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Everything posted by mikesw

  1. My BIOS doesn't allow or provide me with options to change motherboard voltages. Presently I can put 4x1 gig chips on the motherboard, but the typical voltage value posted for the DDR2-SDRAMs are around 1.8v. I see OCZ and crucials ballistic memory use from 1.9-2.2 volts. My chipset is intel 915G. My DDR2 memory is typically 1.8v and since I can't change it in the BIOS, I wonder if the 1.9 and above voltages for faster memory chips will damage the motherboard chipset, or not run at all due to the voltage value? Any comments?
  2. Well, I found the answer.... Although the processor socket type, power and processor family type are within the acceptable limits, Intel states that EM64T processors must have a BIOS that is aware of 64-bit. Of course Dell doesn't provide a BIOS upgrade for the GX280 or any other computer they sell that could be upgraded since this would undercut their product line.
  3. Yes the control userpasswords2 command shows what my work PC does. Here is the registery patches that I found on the internet to make the control panel do this command vs. the default. http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/win_xp_passwords.htm http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q176197/ http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks2.htm or on the 2nd column of the first row of the next weblink, they give a registry patch to make the control console use "control userpasswords2" instead of the xp default. http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm
  4. But isn't this for converting back and forth for the login prompt vs. the user accounts screen?
  5. I just bought my companies mini-tower Dell Optiplex GX280 with an Intel lga775 3.0ghz 530 processor. It has the Intel 915G chipset. I'd like to upgrade to the Intel lga775 3.6ghz 661 processor. The earlier (B1,C1) stepping is 86 watts for this processor; however, my current processor (P4/530) is 84watts, so the heat sink shouldn't have a problem with these extra two watts and it is the performance heat pipe kind that Dell installed. The later (D0) steppings for the intel 661 are at 65 watts. The other differences are the (B1) operates from 1.25-1.4 volts which is what my current intel 530 uses, but the (D0) operates from 1.20- 1.325 volts. I'm not sure if the motherboard will either drop down in voltage to 1.325 maximum, or whether the extra 0.075 volts (or in other words 1.4 volts) will damage the (D0) stepping processor. So the heat sink problem is solved. If I get the proper stepping, I'll be able to match the current motherboard voltage range or assuming the other voltage doesn't damage the processor. The only other thing is the Intel 64 capability since my 530 doesn't support it nor does the BIOS know about it. Thus, this may confuse Windows 2k , XP or Vista. FSB speed of 800mhz for either processor is the same. One possibility is to find a Dell BIOS that supports the 65nm cedar mill processor and find a program that will force the BIOS to be upgraded to support it, but it may not have intel 915G support though. Any thoughts on this.
  6. I have win xp pro sp3 on a dell. I've been able to change the login screen to look like the domain popup box for login although I lose user fast switching. However, when I go to the control panel and select user accounts, it shows me the new windows xp graphic screen. I'd like to switch this to the classic popup box similar to win 2k pro. Presently, my work PC popups the classic style and I don't know how computer support did it since there are no menu selections or checkboxs that allow me to do this. I'd like to do this on my home PC so it looks like my work PC. Do I have to manually change something in the registry or is there something in windows I can click on?
  7. Well the toolbar google help "somethings broken" is where I posted the info too. I recently tried v5.0.2001.7574 and it still has the problem.
  8. Were you able to duplicate the problem?
  9. Here's some info from Msofts site concerning licenses for PC from preactivated manufactureres. looks like one has to call MSoft if one want to use the COA license on the side of the box. see link http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457078.aspx Since Dell has preactivated all XP installs, the license on the side of the box was deactivated per the articles above. However, one can activate it by calling MSoft to activate the license. They also provide instructions on how to preserve preactivation for future installs. While I was researching this via Google I came across the various license types and what the PID code would be for some. See tacktech.com links. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=328874 After installing XP and then wanting to change to OEM XP key do. Run Sysprep Go ahead and do activation. Either it will accept or not accept. If it does, you are done. If it does not, a window pops up and asks you to provide the correct Product Key. In the future, right after the Windows installation by using the slipstreamed CD, run Sysprep (Start > Run) with the following keys. Sysprep –reseal –quiet –reboot This will reinitialize Windows and you have to provide Product Key and others. Sysprep is in the Windows CD (Support\Tools\Deploy.cab). Disk label types. http://www.tacktech.com/display.cfm?ttid=226 http://www.tacktech.com/display.cfm?ttid=283 RTM thru SP3 CD labels I was able to bug our tech support to give me an OEM XP SP2 install disk. I don't know if it is an IBM NetVista or Dell GX280 OEM disk. From the tacktech.com links it doesn't specify that an OEM CD and the PID code would be different for each OEM manfacturer. Moreover, the OEM CD I got is listed below although I haven't tried to use it yet. The one I have is VRMPOEM_EN with SP2 PID code is in the file \i386\setupp.ini based on info from tacktech PID=76487 is for both the OEM and VOL XP versions The volume CD label is VRMPVOL_EN. Moreover, OEM is appended to the end of the PID number I have. Now, based on the other info pertaining to the BIOS for OEMBIOS.bin. and the OEMBIOS tool I may be able to create my own install disk. I was also able to get the restore/recovery disk for this DELL from our tech support people, but the OS on this disk isn't up to date in terms of service packs. Hence, this is the reason, I want a regular win XP Pro [OEM] install disk so that I can slip it for future reinstalls. so, I've got my work cut out for me in the next few days and weeks. Thanks....
