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Everything posted by tain

  1. Hasn't been much feedback to base any changes on. This is all we have so far: What should the subtext be?
  2. Thanks for the suggestions, geek! We are always looking for ways to make MSFN even better
  3. Tomcat76 has earned a holiday day off. He won't take it, but he has earned it
  4. tain

    HFSLIP.org upgrade

    Your IPs are no longer blocked. Sorry for that trouble. Please confirm that you can now access the site.
  5. tain

    HFSLIP.org upgrade

    It is up right now. I'll check your IP against the blacklist...brb. [ merged topics ] EDIT Both of you fall within the same Class B range. I'm looking into this some more...
  6. tain

    HFSLIP.org upgrade

    Really? That surprises me. I finally discovered a serious problem with the server yesterday and addressed it thoroughly. Server monitoring over the last 12 hours reveals no problems. Please try again. Also, have you visited the site before? If not, it is possible that your IP falls within the blacklist.
  7. Looks like a good way to get fired
  8. It is normal to want to blame someone. But he doesn't deserve that kind of blame, and you already know that. Time is often the best medicine. Focus on helping your mom, not blaming your dad. She needs both of you right now.
  9. When your list is limited, there is an option on the lower-right portion of the list that says You can use that to show more topics.
  10. tain

    HFSLIP.org upgrade

    The DNS update has been sorted out. But another issue remains. Please keep the accessibility updates coming
  11. It is also Alanoll's (22) and DisabledTrucker's (40) birthday today, in addition to computerMan's birthday. Happy birthday! That is at least three long-time-active-member birthdays in one day...is that an MSFN record?
  12. tain

    HFSLIP.org upgrade

    Tomcat76 has been kind enough to host a mirror until I get the server back into shape. http://users.telenet.be/tc76/hfslip/ Thanks, TC!
  13. Happy birthday! And thanks so much for all your help around the forums. It is great to have you here!
  14. Any thoughts on this from the rest of the Hotstream community?
  15. The Hotstream forum is open again so let's see how this topic fares in there. [ moved ]
  16. tain

    HFSLIP.org upgrade

    Yes, still down. I have no excuse. Rest assured that I am still working on it.
  17. tain

    Slipstreaming NT4 SP6a

    Ladies and gentlemen....FDV IS BACK! tommyp recommended that tool to me once. So I'm inclined to agree with your suggestion.
  18. This is a pluging *for* JRMC? Or a plugin version *of* JRMC?
  19. Perhaps the card manufacturer provides sample tracks to demonstrate the hardware capabilities?
  20. Drobo is popular these days. Pricey, though.
  21. You guys are doing some really neat work! Thanks so much for all of the effort.
  22. Sounds like something that someone could create and share with everyone
  23. The VirtualBox tutorials are here: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/User_HOWTOS
  24. Do you need the ADSL function? If not, you could also try getting one of the Linksys routers with upgradeable firmware. Many of the 3rd party projects allow you to set the signal strength. I like Thibor's, but I hear a lot about Tomato these days.Yet another option is to upgrade to a nice omni-directional antenna, possibly in conjuction with a signal booster or repeater. Here is some info on making/buying an omni. Seriously? You posted your question just four minutes after you joined If you had an older account, please let us know and we can help you re-gain access to it.
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