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Everything posted by mikesw

  1. why not run checkdisk under the disk drive properties and select both check boxes so that it checks the filesystem and any bad data block/sectors that aren't being used?
  2. search "vista language pack" at microsoft.com http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925471 and if update fails, install this patch http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942903
  3. I'm ok with this. It's just that the label and the filename of the Iso use the same default "WinLite" name. This can is confusing and can mislead one that both are related based on their naming.
  4. Thanks for the info; however, about three of the KB's can't be downloaded but only by emailing MSoft for them.
  5. Your WMP11 slipstream website lists the hotifx KB941569 which comes as part of a hotfix. Although the link below says it's for SP3 too, the actual download page for this KB# only shows it as SP2 for OS' it applies to; moreover, the date on the download page shows a date of 12/10/2007. Am I safe to assume that it was included in SP3 now since this fix was in FY' 2007? Thus, is this hotfix obsolete now for WMP11 due to SP3 coming out which means this KB # would need to be removed from your website? http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/ms07-068.mspx Also the verions of the wmp11 slipstreamer shows v1.3.2.0. But if I select the slipstreamer link below it, the file name contains 1.3i. and not the version number mentioned. Am I selecting the right file for wmp11 slipstreaming or should the filename be corrected to the correct version?
  6. Yes. because the default filename is "WinLite.iso" although I replaced the label name with a different name.
  7. When I used nlite 1.4.7 and replaced the default WinLite label name with my own, the filename given to the iso starts with WinLite but doesn't use the label name I specified as the filename.
  8. I don't think the Win XP SP3 service pack includes the following hotfix. If one has Win XP Pro it will apply, but not for home. WinXP KB942766-v6-x86
  9. Besides the Deploy, Support and RDP client, you'll need to update the Web-based RDP Client too for the built-in IIS web-server. Moreover, I don't think SP3 included the updated MUI for SP3 KB942766-v6-x86 that is used only for Win XP Pro and not the home version since home can't do MUI's. I've integrated both the SP3 MUI hotfix and the KB936929 SP3 Debug version into a Win XP Pro SP2 that was slipped by Nlite without problems. I was wondering about the "cmpnents" subdirectory leftover when I used Nlite v1.4.7final too! This may be a leftover from Nlite after it extracts SP3 temporarily, but it forgets to remove this temporary directory. The "TABLET" directory is used if one has a Win XP Tablet version of XP that is being slipped and after slipping I think the whole "cmpnent" directory needs to be removed.
  10. Please explain! So you don't have a BIOS that can boot USB sticks? This is correct! The BIOS is to old to recognize any USB Device as a boot device. This includes USB HDD drives too. Nor am I able to find an MSDOS USB driver to use with a USB (stick, HDD or CD/DVD) drive so that once I boot from a floppy disk containing MSDOS and using the USB driver, I'll be able to install any of the Win OS' that this thread allows one to install You want to load DOS from a USB stick? Since all Windows OS' were being put on a USB type device, all I was stating was, why not MSDOS/DOS too to make the multiple OS install complete with MSOFT OS' to install. If you can express your problems in a clearer way it would be easier for us to help you. And as jaclaz mentioned, this post is about installing multiple OS from USB - if your issue does not fit in this topic perhaps it's best to start a new post. As far as my comment about the memory limit of MSDOS, I was joking around about the compresssion comment, since MSDOS doesn't recognize large HDD drives of multiple GIGA Bytes as far as I know. Thus with MSDOS being 16 bit addressing, I can't get past the 1 meg limit needed to address (acccess) large disk drives. Note: I know that Windows 95/98 have MSDOS which is 32 bit which allows larger disk drives, but my comment was about MSDOS/DOS and not Win 95/98. Maybe you want to include Win95/Win98 on your list of OS' to install from the USB HDD too.
