. Thus, when the program is run their name is displayed and not the translated word for Author. Hence, when one uses the tool to create a s/w package, the person who did it should enter their name in the field under the word Author (which is in their language). Provide another itc file entry for Lang_Translate= or something which allows one to enter a name or email that will be displayed under the "About" tab screen. Put the version number of your tool here too instead of on the "genrl" tab which should be spelled as "general". e). Alot of the tabs and some screens are still in spanish although one translated the itc file completely. The reason is because the its file needs to be updated to include these other fields along with their translations so that the tabs and some screens will show the correct info. f). Prefer that there is a tab called 'language' or 'options' so that one can select the language one wants to use. Presently, it is under 'About' and when one hits 'ok' it doesn't remember ones settting. Thus, if you exit and later on come back and use the tool again, it doesn't use the language you selected previously. -
Add-On Maker for Nlite 1.2.4 Update: 06/17/2006
mikesw replied to {_carnificina_}'s topic in Application Add-Ons
Hi, I've downloaded the nlite-addon from your virtualtek website, but the version in "about" is 1.2.4 from 6/17/2006. It doesn't show v2.0 or v2.0 beta. Please post the beta in addition to this other version. Moreover, the info on your site says "xp add-on". Won't this work on Win 2K Pro or Vista? -
I have win xp pro sp3 with the latest fixes. I have numerous CD/DVD, movie/audio players, compression tools etc installed on the win xp. The problem is is that when installing one of the above software packages it will ask via checkboxes what file types to associate with this software package. So it may ask for .iso, or .zip, or .mpeg, or .wma as to whether this software package should run when a file with this file extension is opened. But I'd like to open for example an iso file with one cd/dvd tool and some other time with a different one because it may have a feature that the other doesn't. The same applies to movies/audio or compression tools. Is it possible to tell XP that for a given file extension to prompt with a popup when the file is clicked to present a list of applications that one could chose from to open the file with? This is particularily important for cd/dvd file formats and movie/audio player/writer file types. How to set this up? I realize that if I right click on the file that is zip file, a popup window will show me winzip, or uniextract, or powerarchiver, but it doesn't seem to do this for the cd/dvd or movie/audio formats. Thus to have poweriso and nero be presented as selections when I right click for iso files. To have nero, windows media player 11, or windvd be shown when I right click so that I can select which one will play the video or if I want to edit it (depending on the tool of course). Should I during install select all the file extension types a particular app can do that is offered to me as possible file associations and do this for every app? Will this tell XP that when I right click on a file name that it scans i.e. the registry and sees what apps can be used to open it?
Are you Kidding? SP4 has been out a few years now.
FYI for those wondering about VISTA 64bit maximum memory support. Home Basic is limited to 8GB, Home Premium is limited to 16GB and the other editions (Business, Enterprise and Ultimate) let you get all the way up to 128GB. Currently XP is limited to 4Gig, but I don't know if this is just 32 bit or if it's true for 64 bit too.
Your Win 2K pRo Sp4 needs to have the registry that is used during startup modified so that it can do 48 bit LBA. Without it, it will see the disk as the 147 GIG limit and after formatting (the 131 gb). After modifying the registry, saving it and the reburning the CD/DVD with this modified OS, it will then always detect large drives greater than 147 GIGs without problems. See here, http://www.msfn.org/board/Install-setup-pr...20&p=715635
I wondered how the registry entries worked. Thanks for the JSI 389 stuff.
For the TimeZone names used in WIndows 2K, XP etc, am I able to change them to something else vs. these names from Microsoft? I.E. the timezone names used in Unix. Why did MSoft pick the names they did? Is it based on some ISO standard or something? It seems in the past it was the worlds Navies and sea merchants along with the world politicians deciding what the TZ names were I.E go back to the early 1900's and 1800s. If so, can I add additional timezone names for a given GMT TZ that aren't shown. I.E. I'd like to specify a time zone name from Unix that covers various Islands that aren't listed and for the case where an Island group may be split between two countries each specifying a different timezone, that I'd denote the Island with the parent country in parenthesis. I.E. (US) vs. (UK). A good example of this is the TZ's on Antarctica. Am I able to update Microsoft Timezone or the Unix ones so that I can specify DST (Daylight saving time) all the way back to 1970 since unix goes back this far? How can I modify or Update Microsoft TZ's or how do they do it when a countries name or capital changes over the course of history (either in the past or the future) so that when I set the TZ on the computer in the past, the timezone country name will change to the old country name? Burma vs. Myanamar.
