You can make your computer run like new, every time you reboot it! if u use a program called faronics deep freeze! Not to mention it virtually makes your system inpervious to viruses and other threts! The secret is it "freezes" the computer in a perfect configuration mode (well u have to first put your computer in a perfect configuration) and whenever you restart your computer it irraticates all changes made to your system keeping it perfect, day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade! insureing no update to your computer need ever be made, no patches, no hotfixes nothing!, because you will always have a perfect computeing inviroment and no viruses, worms, etc. can survive in a deep freeze inviroment once the computer is restarted! If you choose to install faronics deepfreeze you must partision your drive! in one partision put your doucments and settings folder and in the other one put everything else. so when it askes you wat to "freeze" do not select the drive letter you gave your doucments and settings folder, because if you do, deepfreeze will erase anything you might save to my doucments! if you would like to learn more you can go to the deepfreeze website