  11. Now if I only had Multiple MSDOS/DOS on this USB drive and a BIOS that knew how to boot a USB drive or stick to load any of these OS' !!!!!!!! Hmmmm! I guess I'm stuck imaging the USB drives with the multiple OS' and writing them to a DVD so the BIOS can at least boot the CD/DVD!!!!! I haven't found an MSDOS USB Driver to recognize any USB stick or drive yet. And even if I did, then the MSDOS would probably restrict it to only 640K or 1 meg due to the MSDOS OS limitation. Here's a question as food for thought. Can I compress/squeeze all of these OS' loaded onto a USB drive/stick down to below the 1 meg memory limit for MSDOS? I know the answer is no. Thus, I'm probably stuck splitting the OS disk image into 1.44 floppy disk images and writing them to floppies then.... Please insert disk 1 .. disk 2.....disk 1E12 into drive A:
  12. I thought I'd point people over to this post so that they are aware of limitations in Msofts Win OS timezone DST capabilities. So if one is trying to put into the registry all timezone info with DST for previous years, there are limitations. http://www.msfn.org/board/Windows-trivia-a...nf-t119999.html
  13. Well, I wasn't sure where to post this trivia info for those wondering what the various windows OS' have in terms of DST limitations imposed by microsoft. Thus, I posted it here, since Vista is the most recent OS although it contains info for other OS'. So if one wanted to modify the TimeZone DBMS based on the unix tzone and tz dbms going back to no earlier than 1970, then one will have problems. See, http://www.answers.com/topic/daylight-savi...?cat=technology Microsoft Windows The procedure for adjusting and patching the DST configuration of Microsoft Windows varies with release.[79] Windows Vista supports at most two start and end rules per time zone setting. In a Canadian location observing DST, a single Vista setting supports both 1987–2006 and post-2006 time stamps, but mishandles some older time stamps. Older Microsoft Windows systems usually store only a single start and end rule for each zone, so that the same Canadian setting reliably supports only post-2006 time stamps.[80] These limitations have caused problems. For example, before 2005, DST in Israel varied each year and was skipped some years. Windows 95 used rules correct for 1995 only, causing problems in later years. In Windows 98 Microsoft gave up and marked Israel as not having DST, causing Israeli users to shift their computer clocks manually twice a year. The 2005 Israeli Daylight Saving Law established predictable rules but Windows zone files cannot represent the rules' dates in a year-independent way. Partial workarounds include manually switching zone files every year[81] and a Microsoft tool that switches zones automatically.[82] Per [81] This link will take you to a page whereby a consulting ageny wrote zone files to correct the israeli DST issues from 2005 on win 2k, xp. They dont work on w98/ME. See http://lingnu.com/support.html#timezone Here's answers.com listing of Tzones by name based on the Unix version maintained by nih.gov. http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-tz-zo...name?cat=travel http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-tz-zones-by-country I wonder why they don't list them as "continent/country/capital_city" since it would be easier than leaving the country off the list and just listing the countries capital? Note: some country names are run by different international countries which split the country up (i.e. Virgin Islands), and some countries may have a small region or a city in one timezone with the rest of the region/city in another one. see http://www.timegenie.com/time
  14. I have Belkin Easy File transfer cable, but it doesn't work with Win 2K. Is there a free equivalent to laplink or pcanywhere that works with a usb-to-usb file tranfser cable from belkin, laplink or any other usb cable vendor out there? I'd like to xfer any file between a win 2k,xp,vista machine using the usb 2.0/1.1 ports only, but there may not be a usb driver or the application software may not be compatible.