Need the following updates added Timezone Aug 2008 KB951072-x86 Windows installer v4.5 KB942288-v3-x86 Need updated root certs Kb931125 7/3/2008 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en
I noticed on your site that root certs for win 2k sp4 are still in FY' 2006. Is there a way to update them to july 2008 using XP's root cert update? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en Apparently, the Xp root certs will also work on win 2k too!
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
I had similar issues and some succes with setting: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows ErrorMode 2 This redirects error messages to the event queue and does not pause execution. The default ErrorMode value is 0 and it is best that is stays there. The above tweak is a last resort. Thanks. after searching the internet for the cause and the fix, I posted the history, AND solution about two posts down from yours. I came across this registry fix too. Thus, by me uninstalling the floppy,zip and cd drivers and rebooting, WMP11 problem went away. However, the IOBIT defrag didn't. At the rate IObit scans for hardware drives until one actually starts analyzing/defragging, this error message being redirected to the system event log will put hundress of these error messages into the log. It doesn't generate exceptions if I'm in safe mode though???? JkDefrag, MSoft defrag are able to detect the Zip drive containing a disk or not. If a disk is inserted, both programs will display it and analyze/defrag it. If a disk is not in the drive, neither program displays the drive for it to be selected for defragging/analyzing. In the case of IOBIT, when a disk is in the drive, there are no exceptions and when out of the drive exceptions are generated for each drive scan. In either case, IOBIT doesn't display the drive when there is a disk in the drive. So I can't defrag the zip drive. I presume IOBIT has a logic error in the code and should display the drive when the disk is present. -
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
Thanks n7Epsilon, I've played around this weekend on it. I booted into safe mode and no exceptions get generated for any software including iobit defrag which I can run in safe mode without any problem. I wonder what safe mode does differently vs. running windows normally? http://www.consumingexperience.com/2007/11...processing.html http://forums.cpututorials.com/viewtopic.p...&view=print http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;330137 There seems to be two different types of exceptions for No Disk generated. With other slight variations on the numbers. Per a post on a RU site.... per consumerexperience site.... I changed my drive letters around and it didn't fix the problem. Most of the internet posts point to uninstalling any hardware that has a removable media. CD/DVD, floppy, USB, Zip etc. Also it can occur during startup (startup programs), uninstalling apps or installing them i.e. virus checkers, MSoft s/w products, third party software, freeware, and MSoft updates - just about anything from the posts I've seen on the net. Some people uninstall and reinstall, some just disable the software i.e. startup, some just delete the software altogether, some just uninstall/reinstall all the removable media drivers, some remove the icon for the s/w in the systray, etc until something works. Make the annoying error message disappear based on a MVP article. See KB281345 and it does mention Zip drives too. Registry fix. http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009...icle.asp?ID=593 Presently, this is what I have to do to get IOBIT defrag v5.0.1 not to complain since nothing worked except put a disk in the Zip drive all the time. I do have a newer quicktime installed which some say causes problems. I could uninstall it and see if IOBIT starts working. See info below. Using Windows Defrag doesn't cause errors. Here's a post about JKDefrag doing it. http://www.kessels.com/forum/index.php?topic=904.0 On Oracles webite a post: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jsp...2&tstart=-1 Ultimate fix is to put floppies disks or zip disks in the drive all the time if all else fails or do the KB281345 registry fix way. The solution to WMP11 all versions is to uninstall the floppy, zip and cd/dvd drivers then reboot and let windows detect the hardware and reinstall the drivers. After doing this wmp11 slipper didn't complain anymore. Now onto why IOBITDefrag complains.... -
