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Everything posted by IcemanND

  1. why not use the shutdown command with the -L switch? make a cmd script if you want. only on line needed: shutdown -l
  2. @Tezuka - maybe in the future I'll add changing, not on the horizon at the moment. @ringfinger - What odd version of Offce 2003 do you have? It works fine on my machine. check the registry at hklm\software\microsoft\office\11.0\registration the GUID should be something like {90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}, the first 8 digits may be different. Then there should be DigitalProductId inside this key. @all - still working on office 2000 products. and looking for any other suggestions.
  3. How about this, VBscript Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strInstallPath="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\InstallRoot\Path" strFound=WshShell.RegRead(strInstallPath) msgbox strFound
  4. put it in a machine with xp pro and unprotect it.
  5. for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s setup.exe') do start /wait %%i /s
  6. IcemanND


    Why would this be a problem it's no different than "How do i get my Cd key, i forgot it" type questions. If your not in a rush I have a vb script which can decode it but I won't be able to post it until monday. If you want to try it yourself the cd key is in HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\digitalproductid it is reverse base24 encoded in bytes 52 through 66, which when decoded will give you 25 characters of the cd key. Possible key characters are B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,M,P,Q,R,T,V,W,Z,Y,2,3,4,6,7,8,9. Good Luck. Check back monday. Also check out KeyDecoder its and exe I wrote for the MSFN community, it's still in testing but should be finished soon. And as you can see the ProductID itself does not initself translate to th cd key, the digital encoding of it and other stuff does.
  7. @Railman5 - Office 2000 encodes its key differently than any of the other applications, apparently it was a harder method to decode also. I haven't given up but it may take a little while. Its not like M$ is just giving this information away, so its taking a little bit of sleuthing to find all of the locations and their encoding method.
  8. Got my hands on Visual Studio 2003 Student and Professional and tested. Added them and Office XP. Also found issue with Project 2002 - working on update for tomorrow. Still looking for someone to test 2000 server. Thanks all for the assistance thus far. If anyone has further suggestions, please let me know.
  9. Just found my Office 2000 cd's and did an install, and found the problem. Office 2000 does not keep it's DigitalProductId in the same location as Office 2003. They also encoded it differently, so I'll work on this one. I also found my Office XP cd's but have not had a chance to install and test it yet either. More to come.
  10. You're kidding right? The typical response is check out the guide and make one yourself. and anything you could download would likely be pirated anyway and not legal. Good luck
  11. @ Jaclaz & saprouzy - if you get me the registry path to the DigitalProductID for Office 2000 and Project 2002, I'll edit there locations in the app. @ jaclaz - I wrote my own because of the challenge for one. And when I looked at what keyfinder was doing it reads about 1200 registry keys to get what little information it does. The only keys you need to read are the DigitalProductID keys for the microsoft applications. Also Belarc is the only one I've seen that gets all of the license keys. You have to find the beta of keyfinder to get the office keys. And Belarc gets far more information than I'm interested in. @ ALL - If you find an application it does not work for please post the registry path to the DigitalProductID of the application, do not post the DigitialProductID itself just the path to it.
  12. - Updated with command line switches and save function, see first post.
  13. @Gobby - Actually I thought the same thing earlier this evening, will add it and update main post sometime tomorrow. I was thinking about exporting a CSV file with the GUID, Application Name, CD-Key. Or possibly the option of which you want to export. Any preferences to a button in the app or a commandline switch? @ALL - Does anyone have Visual Studio .NET? Does it work? If not can you get me the registry path to the GUID which contians the DigitalProductID and ProductName keys and I'll add it also if it doesn't already work.
  14. Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Registration and tell me what the GUID's listed there are and I'll update the app.
  15. BUMP So this has either worked for everyone or no one needs this type of application anymore.
  16. I've written my own application to get and display the Windows and Office cd keys. It should also display the keys of the individually installed Office applications. I've tested it on my systems and it appears to be working fine, but I only have XP systems with Office 2003, That's were the MSFN community comes in, try it on your systems and let me know what works and what doesn't. Post here with info for working/not working, and I'll add working apps and try and fix non working. If you have found one not working, other than Office 2000, please post the registry path to the DigitalProductID key in the registry. Not the value of the key (which contains the CD-Key), just the path to it. For example the registry path for office 2003 is: HKLM\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Registration\{90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}\DigitalProductID The 90110409 maybe different in yours depending upon language version and SP version during install. For those who are curious, reverse base24 decode bytes 52 to 66 of the DigitalProductID gives yout your cd-key (not true for Office 2000). Thanks to: Stealth111 for testing and pushing for new features. UPDATES: 10/25/2006 - v2.28 enterprise - Removed white space from end of computername (no really I did this time) 10/24/2006 - v2.27 enterprise - Removed white space from end of computername - Fixed computername output problem 2 (really I did this time ) 10/23/2006 - v2.23 enterprise - Fixed compuername output problem 10/23/2006 - v2.2 enterprise - Renamed to KeyDecoder Enterprise - recursive search of entire local registry for DigitalProductID's - changed format of saved data, computer name now on same line as other related data for easier reading - reformatted help information 10/16/2006 - v1.9.9 - Almost too many updates to list. - Added 6 ways to decode keys from machines other than the machine being run on. - remote registry sinlge machine or machines pulled from list. - pull machines from AD - Pull from exported registry file - Pull from loaded hive from offline machine - Decode directly entered hex data 08/08/05 - fixed issue were it would break of after finding first office product per version and then ignore the rest. 08/06/05 - fixed issue with it not finding ProductName field for Office XP. 08/04/05 -Added Save function, save files as Comma Delimited -Command Line Switches added [/iGAL] [Filename] [/iGAL] (optional pick G,A, or L or any combination, default /iGAL) G - GUID A - Application Name L - License Number [Filename] optional if not given and /i switch is used default.csv is used. File is saved to the current directory if no path is given. If Filename is given and /i is not /i defaults to /iGAL. Original version with only the options to get local machine information. KeyDecoder.exe Keydecoder Enterprise v2.27 - local and remote machine data collection KeyDecoder2.28e.exe
  17. IcemanND