  15. Yes ,i done it a few weeks ago. as for the difference in the above 2 links for the sp3 ,the difference is told in the brief description of both downloads . They also say in the Debug SP3 version Overview section that if you want Full symbol support then get the MSDN one (but can only get it if one is a subscriber). Here's the link for Win SP3 MUI update too. Hmmm, they say it works win Win XP Home. I thought MUIs only worked with XP Pro. I wonder if they are giving XP Home MUI capabilities as of SP3? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en I couldn't find anything on MSDN about it. However, I'm not an MSDN subscriber though, so all I can do is poke outside of MSDN. Here's what I found by doing MSoft site search for "windows xp sp3 symbol" http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsg...p;sloc=&p=1 Here's a link to MSoft symbol server tools. http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/deb...debugstart.mspx and at the bottom of the page to get symbol packages vs. their symbol server. http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/deb.../symbolpkg.mspx And again at the bottom of this page is a link to XP. They have about 4 huge files depending upon which SP3 version you want. Retail, debug and the reduced versions of each in all languages. This can be 200+ meg download. And Lastly a link to the windows debugging tools x32 and x64. Now with the tools and symbols we can all debug windows XP SP3 errors for MSOFT. http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/deb...installx86.mspx
  16. I searched the registry for roxio leftovers that MSoft may have not removed when the released Win 2K or any of the service packs. I didn't find anything that stood out. When I researched the cd device driver on the system, I came across MSofts CD player software that comes with Win 2K. If I remember the device properties on the file indicated roxio. Thus, I also believe in the early days MSoft licensed alot of software (including software/hardware drivers) for use with their products. They may have even paid a 3rd party to develop it for them. That third party software developer may have been Roxio. Thus, MSofts generic CD player software was written by or contains Roxio's old drivers. When one installs AVG 7.5 or 8.0 it detects this old software driver even though one hasn't installed any product from Roxio - it detects the one MSoft licensed in their CD player software. The bottom line is, I took a chance and ignored the error message and installed AVG software. So far I haven't had a problem. If you aren't sure, I would say if you have system restore turned on in XP, or if you made a drive image of the disk for XP or WIN 2K, then if the software screws up, you could always go back to the old version by doing a disk or image restore for the disk.
  17. TZ Registry Errors in KB914387 Hmmm, I thought MSoft would use their TZedit program, dump, and cut n paste the contents to KB914387 webpage instead of hand jamming. Anyways, MSoft on June 2 updated the various registry entries in KB914387 for numerous errors that I was just about to send. They included "xml" tags in the registry data, TZI fields for Morroco, pakistan that didn't have commas "," between the data entries. They also put the countries in alphabetic order although I don't think this matters. Here are some more bugs that I've noticed. The following is a summary of the kinds of bugs in the TZ registry. Although only one kind of bug type is shown, there are multiple entries for countries that also have them too. a). The order of the registry entry is wrong and the data field entry is missing i.e. MONTEVIDEO PRESENTLY SHOULD BE MISSING FIELDS and a field that is sometimes reversed too. "MapID"="......" MISSING Dlt and Std field for some countries are Reversed. I'd think Std should always come before Dst. b ). The newest fix is for Morroco (Pakistan too) which had commas missing, but it still wrong since it missing the field "Index" and "MapID". Note: that Dlt and Std are reversed as mentioned above.
  18. Here's Microsoft Support Response for those waiting. Hello, Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service. I appreciate your patience in awaiting a reply from our side regarding your issue. Please note that there will be no changes in the title for the following reasons: The manual DST kb article (914387) is updated for DST changes which occur with a short lead time that Microsoft will not be providing hotfix packages for the immediate change (as is the case for Morocco, Pakistan, etc). There will be another cumulative DST GDR package (July to DLC and Aug to WU) released which will contain the new changes for this year (Morocco, Pakistan, Chile, etc) which will be called the July 2008 cumulative DST update. The only reason you are seeing an update to 942763 is because the XP package was re-released for only those users who have installed XP SP3 and had not been DST patched previously. You will either need to make manual changes to your machines for the new time zone changes, else wait until we release the new DST cumulative package for 2008.
  19. Here's my question/request for NLITE so that it can do all the work. I'd like to make a permanent change to my WIN 2K PRO SP4 install disk for current Daylight Savings Time updates as of May 21,2008 per KB914387 which lists the registry settings. Since the setup hive doesn't contain any registry entries for DST, I found out that the DST registry entries are in the following two files: HIVESFT.INF and WIN95UPG.INF. Because the DST isn't available for Win 2K OS' unless under an extended support contract ($5K) and because the DST seems to be changing every 2 months for the last year, I'd like to have NLITE do all the work. That is I'd go to the KB914387 webpage and copy the registry settings there whether I've integrated them before or not using NLITE into the HIVESFT.INF and WIN95UPG.INF files. The registry settings would be put in either a KB914387.txt or .reg file. I wouldn't delete registry settings from the INF file to eliminate duplication due to me integrating some of them from a previous month when using this .txt or .reg file. I'd select the KB914387.txt or .reg file for NLITE to integrate and it would eliminate or overwrite the duplicate registry entries in the HIVESFT.INF and WIN95UPG.INF for me and add/delete other registry settings as needed, thus eliminating alot of possible hand jaming errors doing it by hand. NOTE: The KB914387 also shows in the beginning of the article how to delete whole keys and their subkeys with one line. Perhaps this can be used as needed in the INF files.