RSM (Resource Storage Mgr) is a snap-in to MMC that runs on Win 2K. I can't find out how to determine the version number of it for Win2k although for XP, it runs v1.5. RSM for Windows is out of date since it doesn't understand flash drives since it can't handle the resource. It won't allow me to select any media_type when it shows up in the library. Is there a way to update the media_types for both Win 2K (and XP while one is at it) to specify "removable media" or "removable storage" for this media? Will poking around in the registry and adding to the list help or some media dbms file on the disk (some documentation mentions how to correct dbms corruption). In the meantime, the RSM is unable to handle the resource library is written to the system event log. Apparently these DLL's control the media_types but are quite old. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/303886 13-Dec-2001 15:36 5.0.2195.4767 169,232 Ntmsdba.dll 13-Dec-2001 15:36 5.0.2195.4767 400,656 Ntmssvc.dll
Remove extra drive letter from Msoft Explorer
mikesw replied to mikesw's topic in Windows 2000/2003/NT4
Thanks jaclaz! I looked around on the PC and saw that I had Power ISO installed. This was done about a year ago. This was the cause since it defaults to one virtual drive. After disabling it, the unknown CD drive that didn't have a h/w driver associated with it disappeared. Jeesh, alot of chasing non-problem. -
Remove extra drive letter from Msoft Explorer
mikesw replied to mikesw's topic in Windows 2000/2003/NT4
I followed the workaround and it didn't remove the drive titled "Removable Disk" with a CD image icon. The registry did have more drive letters in there beyond drive J: from USB stick installs. All the binary data for each reference seemed to be the exact same data. I even did this procedure in safe mode. However, in safe mode this drive J: is shown. I even uninstalled the drivers for zip, floppy, and cd/dvd, rebooted and let it detect the drives again and it still showed up. I'll try installing the actual kb836662 this weekend to see if it makes a difference. PS: For those that have Win 2K, does this drive called "Removable Drive" appear on your computer when no USB flash or USB HDD is plugged in? I'm trying to figure out if this is how windows normally shows it or not. -
Add to this list Acronis Echo. Echo replaces Trueimage.
I have an IBM desktop PC that has Win 2K SP4 with patches. It originally came with two CD drives; however, I replaced one with a DVD/CD from Liteon and the 2nd with a 40 gig Seagate HDD. During use or bootup, the MSoft Explorer (filemanager) still shows two drives with each having a different drive letter and the CD icon to tell me it thinks that they are CD drives. The name is titled "removable drive". I can use the first CD drive as lets say "I:" whereas the second is "J:" can't be used. Thus it is a leftover that I can't get rid of. When I use Disk Manager, or when I boot into safe mode, this extra drive "J:" is not shown, only the good CD drive "I:". Perhaps, at some time during the course of using a U3 flash drive that creates a regular drive and CD drive that something happened (i.e. premature power loss shutdown, not removing Hardware properly etc) that maybe this extra drive was created and never removed or maybe some other possibility. How do I get this bogus CD drive to be removed and not show up in the list of drives when using MSoft Explorer? PS: The BIOS only shows one CD/DVD drive by name and not the other, thus it's not the BIOS configuration.
For the fourth case dealing with directx 9c and all the monthly updates (the same steps apply when reupdating older directx 9c updates, I came across this from 2003 on msfn although some of the disabling or deleting of wmp player and sfc could be removed from the steps if one wants. Perhaps this direct integration can be added to Nlite instead of current method. Here are the links: http://www.msfn.org/board/Replace-DX8-inst...all-t10665.html The original steps Note: Directx 9 came with Win XP SP2, but the above steps can repeat for directx 9 monthly updates. http://www.msfn.org/board/Replace-DX8-inst...aded#entry79070 This provides a zip file whereby the contents are already setup per the readme.txt file. Maybe nlite can do this without having predefined files ready to go though. Hmmmm, will any of these steps apply to Win 2000 also? What about with directx10, any difference in the steps? instead of using the ".reg" files to load the registry, the steps could convert it to directx.inf instead.