  10. No, as far as I know, I only clicked the others to download. Are you getting something different happening....
  11. I was downloading Win XP SP2 fixes with the ulz on this site. While it was downloading (takes awhile), I decided to download the ulz for some of the other update lists. When I downloaded i.e. office 2k3 ulz, it asked to install it, which I did. When it tried to install the file, WUD crashed and a few hours worth of downloading had to be started over again. a). Let one be allowed to install another ulz file into WUD while it is downloading using a different ulz file. Should one try to download and install a ulz file that is the one that is currently being used to download, the WUD will give an error message stating it can't update due to a download currently being done. For other ulz filenames, it will install without problem. b ). Allow one to pause the download, or auto pause if the connection is broken so that one can start from the point one left off for the current (big) file that is being download and so that one doesn't have to start over again.
  12. When I first came across this file too, I didn't know that it contained the SP3 fixes. Also when one tries to download all the XP (SP2) fixes, I got three files that weren't on the server. It gave a popup message to "skip"; however, I don't know if a log/report file is written that tells me what downloaded by filename vs what filenames were skipped. Is it possible to save the downloaded file to the HDD with the original date it came out vs. todays date? This will be helpful to sort files based on oldest to latest dates for the filenames and apply them based on this order for a given year. @jcarle please rename this filename with (SP3) as was done for the ulz filename which contains (SP2). This will eliminate alot of confusion that this file pertains to SP3 without having to install the ulz file and look at the contents. Moreover, the ulz for SP2 hasn't been updated since around 4/2008 with all the patches. Please include in these files fixes besides security/hotfixes. The fixes I'm thinking about are things like the Aug 2008 update for timezone, and fixes that improve the realiability of Windows or Office tools (i.e. the USB update) and fixes one needs to get by calling MSoft. Note: this will require a windowsupdate tool update which allow one to automatically login to websites that can provide these fixes. see www.thehotfixshare.net. If one has a username/password to this site, (or could rely on one setting a cookie from this site) to automatically login and download the fix. Other fixes are the rootcertifcate update, WPA updates, font updates (i.e. VistA and EU (european union) fonts that will install on XP too), consolas and new cleartype fonts, MSI installers such as v3.1 for (win2k) and the new one v4.5 for VISTA and XP, new Support and Deploy tools, RDP client, Web RDP client, etc. Note: need to distinquish the various downloads for XP home vs. Pro since not everything that is downloaded applies to Home. i.e MUI and support/deploy tools on a per service pack version #. The same applies to Win 2K vs Win 2K Pro. , also Vista Home thru Ultimate. Office 2k3 needs SP3. Also need patches and SP's to Visio, Project, etc that aren't part of the O2k3 distribution. As a side note, there were updates to the Office product viewers too if one didn't have the actual office product installed. Need the o2k7 office file compatibility pack too. Need Office 2k7 Home thru Ultimate/Biz which may be different. Same applies to Viso, Project etc. for o2k7 like o2k3. Need Dotnet v3.5 downloads added to the list along with DirectX links to 9.0c and monthly updates. Also there was a fix that came out for the audio layer a few years back, which I forget the details right now. (uaa???) Did I miss anything????
  13. Windows XP needs to be updated with SP3 plus patches. Office 2k3 needs service pack 3 added. Nice to have the .net services and service packs.
  14. His XP disk isn't pirated and it passes msoft genuine advantage checkers. I see what you mean when I used the word "hardcoded", but although it was slipped with SP2 awhile back with Nlite, I didn't use Nlite to put the license in winnt.sif. Thus, everytime when he has to install his XP, it will prompt him for his license before continuing on (no silent install). It is at this point when he would get prompted, that I will enter my valid Dell license to try and install win XP on my computer which doesn't like it. When I was thinking of hardcoded, I was thinking that his license has a code in it that says I'm for HP and that the win os disk checks to see if the license is HP before continuing the install. Likewise, if I enter my dell license, it may have a code somewhere in the license that says I'm Dell, and when the OS disk checks it, it says hmmmm.... your not HP and thus errors out although the text to the user doesn't state that it isn't HP but along the lines of just "invalid...."