  20. I'd like to make a permanent change to my WIN 2K PRO SP4 install disk for current Daylight Savings Time updates as of May 21,2008 per KB914387 which lists the registry settings. Since the setup hive doesn't contain any registry entries for DST, I found out that the DST registry entries are in the following two files: HIVESFT.INF and WIN95UPG.INF. Will I be able to upgrade these two files with the latest DST changes without breaking the OS installation due to catalog MD5 checks etc complaining that the numbers don't match? I'm not sure if these two INF files require catalog files during installation or not. Can Nlite take a file named as the KB914837 update fix that I made up which contains these registry changes and integrate them into the OS install disk? This may save editing the INF files by hand. As a last resort, I could do it the registry tweak way.
  21. I was in the process of manually fixing the registry for my WIN 2K Pro SP4 using article KB914387 which states in the technical reference section at the end of the webpage that MSoft updated the webpage on May 21,2008 to correct Morroco, Pakistan and Iran entries for DST. The webpage also shows these registry changes. However, KB942763 was the December DST changes for WIN XP. MSoft hasn't updated the technical reference section or the registry changes as shown on this web page to account for Morroco, Pakistan and Iran. This webpage hasn't been modified since March 2008. Moreover, the actual WinXP-KB942763-x86-enu.exe update file for download hasn't been revised/corrected since April 2008. Since Win XP SP3 came out during the first week of May, will SP3 get this DST fix included or is it to late to correct this? Can someone verify that these three countries have been accounted for in the current SP3 update? It sure would be nice to fix this before the final SP3 release so my first patch for another computer running XP Pro wont have to be this small DST update patch. I came across this discrepancy since I was dumping my Win 2K Time Zone registry entries and diff'ng them with the Win XP Pro dumps of the Time Zone entries to see if they are different. This allows me to do a sanity check to see if just dumping the registry entries for XP Time Zone can then be used to load into the Win 2K Pro registry saving me the hassle of locating and creating the file needed to update the registry for DST on a Win 2K Pro machine.
  22. free defragger www.iobit.com
  23. I was thinking the same thing about mounting the partition to this directory path, but this means a whole disk partition being allocated to one directory path. Although I assume one can have multiple directory mount points to the same hard drive. Another possibility is to leave the directory path where it is and use a directory-to-directory link path. This is similar to the shortcut or symbolic links to the other drive or partition directory location. I.E. "C:\Document and Setting" links to "D:\Document and Setting". The problem with the above method is that as drives get added and removed the drive letter assignments will change and may break the linking since these are absolute/explicit driver letter assignments. Perhaps there is a "relative" pathnames, using an environment variable in the pathname specification i.e. %drive%\Document and Setting" which will be updated somehow during booting to be updated before it is used. Dynamic drive letter assignments. I wonder if the above will work?
  24. Why was the IOBIT thread moved to sw hangout forum? The reason I posted here in win 2k is because: a). Win 2K has a very poor defragging program due to no scheduling capability which IOBIT has. b ). IOBIT can defrag on-the-fly/on-demand. DIRMS uses another method. Thus, if a new person is looking for defrag solutions to Win 2K (like me at one time), one would come to this forum to search and look for solutions as a result of a lack of functionality with Win 2K which one expects (because XP has it). I could see if it was a user software application and it wasn't geared to a Win 2K solution that it would be moved, but in this case it was an OS utility replacement for WIn 2k.
  25. I came across this free disk defragger that works on Win 2K and XP. It's nice for WIN 2K since Win2K doesn't allow one to run defrag under the OS scheduler unless one gets jkdefrag. The program is free IOBIT Defragger at iobit.com It allows one to do a defrag using it's scheduler or to do auto defrag in the background and only do this based on a CPU % threshold value not being exceeded. I have it running on Win 2K and XP and it constantly monitors the system to see when it can do a disk defrag and keep the disk constantly defragged. I presume it's running some sort of kernel memory module vs. a windows service like www.dirms.com does. Try it out and see what you think....
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