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
What about a Windows Media Player v9.x slipstreamer for those of us that have Win 2K Pro and not XP? Is it hard to modify WMP11 slip tool so that it can slip 9.x into the Win2K OS because WMP10 and WMP11 will not install under Win2K? One could just slip WMP9 or WMP10 only into the XP os if one doesn't like WMP11. Thus, could WMP11 be modified to do either Win2K or XP for these older WMPlayers? BTW, after removing I386 from my directory path and ignoring the exceptions by hitting cancel, I was able to slip WMP11 into Win XP Pro SP3 without any problem on a running WIn 2K Pro machine. I haven't tried installing this slipped XP Pro SP3 with WMP11 on a spare machine yet. -
I realize that Nlite 1.4.7 can delete components from the slipped OS; however, the MSFNunattended pdf manual specifies a section where one can modify the [Components] section of the SVCPACK.INF to turn on or off various components. It also gives a list of things that can be turned on/off. So, will allow me to disable installing MSoft messenger 4.2.x when I install the OS. I don't want to delete the component, but just prevent it from installing. Is it posible to add this functionality to Nlite so one gets presented a list of items that one could check to turn "on" or "off" that functionality? For another case, if I go to the delete Components list of Nlite, I see that I get presented a list whereby one item is called "MSXML 2.0 (old version) that I could delete. However, I thought with Win XP OS SP3, that it integrated in MSXML v6.0 and that MSoft had removed this old version by overwriting the files that pertained to MSXML. Hence, shouldn't this message really be MSXML 6.0 and not 2.0? If 2.0 doesn't exist anymore, shouldn't Nlite not display this as a component to delete from the OS slipped build? A third case is, I tried to integrate the "rootcert_upd.exe" into the OS. It is a win32 cab. The switches are /Q /T:<directory> /C . During the integration, NLite complained that the typical switches for win32 cabs didn't work. This is true, but is it possible that when an error conditon is detected, that it would display a popup to ask me if I wanted to enter the correct switches for a given piece of software, such that when I select "yes", a data field entry is displayed next to the filename I'm trying to integrate so that I can enter them? In this case, a "/q" or "/Q", or just let it default to nothing - just do it by entering the file without switches. If "no", or if the list of entered switches is wrong (which then displays the yes/no popup box), that it will just then continue on with the integration. If the switches are correct, then the filename along with the switches I entered will then be written to the SVCPACK.INF file with the file put in the SVCPACK directory. This will save me time of manually entering them by hand. Yes I know of the Runonce, batch file methods and the others, but I want to use the SVCPACK.INF file for all MSoft software that deals with updating the OS only (not apps). This would apply to windows script v5.6, future mdacs, mmc too which aren't part of the new SP3. This could also be used in the case of MSoft Media Player 9.x or 10.x (if one doesn't use the WMP 11 slipper) which wouldn't have any switches. These older Mplayers are needed on older Win OS' than xp. A forth case is, anybody know or think about writing a slipping application like Windows Media Player 11 to slip MovieMaker, Mplayer 9.x (i.e. win 2K), mmc, windows script, driectx9c, communicator (by replacing messenger) into the windows OS directly by replacing the old files? Yes, I know about the Ryanvm packs, SVCPACK.INF way, but I'd like something like what the WMP11 slipping tool does, but direct integration.