    you have to get the platform SDK from microsoft, it's part of it, not available seperately. from the microsoft page you have the link to:
  18. put it whereever you want. I run it from runonceex, haven't tried it from anywhere else.
  19. Here is the script that i use: usage: chown.vbs [computer name (optional)] if a name is passed it sets it and continues on, reboot still required. if a aname is not passed it displays the current name in a text box and asks to set a new one, it will not go away until OK is pressed or someone kills the vbscript process from the task manager. There is more here than is really needed but whats less than 1k when you're dealing with 700mb or 4.7gb. 'ChgOwn.vbs - Change Winxp Registered Owner/Organization. Option Explicit set args = WScript.Arguments Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim args, ws, t, p2, p3, p4, p5, n, j, h, f, k, cj Dim itemtype,num num=args.count if num<>0 then cj=args.Item(0) p2 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\" p3 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\" p4 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\" p5 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\" j = ws.RegRead(p2 & "ComputerName") h = ws.RegRead(p3 & "NV Hostname") f = ws.RegRead(p4 & "ComputerName") k = ws.RegRead(p5 & "NV Hostname") t = "Compuer Name Change Utility" if num=0 then do cj = InputBox("Type new Computer name and click OK", t, j) loop while cj="" end if If cj <> "" Then ws.RegWrite p2 & "ComputerName", cj ws.RegWrite p3 & "NV Hostname", cj ws.RegWrite p4 & "ComputerName", cj ws.RegWrite p5 & "NV Hostname", cj End If
  20. Try a different power supply, I've seen numerous machines, AMD and Intel that will partially power but not finish post with a partly bad PSU. Could also be motherboad or processor. Reduce system to minimum config and see what it does, just motherboard, processor, memory and video, see wi it goes further. if not remove video (if its not integrated obviously) when it powers on you should get a beep code indicating no video, if its integrated your out of luck. If no beep and not integrated probably bad motherboard. Try above test with all memory removed same results apply.
  21. you can use any combo of drives, but the size of your raid 0 will be the size of the smallest drive.
  22. From menu: Local --> disk (or partition) --> from image then select your source and destinations.
  23. @ zxian - how many you want? and which one?
  24. use rubbing alchohol and a soft brissled toothbrush to clean it off.
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