  15. I recently bought my companies Dell GX280 optiplex computer for home use that they wanted to get rid of. However, the company removes all files including OS' from the computer since it was a corporate win xp pro license. They didn't use the Dell license on the computer case label. The question. I'm trying to use a friends Win XP Pro SP2 install disk that has a retail/OEM license (his is HP)since I don't have the actual CD of the XP OS. But instead of using my friends valid license, I want to use the valid Dell XP Pro license that is on the label attached to the computer case. When I enter this license, during XP install, it doesn't like it. Is there something that has to be done to make the XP OS like my valid Dell XP Pro license? Or, are the various XP Pro OS disks one gets hardcoded to understand only the license that came with the disk? Note: My Dell win xp pro license along with my friends license are both for the x32 OS and not x64. Also both his machine and mine are Intel and don't use AMD although I think this shouldn't make a difference since they both run the same instruction set. On a side note. The processor is 3ghz pentium 4 and the chipset is 915. Thus, the FSB is 533mhz. I read somewhere that since it is Intel 915, that I could replace the processor with an FSB 800mhz processor from intel. Also, besides the 800mhz FSB, I'd like to replace it with a faster intel i.e. a 3.4 or 3.8 ghz processor that has FSB 800 mhz and uses the HT (hyper thread) technology. I just don't know what the highest speed in ghz was for intel when HT is present on the chip and whether this chip allowed 800mhz FSB. What are my options in getting the fastest and the mostest from the pentium 4 processor should I be able to find one for sale on the internet. If FSB 800mhz is possible, then I'd buy DDR2 memory which is rated at this speed then.
  16. I run ccleaner to clean out cookies. However, I don't want to remove the msfn cookie since it contains my username and password that I asked to have remembered. What is the cookie name I should be looking for? Is it www.microsoftaffiliates.net ?
  17. Hey! I see others are thinking outside-of-box.... I mean outside-of-VM!!
  18. The reason to do all these variations is "because....." , "why not" and "can it be done..." Of course, it will take up extra resources and may not be practical in reality - but why not try to see if it can be done. Maybe someday this complexity will be thought of as state-of-the-art and everyone will be wondering "can it be done!"
  19. What about MSofts PC 2007 virtual machine on top of VMWare or vice versa? With two processor cores, can the BIOS be tricked into booting two or more virtual machines side-by-side then with OS' running in each. The virtual machines could be from the same vendor or different vendors. The way I'd think this could be done is a boot mgr acts like a server which spawns one virtual machine to start and then spawns a second virtual machine (could be the same or different vendors) and each spawned copy would be associated with one of the processors in the PC by using the processor affinity capability. The OSS software HURD was being developed along these lines from what I remember such that the OS would be a client-server based OS vs. the OS one thinks of today. The other way was to boot a Corba server, and each application would be written as a plug-in to be spawned by this server. I believe Sun did some research in this area in the 1990's, but I forget what it was called then. Thus the Virtual machine would be designed as a plug-in to the Corba server. Other people thought the OS would be the browser such that when the computer starts, the browser would run and any app would be shown in the browser as if it were on a desktop. When one clicked on it, the browser would spawn the application or run the plugin. This is what scared MSoft back in the 90's since if they didn't get into the browser market fast, their windows OS would be obsolete since it could be replaced with a browser, plugins and third party apps. The hardware drivers would be written as pluggins too for the browser to add additional functionality for various hardware that came out in the future. Thus, one wouldn't have to rewrite the browser software everytime hardware came out. Thus, the browser could be thought of as a server with the apps the clients. Similarily the Corba would be the server and would have plugin apps. This also would be similar to the HURD system being developed. Thus these type of servers could be thought of as the OS.
  20. I was wondering today if this is possible with virutal machines. Is it possible to install virtual machine software on top of itself with an OS on top of this also? Why? because it will allow one to install multiple virtual machines isolated from each other and each containing numerous OS' that are installed in each of these virtual machines. Then this collection of virtual machines would be running on top of a base virtual machine that talks to the hardware. One could keep doing this with multiple layers of virtual machines virtualized on top of each other until one gets tired of doing this.....