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
I have a floppy drive in the computer too with no disk inserted. If all removable drives such as floppies, zips and powered down drives (i.e a spare swap drive in raid) have this problem, I wonder why CD/DVD drives without a disk inserted aren't generating exceptions but seemed to be ignored when they display the list of drives to select from in the dialog box? Is Msofts software smart enough to ignore these as special cases? -
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
Here is MSoft's response to an email that I sent them. They will update the KB article and download page for Windows XP SP2 to include in the Supported OS section, the addition of SP3, so that it is clear that this patch applies to both SP2 and SP3. The actual security pg did specify for WmP 11 that it was for SP2 and SP3. -
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
about (1). But doesn't it say in the text above the box that contains the directory to the OS source to make sure to include I386? OK, I interpreted the "(must contain a "i386" folder)" to mean, that I had to include the I386 in the WIN OS directory path. The correct meaning is that the Windows OS source tree had to have an I386 folder in the directory tree. about (2), In all my cases, I hit the button on the side that causes the popup box and displays the list of drives to select where the OS is at. Thus, when you call the MSoft standard functions, is it possible that they internally scan for all drives on ones PC before displaying a list of drives to select. Hence, when they get to the ZIP drive an exception will be generated like I'm getting. Note: This exception is the same problem I'm having when IOBIT Defrag scans for drives, display a list for one to select for defragging. In this case, an exception is generated since my zip drive doesn't have a disk. Software Suggestion: When MSoft windows functions are called to scan for a drive list and an exception is generated, couldn't your software handle/trap on this exception, and then just ignore it? Thus, the drive causing the problem is ignored with the rest being displayed? In the case of an exception being generated for every drive should the drive (if there is only one in the computer) or drives be bad or don't exist, the exception(s) would be grouped together and it is at this point a popup box would display , not an exception, but a friendly message saying "NO drives found". In the end, all software "exceptions" will be handled for gracefully..... Question: Do you you have a list of the exception codes and their return values that you could post or reference here? The reason I ask, is that besides WMP11 Slip streamer and IOBIT Defrag, Acronis Trueimage and Echo have this problem due to my zip drive not having a disk inserted in it. WMP11 Slip Streamer and IOBIT generate annoying popup box exceptions, whereas Acronis Trueimage and Echo on startup,, scan the drives and write a Bad disk block error to the application event log. They've had this since v8 and haven't fixed it either. -
[RELEASE] Boooggy's WMP 11 direct integration solution
mikesw replied to boooggy's topic in Application Add-Ons
Wmp11 streamer v1.3.2.0 crashes on win 2K SP4 with all the latest patches and it also has dotnet 1.1 plus the hotifx and dotnet 2.0SP1 (which includes 2.0 and the sp1 combined). I have no problem running the latest Nlite which needs dotnet 2.0+. I use the vanilla setting, and dont select the either of the two checkboxes. The only data fields I enter are the selections for the "wmp11 media player" software, the winxp pro sp3 directory and the wmp11 patch diretory that contains the list of patches from your website. The error I get is a popup window title "windows - no disk" with the following exception c0000013 and the parameter 7cc31d6c repeated four time across the screen. Note: this is not the c0000135 error listed in the FAQ section. Note2: I do have an IDE ATAPI type Iomega 250meg zip drive installed with no disk in it; however, I'm only specifying a hard drive partition on a 750 gig seagate drive whereby the partition I'm using is 323 gigs and not the zip. Here are the steps to reproduce the problem. a). I specified and selcted for the first field the directory where the wmp11 media player software is located. as, H:\wmp11\wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe b ). I then selected the second directory and when the popup box is shown to select the drive and directory where the windows xp source to be integrated is at, the "windows - no disk" with exception is shown. Of course, if I keep selecting the "cancel" button, the error will go away after about 3-5 times of trying to "canceL" and then I can select the location of the windows xp source as, H:\VRMPVOL_EN\I386 . However, once the line is filled in, it is highlighted in a light reddish color. c). I can then select the third text box to specify where the wmp11 media player patches are at as, H:\wmp11_fixes\..... note: ... . is the list of files I selected that are the ones you specified. d). Upon doing items a-c, the "integrate" button remains greyed out. I then just exit the program. The 2nd variation that generates the exception above is done similarily by doing the following. 1). peform step © from above first. 2). perform step ( b ) from above second. The exception is generated and keep hitting cancel. The field is also then highlighted as light colored red. 3). perform step (a) from above third. 4). The "integrate" button still remains greyed out. The 3rd variation that doesn't generate the exception but doesn't work either is as follows. 1). peform step ( b ) from above first. Thus when I specify the windows xp source's I386 directory the text box is still higlighted in a light red color, and no exception is generated. 2). peform step © from above as second. Note: I could've also done step(a) from above too instead of step ©. 3) peform step (a) from above as third. Note: I could've also done step © from above too instead of step (a). 4). The "integrate" in this case still remains greyed out. Conclusion: In doing any of the above three possible ways/combinations/variations of selecting the directory and then trying to do an 'integrate" the slip streamer doesn't work.