  21. The Problem: a). one day, I couldn't log into www.msfn.org even though I used a correct username and password. The MSFN homepage would say "Welcome to MSFN mikesw!" and say I had some PM mail. However, when I went to the Forum weblink, it would only show the guest panel and not my user account panel. I could logout of MSFN and then re-login using my correct username and password. But, it kept showing me the guest login panel and the MSFN home page said I was logged in. a). Win xp pro sp2 with all the latest patches b). IE6Sp1 browser with all the latest patches What software I installed recently. a). updated google toolbar from v4.0.1602.x to v5.2000.5344. b). Not sure if the toolbar had an issue, I uninstalled v5.0.2000.5344 and left the IE browser with no google toolbar. a). After uninstalling google toolbar v5.0.2000.5344 and trying to go back to MSFN and login, I still got the guest panel login screen. b). Emailed MSFN admin "xper" and he posted a sticky about login problems which stated to delete all the cookies and browser cache. I even used the latest version of CCleaner and none of this fixed the MSFN login problem. c). At this point I was clueless since I could login to google toolbar helper, and my yahoo email account without problems. a). In an attempt to isolate the problem, I deleted any google app on my PC: Google updater, and google toolbar and check windows startup. b). Next I searched my registry for anything with the word "google" and deleted all key entries manually. c). Next I rebooted the machine. a). After deleting the google key entries in the registry, I tried to login into MSFN forums again. This time, I got my regular user account panel instead of the guest panel. b). Something in the registry pertaining to google was causing the problem. a). When one updates google software from one version to the next, the google uninstaller didn't clean out all the registry entries entirely. b). Secondly, sometimes I uninstall an older google toolbar version before installing a new one. And, sometimes I just download and install a newer version right over top of the older version without uninstalling the older version. c). Items (a) and/or (b) may have caused my registry to have leftover google keys that even though I uninstalled any google app, it caused problems with logging into MSFN. This may be why when I deleted manually all google key entries in the registry it caused my login issues with MSFN to go away. a). Now with a clean registry and no google apps installed, I went to this webpage to download and install google toolbar v5.0.2000.5344. http://toolbar.google.com/T5/intl/en/index.html b). I then went to the MSFN website to login. When I did this I couldn't login to MSFN's forum and kept getting the guest panel. Everytime I entered my correct username and password, it would state my last login time and give me the guest panel. However, if I went to the MSFN homepage it said, "Welcome back mikesw!" and show me the number of PM mails I have. c). Thus google toolbar v5.0.2000.5344 causes website login incompatibilities such as with MSFN.org. a). I used google toolbars own "uninstall' menu selection under the toolbars wrench symbol. b). After reinstalling google toolbar v5.0.2000.5344 again, I used CCleaner's v2.11.636 tools selection to remove/uninstall the google toolbar. c). After reinstalling google toolbar v5.0.2000.5344 again, I used Microsofts control panel add/remove to uninstall the google toolbar. 1). Regardless of the steps used as stated in items (a-c) above to uninstall the google toolbar, the registry entries were deleted and the results were the same. The only thing left still in the registry is entries to the defaultURL and SearchURLs that google toolbar installed. 2). The registry entries were very clean, and I could then login into the MSFN forums and get my user account panel and post this LONG POST for others! 3). Only use google toolbar v4.0.1602.x or earlier to get logged into MSFN forums without problems. 4). For all of the above ways of uninstalling google toolbar, one must exit the IE browser and re-enter after the uninstall before trying to login to the MSFN forums, otherwise, it will remember the last settings and not let you login to MSFN forums although the toolbar is uninstalled. Does anybody know why the popup error message "An error occurred during install" happens when I try to install google toolbar v5.0.2000.5344 on a Windows 2K Pro Sp4 with all the patches after downloading the install executable from googles toolbar website? Is this because the newest version of google toolbar doesn't support win 2K although they say they do, but they may be using a newer version of the MSoft's Visual Studio such as 2008 that doesn't support this older OS? Therefore, the google toolbar may have been compiled with this newer tool.
  22. God ****. Show me who wrote that, i'll burn them with fire. http://forums.msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/vcg...4-f1a40e8a3bb3/ Go to user 'mcb' dated Aug 25,2008. It currently is the last post here. Let the flames start burning. I think he meant with www.legacyextender.com software
  23. RetroOS: From the link you provided about kernel32.dll, NOTE: Per the previous sentence, I just copied it here, I wasn't involved in the testing. It was the person who posted this comment. On a similar issue for kernel32.dll errors being generated when I try to install googletoolbar v4.0.1602.1060 IE beta on a Win 2k Pro SP4 system. I get this error which prevents it being installed. And also this one. Of course I'm trying to reinstall it which I can't due to these errors. So, is my problem above due to Visual Studio 2008 not supporting Win 2K anymore? If so, then the Google Toolbar people must being using VS 2008 although they say the toolbar can be installed on a win 2K machine.
  24. See DMD61 on Jul 2,2008 which stated that Avast Pro was detecting a virus. I've already listed the link for why this may occur.
  25. Can you list which Antivir and version number you used to do the test? At least if people post what antivir programs detect (maybe false) virus' vs nothing one can narrow down the problem or list of antivir software that gives misleading info.
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